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The Super Mario Bros. Movie


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We saw it yesterday, absolutely loved it!

Such a beautiful looking movie, and all the music and sounds were just spot on.

The whole thing basically felt like playing a game really, just a lot of fun action and people running around, it was basically everything I wanted to see from a Mario movie!

I even laughed out loud at some of the jokes and visuals on several occasions, and the kids had an unbelievable time with it!

Very very good time at the theatre, I would definitely recommend people see it on the big screen to get the full effect. 

Can't wait for the inevitable sequel!

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27 minutes ago, OptOut said:

Can't wait for the inevitable sequel!

Speaking of...

(I'm going to very-spolilery reference the movie.  Don't read until you've seen it.)


I noticed that the bumper after the credits was cute, but wasn't at all saying "Uh-oh, be looking for a sequel!  I mean, seeing a Yoshi Egg in the bowels of NYC (or is it New Donk City???) would make one assume there would be a sequel, but we also all recall how the old SMB movie ended and we never got a sequel to that one.

I'm thinking this sneak-peak was intentionally cute and enjoyable but also vague.  Something extra that we'd like to see but not really commit to something extra.

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Oh, and also because I'm a numbers nerd, opening week has made an international gross of $377,628,865 as of Sunday Evening. (Source)  Wow!  That's really good and should really help Nintendo's bottom line, plus it should hopefully mean more sequels and likely other movies from Nintendo IP other than just Mario and Pokemon.  That number is honestly surprising to me.  I guessed it'd make about $150m opening week and it did that in the US alone.  I wasn't expecting that.

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6 minutes ago, RH said:

Speaking of...

(I'm going to very-spolilery reference the movie.  Don't read until you've seen it.)

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I noticed that the bumper after the credits was cute, but wasn't at all saying "Uh-oh, be looking for a sequel!  I mean, seeing a Yoshi Egg in the bowels of NYC (or is it New Donk City???) would make one assume there would be a sequel, but we also all recall how the old SMB movie ended and we never got a sequel to that one.

I'm thinking this sneak-peak was intentionally cute and enjoyable but also vague.  Something extra that we'd like to see but not really commit to something extra.

I never stayed to the end of the credits so I'm not sure what you're talking about specifically.

I'm certain this film is getting a sequel though, if it doesn't hit a Billion dollars I will be SHOCKED!

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1 minute ago, RH said:

Oh, and also because I'm a numbers nerd, opening week has made an international gross of $377,628,865 as of Sunday Evening. (Source)  Wow!  That's really good and should really help Nintendo's bought line, plus it should hopefully mean more sequels and likely other movies from Nintendo IP other than just Mario and Pokemon.  That number is honestly surprising to me.  I guessed it'd make about $150m opening week and it did that in the US alone.  I wasn't expecting that.

I have no idea why everyone is so surprised this movie is doing so well, Mario is INSANELY popular with kids at the moment, all our kids at school ramble on endlessly about Mario Odessy and Mario Kart and Mario Party and all the other Mario games on Switch.

This movie is hitting us old farts in the centre of our nostalgia groin, but is also appealing to an entire generation of kids as something brand spanking new and fresh to them.

This movie is BIG, this is only the beginning for sure.

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11 minutes ago, OptOut said:

I never stayed to the end of the credits so I'm not sure what you're talking about specifically.

I'm certain this film is getting a sequel though, if it doesn't hit a Billion dollars I will be SHOCKED!

I use to follow movie numbers because I’m a numbers nerd but I’ve not done that for years.  However, there is a pretty reliable curve to how much sales drop off over time.  It’s not a perfect predictor because if another big kids movie were coming out, say, next weekend, it’d potentially steal a lot of the potential profit, but based off of former attention to this stuff, I don’t think it will breach $1B, but it might get close.  Say, $850-900m. That doesn’t include Blu-Ray and streaming sales and, of course, this is going to boost periphery sales for toys and other merch so this should be a real boost for Nintendo as we wait for the Switch 2.

8 minutes ago, OptOut said:

I have no idea why everyone is so surprised this movie is doing so well, Mario is INSANELY popular with kids at the moment, all our kids at school ramble on endlessly about Mario Odessy and Mario Kart and Mario Party and all the other Mario games on Switch.

This movie is hitting us old farts in the centre of our nostalgia groin, but is also appealing to an entire generation of kids as something brand spanking new and fresh to them.

This movie is BIG, this is only the beginning for sure.

Agreed. Now all we need to do is convince them to make a Zelda series.  Peter Jackson has squeezed all he can from the LotR well.  Maybe that could be his next project.

Edited by RH
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Editorials Team · Posted
2 hours ago, OptOut said:

Mario is INSANELY popular with kids at the moment, all our kids at school ramble on endlessly about Mario Odessy and Mario Kart and Mario Party and all the other Mario games on Switch.

We shouldn't be surprised. The Switch is trying to make a run for best selling console of all time, and Mario Kart 8 is now the 6th best selling game of all time

Nintendo striking while the iron's hot.

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2 hours ago, RH said:

I use to follow movie numbers because I’m a numbers nerd but I’ve not done that for years.  However, there is a pretty reliable curve to how much sales drop off over time.  It’s not a perfect predictor because if another big kids movie were coming out, say, next weekend, it’d potentially steal a lot of the potential profit, but based off of former attention to this stuff, I don’t think it will breach $1B, but it might get close.  Say, $850-900m.

You don't think it can hit a total of 2.7x opening weekend? What big kids movie is coming out so soon?

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4 minutes ago, Link said:

You don't think it can hit a total of 2.7x opening weekend? What big kids movie is coming out so soon?

Numbers drop sharply after opening week. Well, they use too.  The one big caveat to that use to be that if a movie came out in China a week or two later, China could give it a big boost.

This is spring break season, so there is a reasonable chance that some parents were waiting for this coming week, and possibly the following, to align with the spring break of their children.  In that case, it could push it over $1B, but my gut is that it might not break $1B. Don’t get me wrong, I hope it does and I stopped paying attention to these numbers over 5 years ago and a lot has changed since then. But no, regarding Box Office numbers, I doubt it will, but who really know.

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The closest comparison I can think of - a CGI movie in a massively popular existing franchise aimed at kids - is Frozen 2. 358M opening weekend, 1.45B total. 

I'm laughing my ass off at people in facebook comments still trying to talk shit about casting Chris Pratt. Zero perspective outside of themselves and slavishly devoted to something that doesn't make sense. Like kids who only want to eat dry chicken nuggets. There's no coolness in the spastic Martinet voice. 

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4 hours ago, RH said:

Numbers drop sharply after opening week. Well, they use too.  The one big caveat to that use to be that if a movie came out in China a week or two later, China could give it a big boost.

This is spring break season, so there is a reasonable chance that some parents were waiting for this coming week, and possibly the following, to align with the spring break of their children.  In that case, it could push it over $1B, but my gut is that it might not break $1B. Don’t get me wrong, I hope it does and I stopped paying attention to these numbers over 5 years ago and a lot has changed since then. But no, regarding Box Office numbers, I doubt it will, but who really know.

Have you looked at the dropoff post Covid? I wonder if the trend may have changed. Some people might want to wait until the big crowds are gone so they can have less germs in the theater.

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22 minutes ago, phart010 said:

Have you looked at the dropoff post Covid? I wonder if the trend may have changed. Some people might want to wait until the big crowds are gone so they can have less germs in the theater.

No, I haven't.  That's why I mention I've not paid attention to this much.  People have gone crazy with "fun" money since then.

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8 hours ago, OptOut said:

I never stayed to the end of the credits so I'm not sure what you're talking about specifically.

After the credits, Detective Pikachu and Sonic show up to warn Mario about the coming threat of Master Hand.

Edited by Sumez
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If anyone is curious about the sound track, if you are a fan of the old Super Mario Rap, they're excluding it from every copy of the soundtrack other than the vinyl record release.  I don't get the lack of good marketing choice there, but not cool.

I'll probably still get the CD, but then I'll just steal a copy of the rap and put it in the track placement it belongs when making my MP3s of the CD for my phone.  The music other than really peaches is fantastic in the movie so that sound track is a must.

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We went to see this yesterday and the whole family enjoyed it. I think the first Sonic movie is quite a bit better, but I really appreciated how they included so many Easter eggs. It seemed like every scene had an animation or sound effect or background nod to people who grew up with the games. I'm not sure I'd want to sit through it again any time soon, but it definitely opens the door to a Mario movie universe. I wouldn't be surprised if we see two or three sequels/spinoffs greenlit in the next 6 months. Nintendo will be seeing green with the profits from this movie ($200-300 million at a minimum) and will be eager to repeat this win.

As for box office cume, I'd estimate $1.1 to 1.2 billion with even more coming from VOD over the next few months. Expect a long theatrical run.

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Just as a comparison, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold 52 million copies. It’s normally a $60 game, but with frequent $50 sales and $35-$40 sales for Holiday seasons, let’s average it in at $50. 
$50 x 52M = $2.6B in sales

Let’s assume half of those sales went through eshop and half through retail sales. Retailers take 20% of $1.3B =$260M

So Nintendo takes home $2.34B.. These numbers could be off, but they’re a good starting point for discussion.  

They could certainly expand the company to make more resources available for working on movies. But they don’t need to be stealing their video game resources (like Miyamoto San) and spreading him thin on the video games. 

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I was asked to see it with my friend and his kid.  I went reluctantly, because I was positive I was gonna be miserable.

Well, I actually enjoyed it.  Its not as 'kid dumb' as I thought it would be.  It touched up on all the main Mario things, music was great, Jack Black was fantastic, really surprised.  I know a lot of people were upset about Chris Pratt, who IMO is still the weakest voice in the movie, but it wasn't as atrocious as I thought.  Some parts were better than others.  Also I quickly realized, having Charles do HIS Mario voice would quickly get annoying.  But it was nice that they at least touched upon those voices with other people related to Mario. 

To me, I wanted the Mario Bros cartoon Mario, as an older guy with a NYC accent.  What was odd is they made Mario more like a child, or teenager.  I'm not into that idea AS much, but I suppose it was to appeal more to the general public.  I still would have enjoyed an older, NYC accented Mario.  Still, it looked fantastic, has some nice moments in it.  Pleasantly surprised.

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I went to see it but had a bit of an "experience". Here it is!

I was a bit late but had exactly enough time to walk to the theatre and smoke a joint. The problem was it was windy and my joint was too big so that was chaos. Then I went in.... to ticket taker. No big deal I thought... but.... apparently I went into the WRONG theatre. 

Well... unknowingly I sit down, get settled with my coat snacks (I feel as though @docile tapeworm would appreciate the coat snacks the most), and eat "a gummy" (I say "a" because it's a single weed gummy but it's strong enough to KO a regular person) so I'm really going to start tripping balls. 

Then I'm sitting there and something feels "off"... but I'm high as balls so I just figure it's that.

Then the movie starts but the lights stay on and the volume is quite low. So that's weird but ALSO the start of the movie is the trailer? So I was like "Wait.... is this the trailer before the movie???" so I was really fucking confused....

But the movie KEEPS going and gets to Mario/Luigi.... So I know something is weird and I thought the projector was broken so I split. 

I run outside and I"m like "which is the 3D theatre???" and they point to another one and "I'm like "the movie started at the EXACT same time?" "They're like "yup". So I bust into the other theatre and sit down at literally almost the exact time I left (small delay thank god.)

The volume was loud and lights were dim.... so I was like "fuck... this theatre is working properly thank GOD" and sat down and tried to settle in. Turns out the first theatre I was in was a "special screening for kids/families" which kept the lights on and volume low. 🙄

Settled in after that though and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Some things were odd, but there was lots of really cool stuff and I was also pleasantly surprised. 😎👍

I'd like to formally, and publicly, apologize for questioning the casting decision of Chris Pratt as Mario.

I would say... without sounding like too much of a fanboy.... he CRUSHED it. As much as I think Guardians of the Galaxy is stupid, not CP's fault really, Pratt is a legitimate actor and it showed. 

Also, they "dealt" with the voice "issue" immediately and in the most HILARIOUS of ways. I still laugh when I think about it. 

Should we have another thread that contains ALL SPOILERS AND INFO? 🤔

Edited by AirVillain
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Saw the Mario movie.  It was just ok, more like a 90 min version of the 80s cartoon but with the visuals getting a big boost.  There are some nice music cues and Jack Black seems to be having a blast.

It isn’t a bad movie, just kind of bare bones.  You could have had something else going on it the story, or fleshed out the characters more.  If not that, then really punch up the comedy, get more jokes in there besides Mario falls down.

You only have the nostalgia you bring with you.  It is more interested in selling you on the Mario brand without adding much to it.

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18 minutes ago, AirVillain said:

I'd like to discuss the actual film with FULL SPOILERS.

Should there be a dedicated thread for this?

At what point does it become "okay"? I definitely avoided the thread after the movie came out. 

For anyone who wants to watch the movie, they already can't read the thread I feel.... 

Spoiler alert, tonight fcgamer is going to call up his lady friend and ask her to watch the movie with him. Predictions what she'll say? If it's a negative, I'll be heading off solo to catch a late night show early this week.

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27 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Spoiler alert, tonight fcgamer is going to call up his lady friend and ask her to watch the movie with him. Predictions what she'll say? If it's a negative, I'll be heading off solo to catch a late night show early this week.

Prediction: I think you'll both enjoy yourselves!

If not.... solo is just fine. I'm going tomorrow again, haha. Not 3D, though.

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1 hour ago, AirVillain said:

Prediction: I think you'll both enjoy yourselves!

If not.... solo is just fine. I'm going tomorrow again, haha. Not 3D, though.

Well that f'ing sucked. Said she wasn't interested in going, as she just didn't have the interest in Mario. Okay that's fair enough, can't fault a person for that, but at the same time the interaction just felt juvenile like something from high school - I mean, I even watched the whole Twilight series back in the day. I guess what I am saying is that by my age (almost 40), I'd think just wanting to spend some gd time with someone you considered a good friend might count for something. Luckily the nights still young, gonna head down to the convenience store and buy some whiskey, then just play guitar until I pass out for the night.

fcgamer out!

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9 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Well that f'ing sucked. Said she wasn't interested in going, as she just didn't have the interest in Mario. Okay that's fair enough, can't fault a person for that, but at the same time the interaction just felt juvenile like something from high school - I mean, I even watched the whole Twilight series back in the day. I guess what I am saying is that by my age (almost 40), I'd think just wanting to spend some gd time with someone you considered a good friend might count for something. Luckily the nights still young, gonna head down to the convenience store and buy some whiskey, then just play guitar until I pass out for the night.

fcgamer out!

Here’s a probably typical American question. This is an animated movie which is full of popular American actors/actresses to make it more friendly to mainstream people who could care less about a short Italian plumber. Now my question is, in Taiwan, do you have the American actor audio with Taiwanese subtitles or is it dubbed over audio with English subtitles or some other form of this?

Also, I would have totally been your date lol

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