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What do Trump, Elon Musk, and Captain Jack Sparrow have in common?


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1649089142659632303067300026320.thumb.jpg.998d591dd13740715c538199232cc27a.jpg16490889962202707038129121532684.thumb.jpg.14899179c75c5cfae39df5ab25dbff9a.jpgI got this doozy in the mail today and felt compelled to share. I died laughing for about 10 minutes. I blotted out the QR code for obv reason.(no I never followed it.) Not sure where it leads, don't even want to know. It could be an April Fools joke that got here a couple days late. I don't know. But enjoy!


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9 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

1649089142659632303067300026320.thumb.jpg.998d591dd13740715c538199232cc27a.jpg16490889962202707038129121532684.thumb.jpg.14899179c75c5cfae39df5ab25dbff9a.jpgI got this doozy in the mail today and felt compelled to share. I died laughing for about 10 minutes. I blotted out the QR code for obv reason.(no I never followed it.) Not sure where it leads, don't even want to know. It could be an April Fools joke that got here a couple days late. I don't know. But enjoy!


Iโ€™ve got a college buddy who lost his mind and thinks heโ€™s one of these โ€œtargeted individualsโ€ as they call themselves. ย He thinks Taylor Swift is stalking him. ย One time he saw a butterfly in his driveway and took that as proof that the govt something something MKUltra. ย Dude has a blog.

It was amusing at first but as it became clear how fucked his head is it just became sad. ย These people need professional help.

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Administrator ยท Posted
21 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Can't you assemble the clues?ย ย 

Jim Gaffigan looks like a Mormon.

Mitt Romney is a Mormon.ย  Whereas Ritt Momney is an entertainer.

Dave Chappelle is also an entertainer.

Obama because Obama.


It's all coming so clear to me now...

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2 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

News and events were created 20 years ago? Crazy lol


Qanon is an easy way to tell who is super low IQ. Same with old white men saying WOKE.ย 


Q Anon is trash, but not baseless.

You can't say that Jeffery Epstein & Co. have done horrible atrocities to humanity while also saying that there isn't a massive group of elite politicians, CEO's, and celebrity pedophiles.

Also, now that Epstein and associates are in jail or killed off...we can be sure that none of the horrors by their customers (who seemingly went ENTIRELY punishment free) will ever be committed again. We all will live happily ever after now and the world is infinitely better.

Either Epstein was an innocent pure man, or Q Anon has some merit. Pick one.

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25 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

Q Anon is trash, but not baseless.

You can't say that Jeffery Epstein & Co. have done horrible atrocities to humanity while also saying that there isn't a massive group of elite politicians, CEO's, and celebrity pedophiles.

Also, now that Epstein and associates are in jail or killed off...we can be sure that none of the horrors by their customers (who seemingly went ENTIRELY punishment free) will ever be committed again. We all will live happily ever after now and the world is infinitely better.

Either Epstein was an innocent pure man, or Q Anon has some merit. Pick one.

Qanon is a Russian Psy-op, with the explicit job of showing how stupid Americans will believe anything. An open ended conspiracy theory where literally anything, is the reason anything else happens?

ย If by โ€œmeritโ€ you mean guessing that a single elite/politician/ceo out of thousands? Millions? Is actually a pedo, then I guess it has merit. As much Merit as Nostradamus making the prediction that one day something bad will happen, and saying โ€œsee! He was right!โ€

People were pedophiles before Epstein, and will be after. Terrible, but not unexpected.ย 

Plenty of catholic priests are pedo rapists, does that mean all priests are pedo rapists? No.ย 

Next thing I know, you will be telling me the catholic church is covering up for pedophilesโ€ฆ..

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36 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Qanon is a Russian Psy-op, with the explicit job of showing how stupid Americans will believe anything. An open ended conspiracy theory where literally anything, is the reason anything else happens?

ย If by โ€œmeritโ€ you mean guessing that a single elite/politician/ceo out of thousands? Millions? Is actually a pedo, then I guess it has merit. As much Merit as Nostradamus making the prediction that one day something bad will happen, and saying โ€œsee! He was right!โ€

People were pedophiles before Epstein, and will be after. Terrible, but not unexpected.ย 

Plenty of catholic priests are pedo rapists, does that mean all priests are pedo rapists? No.ย 

Next thing I know, you will be telling me the catholic church is covering up for pedophilesโ€ฆ..

To which I would add, pedophilia is such an easy and target that it was chosen specifically to tarnish Hillary Clinton with in Pizzagate. Much like the Russian government pointing at a very small contingent of Nazis in Ukraine to justify invasion. It's a stopped clock phenomenon / intentional magnet for attention.

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3 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

ย If by โ€œmeritโ€ you mean guessing that a single elite/politician/ceo out of thousands? Millions?


When at least 2 of those millions just so happen to have been the most powerful men on the planet, I think it means something.

He was chummy with not only Donald Trump, but also Bill Clinton. It's not a "Left-wing Right-wing" thing. It's the fact that our most powerful people on the planet merely associate themselves with disgusting people like that. These people are not unaware of who they're dealing with either, they have access to intelligence agencies and yet they *still* appear in photos with people like that.


Finally, it's not just a few people. This is *one* notebook that was made public from Epstein's arrest. I can only imagine what the true customer list looks like.


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Social Team ยท Posted
4 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

Q Anon is trash, but not baseless.

You can't say that Jeffery Epstein & Co. have done horrible atrocities to humanity while also saying that there isn't a massive group of elite politicians, CEO's, and celebrity pedophiles.

Also, now that Epstein and associates are in jail or killed off...we can be sure that none of the horrors by their customers (who seemingly went ENTIRELY punishment free) will ever be committed again. We all will live happily ever after now and the world is infinitely better.

Either Epstein was an innocent pure man, or Q Anon has some merit. Pick one.

Rich men with power who hang out with other rich men with power to have sex with under age girls.....I don't see that is a big conspiracy.ย  But maybe I'm not seeing the strings connecting things together.ย  That or see this shit happen to all kinds of people who commit other crimes too.ย ย 

I mean if you think the pedophile is something unique then you're wrong.ย  That shit happens at all levels of income, all levels of power, and all political spectrums.ย ย 

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11 minutes ago, FireHazard51 said:

Rich men with power who hang out with other rich men with power to have sex with under age girls.....I don't see that is a big conspiracy.ย  But maybe I'm not seeing the strings connecting things together.ย  That or see this shit happen to all kinds of people who commit other crimes too.ย ย 

I mean if you think the pedophile is something unique then you're wrong.ย  That shit happens at all levels of income, all levels of power, and all political spectrums.ย ย 

I'm a strong believer in "Bird of a feather"

You don't go to an "Oriental Spa" because you really want a massage, and you don't visit Epstein's island because you want to go to a party.

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There's a thought fallacy that is basically every big event has some big cause. Take COVID. People mistakenly fall for the fallacy that since it had a huge effect on the world that it must've been some giant scheme by governments. In fact, the bigger a backstory that some bonkers YouTuber can give COVID the more they're likely to believe simply because the effect on the world was so huge that the background must be equally as intricate.

That's how all conspiracy theories go. There's always another layer bc the more layers there are the more people fall for the fallacy since it's tough for some people to just accept big things happen by complete accident sometimes.ย 

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QAnon is like all conspiracies. It latches onto a tiny bit of truth and explodes it into a rock-fucking stupid level of insanity.

Did Jeffrey Epstein hobnob with a lot of famous people? Sure, there's proof of that.

Is that evidence of a vast conspiracy? No. Because a lot of people that turned out to be shitheads hobnobbed with famous people. A lot of people who are shitheads hobnob with nobodies, too. It's only proof that shitheads exist on all levels.

It's not evidence of this far reaching cabal. You would have seen more compelling evidence than what some idiot with some HTML knowledge whipped up on his computer in his quest to watch the world burn more.

Edited by Tulpa
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On 4/4/2022 at 11:34 AM, MrWunderful said:

News and events were created 20 years ago? Crazy lol


Qanon is an easy way to tell who is super low IQ. Same with old white men saying WOKE.ย 



And people who still refer to Hillary Clinton as "Killary."

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