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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. Mario for sure, because they just went bonkers with it. No on Final Fantasy because it made complete sense at the time, and there's not one single person on the planet who doesn't already know that FFIII(SNES) = FFVI(SFC). Because if somebody does refer to the game as Final Fantasy 3 (God forbid), it takes literally 12 milliseconds for somebody to respond, "You DO realize that it's actually FINAL FANTASY 6, right? RIGHT?!?!?"
  2. NES: SMB/Duck Hunt, SMB2, SMB3, TMNT, and DuckTales. Best Christmas ever. SNES: Super Mario World/All-Stars combo cart. Genesis: Sonic 2 GameBoy: Zelda: Link's Awakening Nintendo 64: Mario Kart 64 PlayStation: Final Fantasy VII Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure PS2: Honestly can't remember. For some reason, back in 2001, I started collecting games before I even owned the console. GameBoy Advance: Super Mario Advance, F-Zero and Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on launch day. GameCube: Pikmin and Rogue Leader. Wii: Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, Call of Duty 3, all on launch day. PS3: Resistance: Fall of Man Strangely, it's the more recent consoles that I have a header time remembering.
  3. I've never played this one, but I've have a hard time dealing with the concept that death is permanent for characters in the later games I played. If I can ever get over that mental hurdle, I figure I'd probably enjoy this series, as I usually do with these kinds of games.
  4. I'm going with the most obvious answer: Super Mario Bros. 3. After the brilliant, ground-breaking sequel that was Super Mario Bros. 2, Nintendo shamefully back-pedaled with SMB3, returning once again to the already conquered Mushroom Kingdom with the same ol' baddies to deal with yet again. And wait, Mario and Luigi look and control exactly the same again??? At the same time, they added new aspects which make it feel like it belongs to a completely different franchise. (What is with this map screen? Mini games? Oh, so Mario can fly now?!?) Totally ridiculous. SMB3 is an ok game, I guess, but it certainly isn't a Super Mario Bros. game. Should have been called Super Mario World Zero or something like that.
  5. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Contra Force yet.
  6. That's good to hear. I did have one of them (Seasons, I think) back when it was new, but sadly I never gave my GameBoy Color the love it deserved. I'll have to check those out some time.
  7. Been playing TLoZ: The Minish Cap, and have been really enjoying it so far. It's becoming clear to me that instead of trying (and failing) to enjoy the home console Zelda's all these years, I should have just been sticking with the portable ones, which seem to be much more up my alley.
  8. Honestly, even "shoot-'em-up" sounds weird to me. When did that phrase come around, anyway? I thought they used to be referred to as simply "shooters" back in the day.
  9. Finished The Getaway: Black Monday. Honestly, I was surprised at how bad this game was. On the surface, it looks like it has some very high production value, with nice graphics and character models (for a PS2 game, anyway), and excellent voice acting. It's all style and no substance, though. Controls are frustrating, there's no camera control, and there's a surprising lack of freedom as to what you can do in the game. Apparently, the developers actually recreated a portion of real-life London in the game, but there's absolutely nothing to do in the city other than drive around, and playing through the main game never even gives you an actual opportunity to explore anyway, so what was even the point? Oh well, on to the next game.
  10. Does everybody here drink IPAs while you play through your collection of "minty" SNEZZZZZ shmups (like S.T.G)? Or do you just drink rubbing alcohol like I do?
  11. I got this right when it came out, but never ended up playing all the way through. It's been so long now, I can't really give it a proper score. I remember it seemed really interesting, kind of like the 3D evolution of whatever you call the genre that Out of This World belongs to, if that makes any sense. After having a lot of fun with Shadow of the Colossus last year, I'll probably get back to Ico some time soon.
  12. Am I mistaken or are digital games being tracked now as well? If so, I finished all the puzzles on Picross S. As usual, I go on vacation with a device loaded with games and end up playing Picross the entire trip.
  13. I agree that it makes the most sense to think about it this way. For instance, there are several Game Gear games that are actually technically Master System roms which puts the hardware into "Master System" mode to run. But these games were branded as Game Gear games and Master System games separately, and we obviously think of them as such. Another example is the Sega Mark III (Master System) game, Phantasy Star, which was re-released on the Mega Drive as an actual Mark III rom and converter inside a Mega Drive cartridge. At the technical level it is a MS game, but obviously this version would be considered part of the Mega Drive library as well. Kinda like those black-box NES games that are actually just Famicom boards with pin converters inside the cartridge. Those are considered part of the NES library, even though the Famicom is a completely different console
  14. I mean, I've been looking at the number of soccer games on the PS2 completion thread and thinking the same thing about that.
  15. I'm siding with @fcgamer on this one. For me, specifically with the Famicom/NES, it makes sense to differentiate the regional subsets and not just think of it as one big glob of games. As has been pointed out, the library overlap isn't really as big as one might think. And the stuff that did overlap, in many cases, is different from one region to the next. Not just localization, but in many cases gameplay was altered, complete graphics overhauls or reskins, features taken out either due to hardware differences or otherwise. Obviously Disk System games can't be just be plugged into NES with an adapter, but neither can many Japanese carts that had special chips like Konami's VRC games. In my opinion, there is just too many interesting differences in either side of the library to just simply ignore by lumping them all into one big pile. But, of course, everyone is free to look at this any way they want. There is no right or wrong answer.
  16. Finished Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day. I was expecting a bland, generic WWII shooter. What I got was even worse. Terrible controls and annoying enemy respawns made this game a not very fun experience. Oh well. I couldn't even get a picture of the ending because it was a video that lasted all of ten seconds, so I just grabbed a pic of level select showing all of the complete.
  17. Yeah, I am actually also one who can appreciate a lot of their older stuff. Weirdly, I didn't really take to any of the "Souls" games, though. But the truth is that almost every game they put out got pretty mediocre review scores. I was honestly shocked when Demon's Souls was so universally praised when it came out.
  18. FromSoftware had a whole decade worth of games with mediocre reviews, and then they release Demon's Souls and they're instantly a household name.
  19. I'm giving it a 6. Just didn't really click with me. I played through the whole thing, but I kinda had to force myself to get through it. I wouldn't say it's bad, but it just didn't feel special to me in any way. Plus, I think the loads of quirky dialogue you have to sit through turned me off a bit, as well.
  20. Finished Sword of Vermilion. Not a bad JRPG that doesn't get a lot of attention, I think. Does get a bit repetitive after a while, but it also doesn't overstay it's welcome. Finished in about 15 hours of playtime, even with maxing out my character's level.
  21. I'm actually embarrassed by this I don't even know why it says "12 Games Played" because it should only be 3... and two of those games were me trying them out for a quick minute and never going back lol
  22. Same. Outside of Kirby's Adventure and the Mario games, there's nothing that I really ever want to go back to on the NES. As for portables, doesn't it just have to be Virtual Boy?
  23. I had to laugh at myself back in the day. There I was in 2001 with my Sega Dreamcast and the newest hyped-up AAA game, and all I'm doing with it is playing Hang-On and Space Harrier. I never did get anywhere in the actual game
  24. Completed Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere. One of my favorite PS1 games, though it had been over ten years since my last playthrough. Good times.
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