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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. Give mine to MegaTank, I don't want anything this year haha.
  2. Sorry Santa, I was bad this year. I only posted because I wanted to let MegaTank no one cares about his brattiness.
  3. F yeah! Love MST3K As to add the conversation, I can't really link those videos because they're inappropriate, but I'll just say it usually involves me wishing I was one of the people in it
  4. For those who always are confused by this image, it comes from this. Basically I have no sympy for these people
  5. I distinctly remember it was just favorite franchise. I will not concede.
  6. From what I can tell, like my 5 MTPO, the back label doesn't look stamped with a number and is completely flat, were a large majority of the NES games back label has a number stamped on it, and that stamp leaves a little crease that lifts from the plastic
  7. That was me, but i'll let you have it. I have hardly any room on my walls and I just bought another poster.
  8. Constructive AND informative. Thank you for your contribution.
  9. I saw some of those in an interview where Krist Novoselic said the Butthole Surfers were using stuff from "Red Asphalt"
  10. Do any other SERIOUS grading companies, grade anything that ISN'T authentic?! Sports cards/memorabilia? Comics?? From WATA not caring and grading anything, to people buying a NEW bootleg for $60, grading it for X, then selling it for thousands are all saying "WE THINK THE PEOPLE WHO BUY THESE ARE RICH/GREEDY AND STUPID". Wata is complicit in helping to damage the community. Kudos to them.
  11. At this convention, I took care of a few people but mostly it was Creepshow related. I did spend a significant time with Christine Romero, Georges ex. We talked about games and she said he played a lot of Donkey Kong at home, most likely NES. Good luck finding that info anywhere.
  12. Ok, I see some more interesting pics coming out. If I was going by what I played as a kid, after Maniac Mansion it was probably RBI Baseball 3. But I can't put it any higher because I dont even really care that much to own it anymore. I wasn't looking for people to give me deliberately weird games to pick, just what they liked the most, period. As basic or abstract as it was. I was curious more how many peoples here #1 no question game wasn't something particularly common, like mine.
  13. hahah it didn't even dawn on me that it looks like a zombie Kurt either, and I'm a HUGE nirvana fan!
  14. haha I love it! What a great idea! The only time you see Pamela is in F13 pt 1 (and a little in 2) but you should try the game! Or watch videos of it :).
  15. Nah, thats not that same, because theres a catch to it. I wanted to know what peoples #1 favorite NES games were, from people really familiar with the library and how many are unusual vs. common. I thought there would be more unusual ones so I guess IM the strange one haha
  16. Interesting. I had kind of a similar story with Maniac Mansion. Its the ONLY game I remember getting. It was after a baseball game I played, my sisters and mom (I think) were asleep in the van. For whatever reason I got to pick a Nintendo game, and for NO reason I could think of, I choose Maniac Mansion. Didnt know a thing about the game or what it was, nothing. Just from playing it a billion times I figured out every quirk in it. Really surprised how many 'basic' games people are saying that those are their favorites. They're all great games, I was expecting some more uncommon ones. The night is still young I suppose.
  17. I can't remember if on NA there was a thread on this, but I was watching something about Maniac Mansion and thought, geez I wonder how many other people would say Maniac Mansion was their favorite NES game. Then it got me thinking what other off-beat games might be peoples favorites. So if its SMB or Legend of Zelda, don't be shy to say it. No other better place to ask than this forum of Nintendo geeks, esp with a lot of us being very familiar with the library. You're #1 is not the "BEST", but what you love the most, for any reason, nostalgia, game play etc. So yeah, Maniac Mansion for me. Others that are close would also be Zombie Nation, Mr. Gimmick, Dick Tracy and SMB 1 of course. The weirder the better.
  18. Ill be assisting again at Chiller Con this Fri-Sun. Im driving a couple of the guests in, which is just surreal.
  19. Alright, perhaps I overreacted. But if I see this thread get worse, i'll be back :D.
  20. Ive seen plenty of times on NA the whole "You didn't beat the game unless you 1CC" or did this or that. When I say "YOU" I meant the royal you, meaning anyone, not you specifically.
  21. Explain to me, whats the point of telling someone else that the way they beat the game isn't valid to YOU. WHO CARES?! Why is this a thing?!
  22. Its boiling down to this argument again? Christ people, take your meds.
  23. Its just cringe. Do people actually feel shame and embarrassment anymore?! Or is it just do whatever you have to, to be noticed because they're empty people inside that need attention from other to validate their existence. Awful.
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