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Everything posted by VegHead

  1. I believe my first experience seeing him was in 3 Days of the Condor. What a wonderful actor. His talent will be missed.
  2. 4/10. Meh, better things to watch. Why would I sit down to watch this when I have the Original Trilogy available. This didn't improve on those in any way. Rogue One and The Mandalorian gave us something new, and for that, I really enjoyed them. Even the Prequel Trilogy had more consistency and vision, and some people hate those with a burning passion. Now that the trilogy is over, I'm not sure it's worth analyzing TFA alone because we know all the answers to the mysteries it sets up, and those answers really suck. ANH works as a standalone because George Lucas tells a complete story; he didn't know a sequel would be possible until it was a huge hit.
  3. I think I bought Japanese toilet paper once at a Japanese market in Chicago. That's it. I don't have anything else to my story.
  4. I don't like Biden's personality or his policies. His gaffes are starting to come off as more senile than anything else. That said, I would expect Biden to accomplish more than Sanders or Warren, even though I like their platforms better.
  5. I think we both know that loads of fat people have gym memberships. They're just not using them (myself included). Also, obesity and poverty do not inherently go hand-in-hand. Drug addicts that use needles do. I understand having a healthy distrust of the government, but a lot of concerns about overreach are very hyperbolic. It's much more likely that private insurance companies will start requiring gym memberships and weight loss before the government does anything similar. If you choose not to be healthy, you'll get surcharged, or miss out on a healthy-person discount. They already do this for tobacco use, and they didn't need the government to put them up to it. Lastly, I am all for giving gym memberships to everyone. The YMCA already has a sliding scale for membership fees, you just gave to apply for it. Paying that reduced fee via Medicaid wouldn't bother me one bit for people that want to be healthier but cannot afford it.
  6. Would you re-glue a label to a cart? Not even necessarily the whole label, but say, just the top portion of an NES cart that has popped up? Here are some arguments for and against that came to mind: Yes: Gluing a label back down makes the cart more presentable. Gluing the label down prevents it from snagging and tearing. No: The cart must remain in its original form. Deterioration is part of the process. It's not the same glue the factory used. Gluing modifies the cart and lowers the value. Gluing the label down is deceptive. Depends: ???
  7. I really like those LRG Star Wars releases. I skipped those particular ones, much to my chagrin, but I'll be picking them up on the second-hand market for sure. Very nice!
  8. Sure, at some point, someone made the decision to take drugs when they still had some kind of rational ability to choose otherwise. I agree with that, and that such a choice is really bad for both oneself and the community. There are no perfect people in this world, though, and mistakes get made. Addiction is a state of being beyond where rational choices can be made. The only thing a needle exchange program does is provide them with a better chance not to contract a horrible illness on top of their addiction. As you say, most drug addicts will die from drug use; that, right there, is the consequence of their poor choice. We can't always help that end, even with good counsel and help. The spread of HIV to the drug using communities because of reused needles, though, is an unintended consequence. Nobody is choosing to get HIV. I am not saying we should be facilitating them with the drugs to continue their addiction. Clean needles are not an enabler. These people also need food and water to survive and continue their habit of taking drugs. Should we deny them those things, as well? Let them die of starvation or dehydration? Should the homeless be denied the use of a shelter, or should they be forced to suffer the elements and die of exposure or pneumonia? Where do you draw the line that people should just have to deal with the consequences of their lives when society, both privately and through gov't programs, can provide help?
  9. Which guy is that, and which outbreak is he in the middle of monitoring? There are several disconcerting pockets of the virus, both in China and in other countries like Iran and Italy.
  10. People that utilize needle exchanges are people that don't have access to the insurance needed to acquire them. You can't just walk into a Walgreens and buy needles. You need a prescription for them. That's why the needle exchanges are needed because someone looking for a fix has no safe recourse, and of course the addiction is stronger than the desire to not get a blood-borne illness like HIV.
  11. Don't misunderstand me, I ALSO agree that Pence is particularly unfit to handle this job. Nobody deserves HIV. Full stop, no questions, no arguments. Addiction is a sickness where the ability of the individual to control themselves has been lost. Whatever the reason is that they're an addict, they still don't deserve HIV. Addicts will do insane things to get their fix, including sharing needles. This gives them an increased risk of contracting HIV because of a compulsive sickness they cannot rationally control. Providing free needle exchanges lowers the risk of HIV spreading by keeping used needles off the streets. Remember, HIV spreading is BAD. Lowering the spread of HIV is GOOD. Tax dollars are meant to be spent on the common good. If you think a needle exchange is controversial, your only defense is that you think these people deserve to get HIV. That is a BAD stance. Be kind to your fellow man. It's the only way the world gets better.
  12. Umm, I never said anything about his needle exchange debacle. That's all you mentioning that one. What I don't like is the messaging from scientific agencies like the CDC being filtered through a politician. ANY politician. Politicians aren't scientists, they rarely understand the most basic of scientific concepts, and there is serious concern that essential information will be downplayed or spun to benefit the party of said politician.
  13. Panzer Dragoon Saga. $787.58. I have been wanting to pick this one up for quite a while. Glad to finally have a decent copy in my collection.
  14. Will you have extra copies after the KS finishes, or should I look into ordering one before you all are wrapped on the project?
  15. Thank you for answering this. I have OCD, and can't buy stuff with any illegal things in them. Is there a list of the cores he's programmed himself versus ones you'd have to copy a BIOS for? I don't plan to use it for anything but legitimate homebrew ROM's, but I'm hoping to not have to wade through 600 pages on the AtariAge forums to get my brain's hangups sorted out.
  16. This is a weird question, I'm sure, but is there anything illegal about a jailbroken Nt? Like, having CopyNES on there, or whatever it is that's used to dump ROM's? I am assuming that all of the programming is Kevtris' original work, but I don't know if some of the functionality is considered a no-no. I don't know enough about this stuff to really understand the legal ins-and-outs. I am presuming the Nt itself is totally legit (i.e. no copied code or whatever like Tengen did back in the day).
  17. I live in a pretty rural area, and there have been a bunch of independent game store closures lately. One retired (presumably business was fine), but another went under without notice, and now a third is closing after only being open about six months due to low volume sales. The closest one to me (a fourth store) has basically dropped used video game sales from lack of trade-ins; they're now primarily a tabletop game store. The nearest full-on used game store is now just over an hour and a half drive away. As much as I would love mom and pop shops to come back, my anecdotal experience suggests there's not much market left. I don't think most people care about playing real hardware or carts anymore, as it's too easy and too free to download an illegal ROM.
  18. Thanks for posting all this info, Scrobins. Backing 4 NES cart KS's at the moment. My wallet (and wife) are going to be very upset next month.
  19. The tagline for the sale is "one last time". Maybe that's only the current iteration, I don't know.
  20. I like the look of the redesigned stores, especially if they implement those gaming areas in most of the locations. That would be pretty slick, and it would definitely get me in their store more. I wonder how they plan to monetize that, pay by the half hour or something?
  21. Thanks! I picked up the FDS games about a decade ago, before prices on the popular titles really shot up. Here are the rest I picked up while out yesterday. They're from a pawn shop abiut an hour from me. D longbox $25 Resident Evil longbox $30 Raiden III $22 Resident Evil Outbreak $9 Xenoblade Chronicles X $15 +tax No steals, I don't think, but I love picking up stuff locally.
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