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Everything posted by SuperJimtendo

  1. Here we are, a snowy, cold night in Colorado. 10°. Snow falling, icy roads. Hazardous conditions that we've known were coming for days. Over the years working at the old music store, and recently at the liquor store. It had always boggled my mind what dumb shit people are willing to brave the storm for. Do you really need that DVD copy universal soldier in this weather? Do you really need another bottle of pinot grigio? So what is it? What are you willing to leave the safety and comfort of your house for?
  2. Now I'm not saying. But shouldn't the wizard, Fred Savage. After continuing practice have become a sage by now and thus be our mascot? I'm sure he's not busy. Just sayin
  3. Just a full on adrenaline shock black out at a concert one night. Fun stuff.
  4. I always like giving but I don't necessarily want anything but I'd probably sign up just because
  5. Maybe only 30 minutes with the time difference?
  6. I think we should all probably just wait and see what happens after na gets updated and go from there.
  7. enter @Murray with tooth chipper clip
  8. Dookie hit right when I was coming into music on my own and that album will always be pretty special to me. Front to back I Love it while heartedly. But That also set the bar high and I have not enjoyed anything after that album from them in the same way. Still voted a 7 though. I will always love that one album.
  9. Both "and" Bros have dropped the and. I can't take this Heart break
  10. That is really really rad. 10/10 the feel good story of the year
  11. I am not backing up any of the kickle stuff or anything else that I've drawn and posted on na. That being said every drained I did for the contest this year is compiled into a binder and will be given away with the rest of the grand prize box to whoever wins the whole shebang. Unless I win, in which case you all will have to send me something neat lol.
  12. All my stuff is packed away but I'll get some pics when I can for you
  13. Where's brock at? He lurking around here? I need to know, FOR SCIENCE! Anyone seen him? The name change thread that I'm too lazy to read?
  14. My all time favorite anime is Azumanga Daioh. If you've never seen the Kaiju big battel wrestling league that's always fun! Can't say I have any modern suggestions for you though.
  15. So, a million years ago I was super into the Simpsons. These days not so much. A by product of that Era is some collectibles I aquired and now wish to rid myself of. I'm too lazy to post new pictures so here's the Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1806045119542185/ Really only posting so you nuts can see these things. I'll probably put them on eBay after Halloween And try my Luck there. Enjoy.
  16. Gen one is the only gen I really care about but i really dug feraligatr in gen two and more recently I've grown fond of alolan vulpix and litten.
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