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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. I actually got mine brand new for $10, probably in '96 or so. Kay-Bee Toy Store had a bunch of first-party games they were clearing out, all for $10 each. Besides MM6, I also got Star Tropics 1 & 2, Yoshi, Wario's Woods, Kirby's Adventure, and Classic Series Zelda II and Metroid. Wish I still had that stuff
  2. cj_robot


    Yeah, I'm not complaining, just stating my opinion. I'm not mad at Sony, Microsoft, or anybody who enjoys their new consoles. And you're exactly right, that's on me for not seeing a reason to buy one, but I honestly don't see one. There's hardly any games I can't already get for my PS4 or PC. 4K doesn't really excite me, especially since I don't even have a 4K TV. Again, not complaining. PS5, at this point, is not for me and I'm OK with that. I'm glad that others are enjoying it.
  3. cj_robot


    I looked up the list of PS5 exclusives and was shocked how few there are. And half of those are even just remasters or "Directors Cuts" of PS4/PS3 games. It's hard to believe that we're a full year in and I can't find a single reason to get one, especially considering it's still $500 and still a pain in the ass to find.
  4. Nope. Zelda is an overhead-perspective Metroid, though.
  5. I do know this: The GameBoy version is unique in that it lacks color. The Super NES version is very SUPER, and this is reflected in the game's title. Krusty's Mega Fun House was, for some reason, also called Krusty's Super Fun House and Krusty's Ultra Fun House 64 remains just a dream.
  6. Completed Super Mario 64. It had been at least a decade since I've done it, and I think it will probably be another decade before I feel like doing it again. Some of the stars (especially the 100-coin ones) are too damn frustrating. Still a great experience overall, though. Also, I had forgotten just how impressive the graphics were compared to everything else that was out at the time. I've been working on Tomb Raider for the Saturn right now, and goodness, the difference in visual quality is staggering.
  7. That's interesting because I always thought of Uncharted as a Tomb Raider clone.
  8. Yeah, I get everything that you're all saying here, but... I'm still much happier with the incredible abundance of choices I have at my disposal now. As for not being able to pick a game, I just make lists for myself.
  9. I definitely wouldn't say Paper Mario was too hard, just annoying. And 1 HP each turn can be pretty significant when you start the game with just 10 HP. I don't know, I tolerated the timed button presses in SMRPG probably because I liked the rest of the game so much. In Paper Mario, it felt like so much more of a nuisance to me. Not saying it's a bad game, because obviously many people like it, but it was not for me.
  10. @Tanooki I felt the same way about Paper Mario. I was not impressed with it, especially considering how great SMRPG was, and it instead really just frustrated me with its mechanics. I think the Mario Party games are fun to play with other people, because so much of the game is left to chance and anything can happen, but that same aspect really kills the fun when playing one-player. Definitely hurts to be winning for the majority of a game, and then lose it at the end because of bad luck. That's why the Mario Kart games frustrate the hell out of me as well.
  11. I had the same experience with The Darkness on PS3. There is a glitch (I guess it's avoidable, but I didn't know about it at the time) that corrupts the save file. I don't remember how far into the game, but it was definitely at least halfway thought, several hours into it. The difference here is that, despite the decent review scores it got, I really wasn't digging the game very much. The game's story and atmosphere was extremely dark and creepy, but not in a way that was entertaining to me, but rather just left me feeling kind of depressed... so definitely regret spending the time I did on it. The glitch was definitely a blessing.
  12. But what is so bad about Nintendo wanting control over their own console?
  13. Narc always felt that way to me. It's not that it's necessarily low quality, but rather it's the content that seems like it should not have gotten through Nintendo's approval process. You are literally walking around not at all subtle depictions of drug houses and sex shops. And for some reason it feels more violent than a normal NES game. Probably because they give you the option of arresting the drug dealers if you want, but also the option to just murder them all in the street.
  14. I was super excited about this game when it came out, and a decade later I still haven't played it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One day I'll get to it.
  15. What's wrong with N64 games? Everyone: Too much fog and blurry textures! Nintendo: OK, fixed. Everyone:
  16. EARTHBOUND I'm pretty sure nobody likes this game. Even Nintendo's own marketing says, "This game stinks!" It doesn't get any more damning than that.
  17. In all seriousness, though... I think it's great that they added the really classic video game characters like Pac-Man, Sonic, Mega Man, Simon Belmont, etc. But I certainly wouldn't mind seeing any of the dozens of obscure, secondary characters go, like the bunch from Fire Emblem, Pokemon, etc.
  18. Where's Waldo Anyone who doesn't agree, just isn't hardcore enough.
  19. Yeah, I really don't think that the games they left in Japan had much to do with the Saturn's failure in America. The launch disaster definitely left a bad first impression, as well as the subpar, buggy Daytona and Virtua Fighter, two games that SHOULD have been system sellers. But also Americans wanted different games than Japan. I can't really think of many Japan games that would have been huge sellers in the US. It was much more the fact that PS1 got Mortal Kombat 3 and Saturn got MK2. Saturn got Doom 2 years late and a much worse version. Saturn got awful EA Sports ports and Sega's own sports games were usually even worse. And Sony were able to get fun games from their western second-party developers like Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Jet Moto, Crash Bandicoot, etc. Sega got crap like Congo: The Movie: The Game. Duke Nukem and Quake should have been a big deal, but it was already too late. Every thing that had gone right for the Genesis seemed to just go wrong for the Saturn.
  20. Yuck. I remember what a huge deal it was back then. I liked DOS adventure games back then, so I gave it a shot, but it did not hold my attention for very long. Cool atmosphere, I guess, but it was definitely never going to steal any of my time away from Space Quest V or Day of the Tentacle. Decided to try it out again many years later to see if maybe I had more patience for it. (I think I tried the Saturn version?) Nope. Still way too slow and boring. Whatever was going on with the story was not interesting to me at all. I can't fathom how anyone had enough patience to get through the whole game, let alone it's multiple sequels. 2/10
  21. Yikes. It makes even less sense for someone like me who already has Sega Genesis Classics, Contra Collection, and Castlevania Collection downloaded on their Switch. Plus, there's that little RetroArch icon on my desktop that seems to be calling out to me...
  22. I know this will be a super unpopular stance here, but I totally understand why they went that way. At the time, 3D was absolutely the hot ticket. If you're expecting people to shell out hundreds of dollars for a new console, you have to give them a reason. When the 16-bit consoles had loads of great (and some truly elite) 2D games coming out in '95 (DKC 2, Yoshi's Island, Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star IV, Ristar, Vectorman, NBA Jam: TE, etc.), it made sense to put all their efforts into making great games that just wouldn't have been possible on older consoles. Ridge Racer, Tekken, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Wipeout, Air Combat, Doom, Toshinden, etc. Those games may not have all been 10/10's, but they were new experiences that weren't previously possible on consoles... and those are precisely the games that made the PlayStation take off. Yeah, Rayman, Gex, and some others were there, but if those kinds of games were ALL the PS1 had to offer at launch, then honestly we would have all just stuck with the SNES. Anyway, once PS1 gained market domination, they started letting 2D games trickle in, and the PS1 library had tons of great 2D stuff by the end. So I have no I'll will towards them for that choice.
  23. The Super Star Wars games and Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures had some decent stills used for the cutscenes. (I always though the title screen looked really nice on Indy) Edit: also Star Trek: TNG has large images of a few of the crew members. Also, while I've never played it, I remember being impressed by an image a saw in EGM back in the day of the WWF Super WreslteMania title screen.
  24. This, except you have to remember that far fewer people had a PC capable of running Quake then those who had a game console like N64. So yeah, I agree that nobody thought that N64 graphics were the best 3D graphics were ever going to get. We definitely noticed all the rough stuff back then: texture warping, polygon pop-in, excessive fog, low framerates, etc. We weren't blind to that stuff. I remember it clearly, and all the reviews of the time mentioned these things when they were especially bad. But, we also knew it was the best we had at the time, we were able to tolerate these aspects when the gameplay was good enough, and have some legit enjoyable experiences. So I feel like for most of us, our perceptions of these games really hasn't changed over the years. Either we realized their faults and found ways to enjoy them anyways, or we simply could not tolerate them back then and the same is true today. This is where I have a hard time understanding the term "has not aged well". I guess there are people who used to tolerate it, but just can't anymore. I've just never experienced that sort of thing with a game. I suppose there are some movies/TV shows I liked as a kid that I just can't watch anymore. But I wouldn't say they aged poorly, just that I grew up and my personal tastes changed.
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