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Dental Advice?

Astor Reinhardt

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I broke one of my back molars a few weeks ago and it's been giving me a hell of a time. I went to the dentist and they said I need a root canal. However my insurance only covers FRONT teeth root canals...like seriously? So I'm looking at about $1,800. I just don't have that kind of money and neither do my parents. So I can't get them to go halfway on it with me. By the time I'd save up the money...my roots would be dead and the tooth wouldn't be saveable...according to the dentist...I only have a limited amount of time to save this tooth.

I've tried calling all the dentists in my area and even some dental schools. I found one school that could do it pretty damn cheap but the waiting list? 14 months. They said it is case by case so I MIGHT get in earlier then that but...idk if what's going on counts as an "emergency" to bump me up the list.

There is one other dental clinic that is also fairly low cost but they only take adults on Mondays and only for a few hours in the morning. Now this is fine and well but as my mother pointed out, there's probably a lot of people like me who's insurance won't cover things that are waiting to get helped. So I might not even get in.

My last option...and one I don't want to do...is having it pulled. I've already had the two back teeth on both sides pulled because they needed root canals and I couldn't take the pain. This time around though I'm hoping to get something from my doctor that'll take the edge off. Haven't talked to the doctor yet but I'm going to see him on the 11th. Anyways, since I'm already missing the back tooth, I really don't want to have them pull this one, it doesn't seem like a good idea. But I really don't know what to do here. And the worst part is I just noticed on the same tooth but on the otherside...has some black on it and the start of a hole. I don't think it goes all the way to the roots but...idk. There's no pain on that side so...maybe a good sign? I'm hoping it's just a cavity. I'll have to have the dentist look at that tooth too when I go in to get whatever done.

So my question is this, if you were me...what would you do? Pull it? Try for the dental clinic and wait in line, hoping you get in? Or something else? Also any dentists here want to chime in on anything I should try to ease the pain in this tooth while I figure out what to do? I've been popping Advil like it's candy and it sort of helps, but not enough. Or just...maybe telling me what that black spot is...is it a cavity and I'm ok or is the start of a hole a bad sign?

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Sounds like you're in a rough spot no matter what. In the end, it's gonna be up to you based on your time and money situation.

As for the pain, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is highly under-utilized and under-dosed for pain. As long as you have normal liver function, you can take 1g three times a day with little consequence. Even for major surgeries, some people are fine with 800mg ibuprofen and 1g of acetaminophen every 8 hours. I usually recommend 8am, 3pm, and 10pm.

Good luck!

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If it is your farthest-back tooth I'd seriously consider an extraction.

If it is further forward, I'd seriously consider the root canal.


Generally speaking, keeping the tooth when you can is structurally important to the surrounding teeth, where removing a tooth will destabilize surrounding teeth and lead to a cascade of problems as you get older.

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Root canal means your removing the roots from the tooth. That means the tooth is dead. Arch_angel is right, it’s needed as a placeholder to keep other teeth from shifting. But root canaled teeth are also more susceptible to reinfection. My boss just had his back tooth done a few months ago and just two days ago they ended up having to extract it.

Dental implants seem to have gotten pretty good. You should probably have those done pretty soon after an extraction to keep other teeth from shifting.

Edited by phart010
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If you're worried about the money party of it, they offer payment plans no? or at the very least give you a list of possible financing companies? It would suck to have to take a loan out for it but at the same time, if it keeps you from having future problems and pain....? Sounds worth it to me.

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5 hours ago, phart010 said:


Dental implants seem to have gotten pretty good. You should probably have those done pretty soon after an extraction to keep other teeth from shifting.

If he is worried about the cost of a root canal not being covered, then I suspect dental implants are WAY outside of his price range.


I guess what isn't clear is whether that root canal cost also includes a crown -- based on the price, I suspect it might.  Otherwise, that is an extra expense that would eventually be needed.



EDIT:  also, with regards to clinics and cheaper options -- my brother-in-law has had wisdom tooth extractions done via very-cheap-might-as-well-be-free clinic and was satisfied with the outcome.


Edited by arch_8ngel
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If you are anywhere near a border state, go to Mexico. 

Also, I think you can have the roots pulled, put a temporary cover on it, and have a proper cap put on when you can afford it. You don't want to push it out too long because you migjt damage the remaining tooth, but it is an option.

Edited by Californication
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5 hours ago, Californication said:

If you are anywhere near a border state, go to Mexico. 


Are border-towns really medical/dental tourism destinations?

I thought that sort of thing was more about having otherwise VERY expensive things done in the major cities (that you would fly to) -- i.e. for dental getting numerous implants done at once (what might be $20k-$30k in the USA done for less than $10k, flights and lodging included).


That said, IF OP could afford the root canal and crown, then for a similar price he could probably travel to Mexico and get an implant instead.

But that isn't where he is, financially.

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4 minutes ago, ALTQQ said:

Put it on a credit card, or pull the tooth, or go line up outside that place you mentioned like 3 hours before it opens so you get to be first in line and guaranteed to be seen. Or sell a bunch of Nintendo tapes to pay for it.

I'd usually recommend against putting a large balance like that on a credit card unless she has the ability to repay most if not all of the balance at the end of the cycle. It'd probably be smarter for her to get a personal loan or borrow the money from a family member to avoid the high interest rates.

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Mexico does good dental work. I had a root canal done for $800 that was qouted at $3,400 in San Diego. And I should say the dentis office I went to was nicer in Tijuana than in the U.S.

My family has traveled from central california, like 9 hours plus hotel multiple times to have their dental work done; veneers, bridge, root canal.

Arizona and California have good cross points and dental border towns, Idk about New Mexico and Texas.

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27 minutes ago, Californication said:

Mexico does good dental work. I had a root canal done for $800 that was qouted at $3,400 in San Diego. And I should say the dentis office I went to was nicer in Tijuana than in the U.S.

My family has traveled from central california, like 9 hours plus hotel multiple times to have their dental work done; veneers, bridge, root canal.

Arizona and California have good cross points and dental border towns, Idk about New Mexico and Texas.

I'm not saying they don't do good dental work in a major tourist city.

I'm just surprised that the border cities would fall into that category, given the other issues they are known for.


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Events Helper · Posted

Cheapest way is to get it pulled.  No suffering from there, but depends on if you you need the molar......I had several backteeth pulled because I still had my wisdom teeth.  I basically made room for my wisdom teeth to come in.  Just know that if you have a gap, dont eat hard stuff on that side or you will jab the shit out of your gums not thinking about it, done it a time or two myself.  I had one pulled and have a slight gap, if nothing else, just get a bridge or implant later when you can afford it. 

Only other option is loan to get root canal/crown.  Unless you have insurance that will cover, a good crown will be expensive.  I say get it pulled so you aint suffering anymore.  Several years back I had to pay 1400 in total, with insurance covering half, so would have been 2800 in all for a root canal and gold crown, went gold because the dentist said being one of my grinding teeth the other crown would be replaced because it would break, gold being stronger. 

So i honestly don't know your situation, but if you dont get it taken care of soon you will be very prone to infection and will lose the tooth anyway.

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Thanks to the United States, anything healthcare comes added with the stress of the price and paying back/being in debt which to me equals anxiety. 

I wonder since you're in washington if Canada would be a cheaper option. Or an option at all.

Mouth-care is super important more than just pain, it can effect other parts of your health. I definitely am with the general consensus of do something as soon as possible.

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Just wait in line on Monday and see what happens, go early. I know you don't like getting out of bed early, but if you have to wait a few hours to save hundreds of dollars, why not.

How are you losing so many teeth? Time to start brushing and flossing every day and giving up the candy.

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I would just get it pulled.  If it's already cracked and been sitting that long it may be close to beyond saving (or very expensive to save), plus an extraction should be mostly covered by your insurance.

EDIT- also noticed you mentioned the pain; have they given you antibiotics yet?   If not and there's infection present, they may not pull until you're on them for 24 hours.


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2 hours ago, Philosoraptor said:

I'd usually recommend against putting a large balance like that on a credit card unless she has the ability to repay most if not all of the balance at the end of the cycle. It'd probably be smarter for her to get a personal loan or borrow the money from a family member to avoid the high interest rates.

What about getting one of these special cards that offer zero interest for 1 year. Put it on the card and pay it down monthly over the course of a year.

Medical tourism is often a good idea. But pay attention to the quality of medical care at the destination you are going to. I don’t think Mexico is on the list of top medical tourism destinations. I think Panama is a good place if I remember correctly, but don’t know how much flights to Panama cost. Assuming the whole deal is like under $3 or 4K, probably not worth it unless you were already planning a vacation at that destination 

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4 minutes ago, phart010 said:

What about getting one of these special cards that offer zero interest for 1 year. Put it on the card and pay it down monthly over the course of a year.

If you can't cover an $1800 expense outright a special credit card is either unavailable entirely or will have a ludicrous behind-the-scenes interest rate if the payoff doesn't happen on time.

0% cards are for if you're earning money on your money and want the longer float.

They are usually a horrible idea if you are at any risk of not paying off in full, due to how they compound back-interest at the full rate.

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I can't take a loan out. I'm on disability so no loans or payment plans will work for me...disability money can't be touched by people if I don't pay on time...it's like against the law. So I could just not pay...not saying I would do that but...a possibility. That's their mindset.

No antibiotics. They just let me walk out of the office as is.

Tylenol doesn't work for me, Advil is the only thing (I use Advil for migraines and have tried Tylenol in the past.).

I'm fine with standing in line. However, we don't know for 100% if they'll even take me if I do get in. See they're pretty weird. They only do certain teeth and we're not sure on the root canal. They don't seem willing to talk over the phone about this so...it's a crap shoot.

Selling stuff takes time. I doubt I'll raise enough in time to save the tooth.

And can you please stop calling me "she". I'd really prefer to be called he from now on. Just drop the S people! Thanks.

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5 minutes ago, Astor Reinhardt said:

Tylenol doesn't work for me, Advil is the only thing (I use Advil for migraines and have tried Tylenol in the past.).


People say this to me all the time, but it does work! You need to take a proper dose (1g) and take on a schedule! I can show you about 10 studies that show it is great for pain.

But, if you don't want to take it, that's cool too. 🤷‍♂️ I just hope you can find a decent solution to this problem. If it was up to me, I'd gladly be paying higher taxes to make sure your healthcare was covered and no human ever ends up this situation.

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2 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

People say this to me all the time, but it does work! You need to take a proper dose (1g) and take on a schedule! I can show you about 10 studies that show it is great for pain.

But, if you don't want to take it, that's cool too. 🤷‍♂️ I just hope you can find a decent solution to this problem. If it was up to me, I'd gladly be paying higher taxes to make sure your healthcare was covered and no human ever ends up this situation.

No seriously. See I have different uh...receptors? in my brain? idk the right term but my doctor explained to me that I process pain differently then most people and drugs effect my brain differently. It's why I can pop Oxy like candy and never have it effect me. Or how I can have 20 shots of Novocaine in my mouth and still feel everything (had that happen last time they took a tooth out...fun). Certain drugs will literally not effect me in any way. Probably why alcohol doesn't feel good to me, it just makes me feel sick and dizzy and that's after one drink of something with a low % of alcohol. Had I been more wild in my teenager years, I might have tried various drugs and found out they don't effect me...but I don't really feel like experimenting.

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If you are able, do what you can to take care of it now, sell some games that aren't so important to you or something you have of value if you need to, because you seriously don't want zombie breath, it's not pleasant for you nor anyone close by. And the pain plus getting sick from infection isn't good either.

Edited by MeganJoanne
Took out a bunch unnecessary of foul mouthed stuff
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