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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Normally I'm not a huge fan of lyric videos, but these ABBA ones are really incredibly done.
  2. Soundtrack was SO good. Fragments was definitely my personal favorite of the whole OST.
  3. Beat Sigil 2 a couple days ago and yeah, can confirm it's great! LOVED the soundtrack too, it was really really good. 64 might be my favorite of the original 3 as well honestly, if we're only taking in to account the base games.
  4. Not to worry though, I'll take care of it, along with Attitude and PGA. I want that $20, hahaha. Almost done with ECW. I haven't played it much at all over the last week or so since I was having a lot of fun playing DOOM & DOOM II, but I'm hammering away at it now.
  5. Well I'll at least actually beat the games first, I feel like that's only fair, haha. THEN I can get my hard-earned $20
  6. And you're never gonna see that from me again because it was miserable and stressful and I hated it, haha. I think I've said to you before that after Survivor, I'm pretty much done doing things that I'm good at, but don't actually enjoy doing at all. Doubt I'll ever participate in another contest like that ever again, I've had my fill.
  7. Our ISP has tossed us warnings in the past for trying to yar har fiddle de dee our way to stuff, but yeah I just use a VPN whenever I do that now and that circumvents that issue. And yeah, I use NordVPN, I dunno whether or not it's the best, but it's pretty cheap and very convenient to use, working fine for me for a good few years now.
  8. Or rather https://www.plex.tv/register/ I forgot they do other stuff besides just the media server aspect, haha. That's what 99% of people use it for anyway.
  9. Might want to look in to https://www.plex.tv/ it's worked great for me thus far.
  10. Just recently played Sigil 1 actually, was very very good, definitely excited to check out Sigil 2!
  11. N64 emulation is fine these days, at least as far as I've seen. N64 emulation hasn't been shitty in like a decade.
  12. I must admit after beating DOOM 64 I'm now replaying DOOM 1 rather than working on ECW, haha. I'll probably start working on it tomorrow.
  13. Oh OK, I remembered you mentioning it but I didn't remember if you said you were gonna work on it, nevermind then.
  14. Someone is working on Bomberman if I'm not mistaken, but yeah feel free to take Nightmare Creatures, that'd be great.
  15. To give another perspective there, that'd be like if Rockstar released a GTA game today that took place in 2007/2008, right around the time GTA IV released. Exactly, makes me wonder how insane the stuff that happens in this game is going to be when GTA V already had some pretty damn wild occurrences.
  16. Florida culture keep in mind, which is even more batshit insane than the rest of the country, haha. Half the stuff that goes on in IRL Florida would be right at home happening in a GTA game, so there's probably gonna be even MORE insane shit happening than usual in the series since that means they're gonna have to dial up the insanity even more to surpass what happens there in reality.
  17. Looks pretty good, looking forward to it. That's about par for the course, I was figuring it'd probably be 2025. First trailer for GTA V came out a little under two years before it actually came out, looks to be about the same here. Not unusual for super big releases like this to come out like a year and a half/two years after the initial trailer.
  18. I'm... slightly confused about what you're confused about, to be honest? This is the ending for a bonus campaign that was added in the 2020 re-release of the game. I already beat the main campaign as well in a previous post, which is what will actually count towards the thread, I just beat the bonus campaign as well for fun since it's a very good game and I wanted to keep playing and see all there was to see in the game. I mentioned that I was going to beat the bonus campaign prior to moving on to other games in the aforementioned previous post.
  19. Not directly part of the actual task at hand, but bonus campaign done, now on to a most likely vastly inferior game, haha. (Bonus campaign was great by the way, much fewer levels than the main campaign, but made up for it with each level being quite long, and usually more complex than most of the main campaign levels, the level design was fantastic, better than the main campaign I'd say. Was also much more challenging than the main campaign, in a very satisfying way. Awesome addition to the base game for sure.)
  20. I mean, are we only counting physically released games in specific? Because if not, then... Gamecube I'd be down to do next year as well, yeah. Really any of them I'd be glad to help with. NES was just the first that came to mind since beating that library would be a huge milestone, and they always seem to get pretty close each year, just a couple dozen off usually. And yeah, feel free to take Bomberman, and like I said I'll focus on the games nobody wants to play, haha.
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