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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. I rarely ask for refunds or partial refunds, unless something is really, really sideways. I'll highlight the problem and ask the seller what they think should be done. If they offer a reasonable solution, and the price of the item wasn't terribly much and the offended wasn't too bad, I'll just let it go. Good attitude and customer service ftw. If the attitude is piss poor I'll fight them tooth and nail.
  2. Corey stated he's is glad Russia (Russian people, i.e. soldiers I'm guessing) are getting destroyed. I don't wish death on anyone, and while I don't believe that what Russia is doing is right, and I want them to lose, I'm not one to cheer for death of anyone, especially when at the end of the day, there are a lot of inexperienced, innocent people dying. I had seen a photograph about last year of some Chinese soldiers being sent of to the Indian border, iirc, when there was conflict. The amount of fear and horror on their faces was sickening, and despite the fact that some day these same folks might possibly be crossing the Taiwan strait and shooting up my area, I still didn't look at the pictures and think "I hope the Indians kill those fuckers". People that take such stances are very very disturbed individuals, as soon as they fail to see people as humans. On a different, concluding note, the American military has also at times raped and murdered innocent women, children, elderly, etc. So we should conclude that all of the American military is evil, or that everyone that had served is evil? Is that what you guys are saying?
  3. I think you should learn some history before you run your mouth. Japan turned Taiwan over to Chiang Kai-shek's government at the end of World War 2, aka the Republic of China, aka the KMT, aka 中華民國. The government ruling mainland China has nothing to do with that, and has never ruled Taiwan or had control of it, period. Regarding the settlers and explorers, you do realise that the island was initially settled by aboriginal people, that Portuguese explorers discovered and documented the place and gave it the name, that even the Dutch had settled here. Yes, "Chinese" people did settle here too, but it definitely wasn't a lot and in ancient times China just viewed Taiwan as a hangout for pirates and drifters, even forbidding their own people to settle there without permission. This China, once again, had nothing to do with the current Chinese government. Finally, you mentioned Chinese people, well I'm a little lost which ethnicity you are talking about. Are you referring to the Han Chinese, Hakka, or?
  4. Yeah, people like you only view the world in terms of black and white; then again, that's the problem with a lot of folks these days, they fail not to empathize and think, try to look at situations from all view points and angles.
  5. Propaganda. Life's not black and white bro, I'd reckon that the majority of young Russians don't want to be out there fighting and risking their lives.
  6. You mean taking out the young innocent solders that are drafted to fight, are sent off to fight without knowing what the fight is actually about, innocent kids that are getting shot up, their lives cut short too early and for what? I bet it's not a decision they actually can honestly make, it's really sad.
  7. Phase Three hopefully comes tonight, then I'll contact an artist I have connections with up in Taipei...
  8. If Everdrives were removed from the market, the excuse that gamers should just buy Everdrives if they can't afford games at the current prices wouldn't hold so much water anymore.
  9. I wish they'd do a Famicom release of part 2, with the makeover and rebalanced difficulty like they did part 1. Emulator versions on modern Xbox machines, bleh
  10. Oh shit, are we live? I swear, I'm just super busy right now, give me time to catch up and adjust my schedule!!! vote: whoever the hell just role claimed, I don't believe them
  11. Earwax flavour is for the cats, vomit flavour for the dogs?
  12. fcgamer


    Do you know Al? He might be interested in the Bit cart. That price is a steal, btw
  13. Here are some Videc Famiclones by CTI. For some reason the white ones have no serial numbers, yet the black ones do. Overall, the black ones seen to be of a better quality, with the whites all having faults.
  14. My brother and I both hate the buttered popcorn ones. Actually I prefer cheapie jellybeans as a whole, though my brother really likes these.
  15. The N64 controller sucked, no one knew how to hold it when it first came out! Lots of unneeded flash.
  16. Yes, carts, I don't mean cards. I got a ton of these cartridges, these all have different games on them or are color variations. I've got a few more with upside down labels too. At the moment it's not known what company produced these games, actually as there are differences in label design I think it's quite possible some of these are knock-offs of knock-offs. Some possible folks behind these games: 1. Some cartridges are attributed to Taitc Corporation. I tried running a trademark search but the database was down. Another early company housed games in Toito Corporation shells, possibly it's the same outfit. I'm thinking Sane Ting might have done some of that but I need to double check. 2. Hudson Soft themselves. The labels mimic their style, and there's evidence suggesting their Era division made a few carts like this. 3. Bit Corporation. While the label design is a bit different, they're still Hu labels. A few of Bit Corp's games have been found in these shells with different (earlier) copyrights to the games in official Bit shells. Back to these Hu carts, as for the games themselves, they're old games, around 1985-1986 era. Also full copyrights, which demonstrates that these are older Taiwanense bootlegs.
  17. Hahaha It's a fake news though, I won't sell it publically until I receive mine in a few weeks, just to make sure it meets my standards. I'm now working on the next volume. Also for people in the States, I'll sell directly for a cheaper price, like on VGS and what not
  18. Aaaaaaannndd unfortunately the sale only seems to have been 24 hours, as it's back to normal price. Hopefully those who wanted one got one though, as it was about 33% off.
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