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Everything posted by Scrobins

  1. I got a response from Ryan Lloyd (developer of Tower Defense 1990 and Brilliant Pebbles) through Kickstarter. I invited him to join our community here if he was ever interested. Here’s what he wrote me: Hi, I basically closed my website down and didn't renew my domain. I haven't had as much time to program (for fun, outside regular work) as I did in the past. I'm still working on homebrew projects and will probably release games under a different label in the future. Developing a game takes hundreds of hours, and sticking with a project and finishing it is hard. I built a 4-way scrolling engine and a bunch of software modules that could be used in future projects. -Ryan Lloyd
  2. I’ve been listening ad nauseam to my new millennium pop playlist. I generally think the 2000s was a dead zone of pop culture, it damn if there ain’t some diamonds in that rough.
  3. RIP Mrs. James Bond, we have all the time in the world.
  4. Fashionably late, but bringin’ the beat
  5. Added Retro Space Championship, another NES game teased by CollectorVision.
  6. Added 8-Bit Xmas 2020 and Action 53, Volume 4, as well as updated links for Project Blue.
  7. Moved a few games from available to defunct (and some defunct back to available), including Brilliant Pebbles and Tower Defense 1990 because Retro Wonder Workers' website has been down and does not appear to be coming back. If you know otherwise, please let me know. I'll reach out to Ryan to confirm if I can.
  8. Doodle World for NES has just launched on Kickstarter!
  9. Tab tasted like Coke but somehow you tasted more neutral flavor that cola. Then again I was raised on a Tab knockoff called Rally. I can’t complain too much about generic sodas though, I recently tried Safeway’s Dr. Dynamite and like it. My best friend and I love to joke about Stop & Shop’s more ambiguous Zazz. They used to have abandoned carts in the aisles for marked down products rather than dedicate a shelf to it, and in the summer we would find full carts of individual cans of Zazz.
  10. For me on mobile, the header is different between default and dark mode, with dark mode not having the main menu allowing me to browse.
  11. It's hard for people to care if you aren't clear what you want the thread to be. You've suggested a thread for people to post their own Kickstarters, for people to share what they've backed, ongoing projects. Is it only for gaming-related Kickstarters, or can authors do their books? What is the criteria, and is this a thread where other people are sharing Kickstarters or are you maintaining a central list and updating it? EnigMog has a thread that provides updates on homebrew Kickstarters (though he hasn't updated it since April), and the homebrew section generally has new games, allowing devs to provide their own Kickstarter and other progress updates.
  12. Woo I hit 1000 posts, LEVEL UP. Celebratory bump
  13. Saw this listing on eBay if you’re interested: https://www.ebay.com/itm/114394903165
  14. Is there a reason you posted this same blog post 117 times?
  15. Added Super Sudoku for the SNES from Raphnet. It is out of stock right now, but they are preparing another batch of carts for later this month.
  16. Added The Tenth Knight for NES, which will be Sly Dog's next entry in the Candelabra series.
  17. Quest Arrest is sold out for now, however the developer has expressed plans to release an additional run of the game in the near future and I will maintain the link since it will be good again soon.
  18. It's in the original post, under category 1 (games available for pre-order), and the gameboy subcategory.
  19. Added pre-order link for Super Jetpak DX, a Gameboy game from Pocket Pixel Design.
  20. Revised link for Dead Tomb on NES, now available for pre-order from Limited Run Games.
  21. LRG's followers on social media are the worst. I've noticed several types of annoying LRG followers on twitter, though these types aren't limited to LRG fans. There are the people who respond to a post about a particular game with "when are you going to make X?" Are you seriously derailing a promotional thread for one game to complain that it isn't another? I'm excited about X game too, but replying to a promo for a different game to make that complaint is a dick move. There are people who just write "this will be MINE". Sure ok, buy it when it's available. This one annoys me because it pops up even when something isn't for sale. I post pictures of some of my homebrew games on twitter when they come in the mail, and people comment "GIVE IT TO ME!" Well you put it so eloquently, sure why not? Please stranger on the internet, take this item in my collection it took months or years to find. Hell there are people on this forum who do it to each other; do you really think anyone wants to sell to you when you "playfully" harass another member about selling one of their treasured games? And the ones I loathe the most are the surprised folks who say "wow, what a great new idea, finally a new NES game!" These people also ask questions that are clearly stated in the OP itself or on the page that it linked to. I've noticed this weird trend lately where people are either excited because something new happened or sad because "no one is doing X", when in reality they were too lazy to take a cursory look around and confirm that was it even true. Even if you're not a part of the homebrew community and were just some fan of LRG modern-gen releases, if you followed them to ANY degree, then you'd know that not only have they released several NES games, homebrew and re-releases, but they JUST fulfilled Mall Brawl orders, so now you look especially stupid for posting something that could have been avoided if you had just looked at the website of the company you love so much. Anyway, that was an old man rant about LRG followers and similar complaints about dumbass folks on the twitter.
  22. We've decided that you may play on any difficulty, and posted a chart that displays how points/extra lives are affected by difficulty. However passwords and continues will not be allowed.
  23. Doodle World has posted an updated Kickstarter launch date: Wednesday, September 9th
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