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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. That’s just Nintendo’s development method. I’ve seen multiple times that Miyamoto comes up with fun games and then builds the characters on top.
  2. It's a sticker, has a super faint shadow around one edge.
  3. @jonebone You seem to share a similar feeling I have about this disease. I fear that we will never find a real cure for Coronavirus much like how there’s no cure for another modern born virus, HIV. This is our Black Plague and modern medicine is thankfully keeping the death toll low. At this point I feel the only way to get past it is to have it run it’s course. I don’t think we could have even stopped it at the start either and as much as I dislike Trump, China, and anti-science people in general I can’t wholly blame them for this. Before modern times diseases like this were just a normal part of life. We’ve enjoyed a nice 100 year streak of fantastic human health thanks to things like penicillin, but even as a kid I remember reading that eventually the microscopic world would adapt and a pandemic would be inevitable.
  4. ThePhleo


    I wonder what it is about those games that won’t work on PS5 hardware
  5. I think it entirely depends on the genre. I wouldn’t want to play an epic story driven RPG with only 8 hours of gameplay, but I also wouldn’t want to play a platformer that takes a month to finish as well. Puzzlers are nice because they can have infinite gameplay, but a battle royale game shouldn’t be longer than 30-60 minutes. Rail based shooting games are fun in short arcade length play sessions, but you can’t say the same for an adventure game. Short Single session games like arcade games should be no longer than 10-20 minutes. battle royale, team based combat, and MOBA’s should be no longer than 45 minutes to an hour and a half at high ranks. non-story driven games should have at least a few hours of variety with a high replay value, or can be a weeks long game with low replay value. Short Story driven games should at the very least be played over a few long dedicated play sessions. Long story driven games should take at least a week to finish Puzzlers have no time limit, as long as there’s no end goal. (Eg. Solomon’s key is way too long for itself, but Candy Crush is cool)
  6. While I agree it’s a massive undertaking, it’s not exactly the hardest when you have a community of literal arcade/coin-op collectors. :V
  7. I think I’m the only person on the planet keeping the “Candy Circus Peanuts” business afloat. Ive never met anyone else that likes them...Same can almost be said for chocolate covered jelly rings, only my one Jewish friend in middle school liked them and a couple direct relatives. Pastrami seems polarizing as well.
  8. I thought it would be easy, but it turns out arcade databases suck....
  9. That looks as genuine as it gets to me. Maybe I'm seeing things, but the edges of the manual look 'aged' to me, since they're not pure white.
  10. AssmeblerGames, NeoGAF (whatever it’s called now), racketboy, sega16, NeoGeo, this very website......4chan video games, pastebin game related stuff, The websites of the various game publishers across the world....then stuff that isn’t really “websites” but stuff like App Store interfaces, game console store interfaces. Magazines are a big part of early game history so they need to be archived (is Castlevania II even possible to finish without a guide?) Also there’s stuff like the Nintendo Gigaleaks. They’re totally unethical to dig through but they’re there...so what the f do we do with that data.
  11. Archive .org is always a risk of being sued into oblivion since they straight up give away stuff for free under the guise of academic use. The ironic thing about archiving game history is you need to do it with mass appeal while staying low on the radar.
  12. Nice, thank you for this. Is there a way to get a downloadable version of this? A permanent shareable archive is far more important than having an online version that can go offline at any time
  13. Unfortunately it isn’t. I’m looking for the polar opposite. That one has a Hangtab box and a 5-screw cartridge, I’m looking for a no Hangtab box and a 3-screw cartridge.
  14. Hey guys, I just realized I’m a total NES poser and I need to complete my NES collection once and for all if I ever want to be a NES pro. I still need about 250 CIBs to finish my set but I want to knock out the heavy hitters while I still can. Im willing to buy your CIB if it means I can get the box. Anyway, here we go! Let’s knock out my top 25 NES boxes I don’t have anymore because Im an idiot who needed money and sold most of these Family Fun Fitness: Athletic World Gyromite (Big Box) Donkey Kong Jr. Math The Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Little Samson Chubby Cherub Bonks Adventure Power Blade 2 Panic Restaurant Bubble Bobble 2 Pro Sport Hockey Color A Dinosaur Kid Klown Zombie Nation Cowboy Kid Jetsons: Cogswells Caper TMNT: Tournament Fighters Swamp Thing Gun Nac SCAT Mighty Final Fight Snow Brothers Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Princess Tomato Sword Master ALSO: $1000 Bounty for a No-Hangtab Stinger!!!!!!! $500 for the 3-Screw cart, $500 for the no-ht box. Im also in need of rare inserts and posters! CAP-MN-US TAI-NES-US-5 TAI-NES-US-6 SOF-NES-US-1 ROM-NES-US-2 BND-NES-US x3 TMNT: Tournament Fighters Reg. Card Zombie Nation Reg. Card Ubisoft Reg. Card Atlus Reg Card x2 Kid Klown Poster Cowboy Kid Poster Metal Storm Poster
  15. I wonder if Nintendo even has access to that data. Wasn’t the service ran by a Saint Giga? As far as I remember, there’s closer to 250 games for the platform.
  16. oh look! It’s my sleep paralysis demon...just in time for me to go to bed at 2am....thanks OptOut :)
  17. Updated. Thanks again @Archon 1981 93.333% of the "90" that exist are now documented....why the hell would Nintendo number them #0001 - #0350 (or 0400) if they only made 90? hmm...
  18. I already got that one in my archive, but since you pointed it out to me I can give you the $10 bounty for the new angle photo. Also, this cart has one strange, but funny picture associated with it. Some dude posed with the cart on his hairy nipple with it....keep this photo in mind, whoever buys it :V
  19. I love it! turning that schlong-nose into a pizza-hut-rooftop-nose was brilliant. Also, I wonder if Disney got the idea to call it Wreck-It Ralph *because* of Wrecking Crew. .. Do you mind if I update my avatar to your rendition of Little Samson by the way?
  20. I sometimes don't reply simply because I forget because I get too many DM's, Text, Emails, @'s and Alerts in a single day on different platforms because I'm constantly messaging people about rare stuff and information. I just went through my messages here on VGS alone and found out I owe someone $20 for NWC photos :V
  21. Hey Give me a break it’s not like I keep these things on file or something!! >_>
  22. This one don’t count, I watch pats videos but thanks for keeping an eye out!
  23. And @Archon 1981 claims the next $100! Im gonna update the list as soon as I get home. We’re approaching the fabled “90” copies and I think it’s time to put that rumor to rest.
  24. ...also last I checked, NWC is a Mario game :V
  25. This isn't even the rarest official Mario game like it's claiming to be. Super Mario Bros. Special on the PC-88 is extremely rare, but the Sharp X1 version is even rarer. If I'm not mistaken, there's even a couple undumped, official Donkey Kong games for the Sharp X1.
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