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KHAN Games

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Everything posted by KHAN Games

  1. Chris, I really respect the way you're going about this release. Thanks a lot for putting so much thought into things. Can't wait to play it!
  2. KHAN Games

    Dimension Shift

    Something about "That isn't what Kickstarter was created for!" I dunno. I didn't give it a lot of thought before I wrote them off as loonies. Pretty sure it was on this forum when it was just starting out. Hit close to home.
  3. KHAN Games

    Dimension Shift

    Careful, I've heard some people consider this a cop-out and won't back a game if it's already finished! (Most ridiculous backwards thinking I've ever seen. People are so weird.)
  4. http://nerdy-nights.nes.science/ is the new link to Nerdy Nights.
  5. Yeah, it's super impressive but not something I'd find myself playing without some sort of computer opponent. The music is awesome too. Would love to have something added during gameplay.
  6. I've done this many times. In my Fishing Challenge I use one bit per fish to keep track if I have it or not. Similarly in NEScape! I use a single bit to keep track of if a book is pushed in/pulled out or a piano key is pressed or not.
  7. Lots of older clones also have things like mixed up mirroring, inverted pulsing in audio channels, and don't emulate some addresses correctly, so things like four screen mirroring don't work properly (as I mentioned in the other thread, like Rad Racer 2 and Gauntlet).
  8. If your console plays Rad Racer 2 and Gauntlet, it will play this game fine.
  9. Weird combat is a staple of Rob's games, but after you take a few minutes to figure it out it feels SO GOOD. Like, you'll want more and more of it. It's really a cool feeling when your brain finally understands and you can function on instinct alone.
  10. KHAN Games

    Dead Tomb

    I'm going to taste so many things!
  11. It wouldn't be an Incident thread if you didn't make an appearance and trash it. Thanks for showing up! What about Force Bot makes it look fun that is absent from The Incident? I'm dying to know, because from what I can tell, the only difference is the blocks disappear instead of stay there when they reach their home, making it easier? (And full disclosure, I'm not trying to bash Force Bot. I'll definitely be backing it when the time comes. Just here to call fcgamer out for being a bag of douche.)
  12. I recommend checking out his music in The Incident.
  13. Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! Here's the link to the Kickstarter, to save people a click or two. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/warpworldgame/the-warp-coin-catastrophe
  14. I personally don't like the idea of a boss rush compo cart, but I'm well aware I'm probably in the minority.
  15. I used to play more than I do now, although they're finally building a park in my city so I look forward to playing there a lot after it's finished next year.
  16. Hi everyone. I'm trying to do a little bit of de-cluttering, so I figured I'd offer some rare gems that I've acquired over the years. Not many people have seen some of this stuff, but I figured I'd reach into the vaults and give you guys an opportunity. Hopefully they can go to a good home. Any reasonable offer will be considered! I'm not looking to make a fortune off of these, but I have a rough idea of what they're worth. (And for stuff that's still available to purchase, I'll sell for below retail value). Shipping will be included in whatever you offer. PowerPak Lite Enigmacore Prototype (Silver cartridge with hand-drawn label, autographed by k3vbot) NWC 1990 Reproduction PRGE 2017 Edition #4 (green cartridge with dipswitches) Tailgate Party 2016 Let's Play Expo Edition #9/10 Lagrange Point CIB Reproduction #24 Bomb Sweeper (Very old reproduction circa ~2008. You can tell with the label. Labels have come a long way in 10 years ) 1007 Bolts cart only/insert Standard Edition Nomolos cart/manual Retrozone Edition Goofy Foot Controller CIB Chunkout 2 original run Star Versus cart/manual/sticker/business card Assimilate Limited Edition #56 CIB pre-AVS version Eskimo Bob CIB UXO CIB Earthbound Zero Reproduction from Bishop Bros(top label is peeling up)
  17. Is that us? Did we say something incorrect? My memory is awful.
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Leisure-Suit-Larry-NES-Complete-Mint/143434489777?hash=item21655c9fb1:g:tuQAAOSwHwldw7pe Only $110! Plus you get the E.T. order form!
  19. I was hoping to re-release it this year as a self-published project for the game's five year anniversary, but it didn't quite work out. Hopefully some time in the future.
  20. My customers are on Twitter. My posts on forums rarely get any (or much) attention, so forum-centric sales are definitely not going to make or break my "business."
  21. I don't have any extra adapters, sadly. I actually have one less than I am supposed to have. Not sure what I'm going to do when that last person fills out the Kickstarter survey. VB -> NES controller mod is pretty easy. Just need to look up the pinouts of each of the controllers and wire them together. But I think Beau has a couple pictures saved to make it pretty easy.
  22. This is such a big deal. I hope everyone here can support them, even if you already own the carts. $10 is a drop in the bucket for most collectors, and it will only encourage more NES games to make the leap to modern consoles.
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