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Everything posted by koifish

  1. I've been doing something similar with bubble wrap envelopes. They slide in ok and are separated by their own wraps on the inside, but I can't help but feel like the OEM packaging was far and away superior. ...I guess I could buy cheaper secondhand plates that have them, steal the plastic inserts, and then sell the plates...but that feels like it isn't quite the right option.
  2. Uh nevermind I guess. I was going to go to bed in frustration, but something pushed me to another round, and I had a good flow going. There's a pattern that forms with a single coin block awkwardly placed under a high ceiling of blocks, all hanging over a pit, and I don't know how to get past it. It killed me here and that's sad because I still had good momentum. Maybe next time. But for now, new score: 132 I'm coming for 200 next!
  3. New score for me, 82 this time. Starting to die a lot to glitches or bad luck (ie. jumping from pipe to pipe and a piranha spawns on the pipe that wasn't on screen yet). Not sure how to make it to triple digits beyond getting good fortune and no mess-ups.
  4. Sky Area seems to reward risk with more coins. I think I like ground area the most however. Also, I keep getting thrown off when I recognize sections from levels. Jumping for the 1-up on 1-1 keeps getting me. I did, however, find a 1-up; It only gives you 8000 points however, nothing useful for this challenge.
  5. Nice score. I'm not having much luck with the underground. I keep on getting irritating fire wand mazes. Also, I am finding a lot of cruelly placed invisible coin blocks. XP
  6. oh, I didn't realize the pipes worked. Will try this next.
  7. Starting to get the hang of this. Glad it's a hack of a game that I already like! koifish - 062 EDIT: added a snarkier picture XD
  8. I've got a fair number of sets of new 3DS cover plates that I am unsure of how to store effectively. Many of them are loose sets that were either bought loose or came from a system/out of a system bundle. Normally they store fine in the retail packaging, but if you don't have that then I'm not sure how you manage. Anyone who can provide input for how to make do? I'm more interested in storage than in display, but if you have input on display then that would be welcomed as well.
  9. for me, it's Pokemon. I wasted so much of my life on those games and now I can't touch one. Even the new twist from Arceus is still too similar. Just overdid it too hard and can't go back. Similarly, there are games I like but I think aren't worth two playthroughs, usually because the game was either heavy on story or because it was all flash and spectacle, and you wouldn't get anything out of it. Mario Galaxy comes to mind, was a fun single play but not worth replaying it. Then there's game where I will never have a good chance. Zelda Four Swords Hero Mode is still on my GBA bucket list, but I won't ever find the time and place again to get three other people to clear it with me (to say nothing of having to drag everyone through the game to get hero keys if they don't have them already). Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is another such game, though really that's more of a "time has passed" game. It was better in its own moment than it is now I think. And finally, there are games I will probably just never find again and so I'll never be able to play them once more. Most of these are arcade games. Prop Cycle is awesome but I only ever had brief access to a machine. Also, I have OutRun 2 at home on PC and Xbox, and I have a wheel for the former that is very arcade accurate, but nothing will ever bring back the Super Deluxe cab that I used to be able to go and play at a former GameWorks. The hydraulics, the sound, the giant screen, the racing against other outrunners, you just can't recreate that. And there are also lost flash games or small little homemade games that I just can't find or locate. Not that you should always be able to though, there is something to be said for accepting entropy.
  10. Alas, I disappeared this year, had a lot of other priorities come up. Maybe another year I'll be back and able to crack out some games.
  11. Personally, the right one looks better to me. It's a difficult shape to convey though, isn't it? I thought I'd share this since I looked up "greyscale lemon" on image search. There are a lot of different images, but the key I'd think is trying to add a bit more visual distinctiveness to it. In this, for example, you can see the interior of the fruit. In some other examples, the pitting is done only in small amounts, or at the edges of the shape, which might make them stand out more (vs the entire surface being pitted).
  12. I am actually looking at changing my email to another account, is it actually going to require responding to a confirmation email to the old account in order to finalize the change, or do you just log in and change it and you're done?
  13. and... now that I think about it, the VGS logo and banner also uses these colors. So clearly it was the peak of smart design and hot fashion.
  14. I mean, nothing was cooler in the early 90s than light or dark grey with teal/purple/turquoise/pink accents...at least if you go by professional design firms of the time anyway. I definitely remember some trendy stores and items that looked like a super nintendo. SGI computers also carefully followed those same trends.
  15. I'd love to join but I won't be able to due to travel and lack of light gun access. Good luck to all competitors!
  16. It's really cool if you're into sideloading and/or doing your own development. If you have a computer and a free install of unreal or unity engine, then you can basically start making your own quest games right out of the box. It doesn't even need to be a good computer, as they can run internally on the quest itself rather than on the PC. I also really enjoy seeing people do experimental stuff and so I like sideloading things off of sidequest to see what they are like. You can find some really interesting things that way. Not sure if this is a relevant use case for your family however.
  17. I'm curious about the PSVR fullset, what games are particularly hard to get? The only one I've heard about before is Job Simulator, because I guess they only made one print run and then switched to digital-only sales.
  18. True! I hope you can still enjoy it even if it's outdone by newer riichi games. They can still be fun even if the AI isn't very good. Just think of it as a more forgiving game to learn on.
  19. Not to downplay your purchase of famicom mahjong, but if you want to play riichi then to be honest, the 8-bit versions aren't all that. I'd recommend downloading tenhou instead, its a free online riichi game and you can run it on numerous platforms. Then check out some tutorials online. The hardest part of the game is learning the rules and the scoring, but I think you'll enjoy it once you do. Sorry to veer off topic.
  20. The NA database? Better send Indiana Jones at this point.
  21. note to my secret Santa, when thinking of things to put in my goodie box, please remember to think about what Connery Santa would want in his box of goodies: lots and lots of hard liquor.
  22. It seems like this thread has ironed out the matters pretty well. If I may attempt to summarize: some people collect "the originals" like Japanese releases of Nintendo games some people collect games from a region they have connections to, like a person who spent part of childhood in a foreign country wanting to buy stuff from that country some people just have specific niche reasons that satisfy some craving, such as matching labels or having esoteric releases of a favorite game While some have expressed general frustration with the shrinking of game pools due to the increasing popularity of the hobby, it seems to me that FC's beef is with people buying up full sets of unusual regions for seemingly no reason. I guess the short answer is you'll have to ask them why they are doing it to figure it out, but surely it can look pointless, maybe even performative, from an outside eye. The subject of "game hoarders" is a tricky one and I don't feel qualified to answer, but I suspect that the grievances in this thread are about that subject, what might be called conspicuous collecting; The sense that people are buying up games because they feel like it's a status symbol to have a set of this or a rare variant of that. I remember a thread either here or on NA where people were roundly mocking an auction for a rare baseball card, because its description text mentioned how the card was a "rare opportunity to become part of the haves and leave behind the have-nots of the baseball card collecting community," or something to that effect. The starting price of the card was $130,000. I think we mocked it because it gave off this very smug affectation about what being a "real collector" meant. To me, the group was a bunch of people who just spend ridiculous amounts of money to try and be respected in some illustrious inner circle. I am not sure, but I suspect that this is what @fcgamer is really annoyed by; He sees people talking about getting an esoteric fullset, maybe even out of the blue, and thinks they are mere status chasers, hoping to exchange money and get respect in return. Perhaps FC can elaborate, but that is what I suspect may be the case here.
  23. So the stories about spilled drinks was true after all. I had always heard that NoA got a lot of NES sent in with beer or soda inside of them. Makes sense they went for the weird, lumpy design we got. I don't know about that toy part though, maybe it was a big aesthetic of 1990, but the genesis always looked cooler to me.
  24. The SNES is designed differently in North America vs the rest of the world. The cartridges are a different shape, but moreover the entire console is a bit different. Different color scheme, different button and switch colors, and a noticeably different shape. My simple curiosity is, what decisions led to redesigning the system, and what considerations played into how they designed the system for that market? I can make some inferences at least about the color scheme, since greys and purples were very popular and trendy at the time, but I'd like to see some actual sources, interviews, etc regarding the designs choices and reasons for change in the first place.
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