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Everything posted by Californication

  1. It's been a while since I checked the polling, but I am pretty sure Bernie lead Trump by almost every poll ever.
  2. We will play Majoras Mask together than. I haven't played because I couldn't pay for the expansion pack for one game on principal. I finally broke down and bought The Collectors Edition for the Gamecube. I hope it is the Zelda game I have been waiting for!
  3. What! How dare you, sir. You finish tjat game and you like it.
  4. I play better with the sound off. (Not as fun though)
  5. Playing Final Doom, DKC2, and Grind Stormer in the bedroom and Valfaris and Mega Man 11 in the front room.
  6. I'm sure this is the wrong place for this, But Valfaris is on sale at Gamestop for a couple more hours at 19.99.
  7. My opinion is similar to Deadeye. Furthermore, I liked the SG so much, I just got a Supet NT. The convenience of being able to play an original cart on a modern tv and have no loss in quality out of the box is really a great value. Also, I personally think the Mega SG picture and sound put Genesis games on a different level than before. The Super Nintendo, I don't notice much of a difference between the original console and the analogue. I think Sega games look and sound much better.
  8. Zeppelin's alright. Nice consoles, low prices. Everything arrived as expected. Wish I had more money to spend.
  9. By framing I mean the way an argument is presented. You are thinking of the word like, they committed a crime and framed somebody for it. That is not what I meant. Framing is where you set the terms of the conversation. So if you characterize her as being used as if it is a fact, our conversation turns to; are the liberals using her? Instead of: is she right about climate change?
  10. It is right wing framing because that is the talking point across conservative media. Here is what a google search finds: Trump Jr says that Greta Thunberg is being used as a 'marketing gimmick' | indy100 https://www.indy100.com/article/trump-jr-greta-thunberg-time-person-year-2019-marketing-gimmick-climate-change-9243701 No, Don’t Listen to Greta Thunberg | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/greta-thunberg-climate-activist-united-nations/ Putin: Greta Thunberg’s a nice girl but she’s being used by climate change groups | World | The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/putin-greta-thunbergs-a-nice-girl-but-shes-being-used-by-climate-change-groups-fdszcf8z8 To say that she is being used means that she is not speaking because she wants to. And since it is impossible to read her thought and tell what she wants to do anyone that says she is being used is silly. Secondly, she has spoken really passionately about why she cares about the environment so if she was lying and doesnt care about the environment, and only speaking because other people want her to, you are pretty much saying she is the greatest actor that has ever lived.
  11. That is a right wing framing to begin with to say that she is being used. Also, you should be more careful when you use the word "all".
  12. The thing is action against climate change is not looked on kindly by corporations. Corporations are worried about their bottom line and see the girl as a threat. Since the Republican party serves the corporations and uses conspiracy nuts to give them an auto vote with a certain slow segment of the population you see a direct increase in guys who repeat stupid things in relation to the girl.
  13. I think it's been about two months since I posted so here is a super sized pick ups post. And everything in the last two photos is from store credit.
  14. She spoke extremly well and when I saw her answer questions I was extremly impressed. I am not one to be moved very often, but really made an excellent emotional appeal.
  15. At first glance I thought you said "Die Hard" on the NES was the greatest gane of all time.
  16. The label itself is really glossy and in great condition, but it's hard to tell if the colors were originally light or faded. There doesn't seem to be a pop in the blue on the boomerang or the yellow over his right arm. And when I compare the SNES logo to other games it seems lighter. If it was faded would it also not be glossy anymore?
  17. I was super excited to get this game, it got here yesterday and the more I look at it I think it's faded. Can I get some opinions? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153703073759
  18. That is tempting. Are you sure you don't need Bloodstained C/E?
  19. That is one of three that I passed on that I will probably buy later. It looks cool, but I thibk I passed on it because it is a Metroidvania. Glad to hear you're enjoying it.
  20. Does anyone have a problem with switching out jntsc jewel cases? I feel like all my jntsc cases have a specific type of cover and I feel like I have issues with them more than others. They have two flat pieces to keep the insert in place where many western one have two plastic balls although there are other styles.
  21. Do you guys like playing DK3? A couple years back I got through a couple areas and was so bored I sold it.
  22. It feels a little basic. I mean I am going to watch it. It seems better than the current trilogy, but not up there with an HBO production.
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