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Everything posted by Californication

  1. The Genesis is really the gift that keeps on giving. There are games that look okay on Youtube, some might look good, but how many are as good as they look in the videos. (SkyBlazer bleh, Uncharted bleh) I really gotta say I think the Genesis has more games that play better than my expectations than any other console. I got Streets of Rage 2 and Ghouls N' Ghosts from GameStop last week. They are both as good as people say. To get back to Streets of Rage 2, can anyone suggest any other Beat 'Em Ups that are complex like Streets of Rage 2? I'm not a big fan of Beat 'Em Ups in general. I own maybe five. Most beat 'em ups feel repetitive, but this game doesn't do that for me. You gotta be on your toes. Theres a counter to being thrown, the rear attack for people behind you, debating whether its worth losing life to do a power move. The game really has a lot of different ways to approach getting through the level. I've thought about getting King of Dragons, Final Fight, and maybe Ninja Warriors, do any of these offer conplex mechanics?
  2. I have been avoiding the cave shooters for a while because they looked too intense from watching videos, but last weekens I picked up DoDonpachi with store credit. I had no idea how different the game plays just because of a smaller hit box. It is a completly different experience than my Genesis or SNES shooters. The game has so many features I am still learning, but I want the whole series now.
  3. Can't find the tapes. I bought popeye for myvgf a while back and she owns excite bike and she has nobidea where they are. Is there someone behind me that we couls let jump in?
  4. DD3 on the NES. Game is so good I am planning on getting the Genny version to see if it makes the cut.
  5. Those were all good. But I agree RA2 was definetly the best. I remember geting so excited the first time I saw someone get Natalia to dodge a bunch of gun fire before blowing up a set of structures. It was great.
  6. @doner, Red Alert was a good pull. I probabaly should have found a spot for that. We used to go to the Boys and Girls Club just so we could play that in the computer lab before we got our own copy.
  7. 1. Oregon Trail - elementary school - early 90's 2. Super Mario 3 and Life Force early 90's at home at home. 3. Doom and Wolfenstein on Dos, mid 90's grandparents house. 4. Starfox 64 - Friends house middle school late 90's. 5. Red Faction 2 -owned PS2 early 2000's. We used to multiplayer the heck out of this game. One shot sniper rifle all day. No call of duty auto aim needed. 6. Bio-Shock - owned PS3, 360, and PS2, but Bioshock was mind blowing at the time especially on the firstbplay through. 7. Ninja Gaiden ll, I bought 25 or so NES games around 2005, but only played them here and there. Ninja Gaiden ll cut scenes, music, and gameplay was so mind blowing, as I was just starting to really experience the NES library. 8. Dr. Mario and Tengen Tetris - In college staying up late playing round after round with girlfriend. 9. Sky Force Anniversary - I picked this for two reasons because I love shoot-em-ups and because it is one of the many sealed ps4 games that I own because I am not starting the library until the PS5 is released. - 2017 10. Castlevania Bloodlines - I picked this game because I made the move over to Genesis for the first time and although I own many Genesis shoot-em-ups I love platformers and this game is just such a well balanced, challenging, experience. (Minor gripe, the guys on llthe factory level didn't need to wear military helmets.) - 2019
  8. I'll try and get some time to play today, between the baby and the job I started this week I haven't had the time.
  9. I have been thinking about doing that lately. I didn't realize the Wii had ports on the virtual console. It would be really nice to put a console together with just the turbo games I want and the three of four rebirth games. Still gonna grab real Turbo games in the future, but this would def. be a nice way to experience some of those one of a kind shoot em ups.
  10. It is definetly an important piece of history, but what does it represen? I mean you had two video game developers who couldn't see eye to eye. And because they couldn't agree, Nintendo probably took some short term and long term losses, but overall the gaming industry is better because Sony and Nintendo didn't work together longer. The moral of the story is if you don't get along with someone it will all work oit for the better? Competition > Synergy ?
  11. Okay, ya, that makes one more sense. Someone should really start knocking off those controllers though. Probably just need a famicom controller and some spray paint.
  12. Why can't more be discovered. Is that official, did Sony and Nintendo only make one?
  13. It would be funny if someone pays three million and more of them start to appear.
  14. Does anyone know what a cart only jntsc Mega Drive of Alien Soldier goes for?
  15. Mine is weird. I go console, publisher - favorite game order, genre - alphabetize (right to left).
  16. So I just passed the CPA. My resume seemed like it had a few holes still so I just took a job working for a big company instead of pushing for a public acct. position. I am going to work in the Finance dept for a couple months helping with budgeting then assisting with analytics after year end. Then I'll switch over to the acct. Dept. and work on F/S, G/,L, and consolidating F/S. The pay is better than an entry public acct. position, but I just hope this will give me the experience I need to go public. I guess I'll start applying for audit positions in a year or two.
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