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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. Ah cool, I didn't know about this. Gonna need to get this one eventually. I used to love Dark Forces. Damn, why is my PS4 filled with nothing but '90s games?!
  2. I think a big part of it was the mystique around it, being a hyped-up game for a console that not many people had access to (at the time, anyway). Everyone heard about it, but too few of us could actually try it for ourselves. That helped to build up a sort of legendary status that it didn't necessarily earn. I remember similar vibes around stuff like Knuckles for 32X and Alien vs Predator for the Jaguar. Sonic CD actually ended up being a whole lot better than those other two, though.
  3. It was kind of trippy seeing both Spider-Man and Batman as villains in The Revenge of Shinobi.
  4. Oh man, it's been way too long for me to rate this one. I remember being really hyped when it came out, since good run-n-guns were an endangered species by this time, and it had a cool looking art style. I bought it when it came out and played it quite a bit for awhile, but yeah it's been a long time now. Definitely remember liking it.
  5. I always wanted to see Colony Wars continue on past the PS1 generation. Not only did we not get any more from that series, but there were hardly any games even remotely similar on the later consoles. Always bummed me out. Also, Blast Corps is probably my favorite game that never got any kind of follow-up.
  6. I don't know why, but I have a hard time picking anything other than the original or default option. Like, I feel really weird if I don't.
  7. Never played it, but I've heard so many greta things about it I definitely want to check it out someday.
  8. So my brother in law is super into World of Warcraft. He showed me his setup one time and I swear his screen looked pretty close to this screenshot I found online Apparently, the layout is customizable, but good Lord Almighty that's a lot of shit to try and make sense out of.
  9. 6/10 This first one definitely has some issues (the big thing for me, if I recall, was lack of an effective fast travel, making exploring a real slog), but you could definitely see the potential there, which would obviously be better realized in the sequels. Not a bad game and I mostly enjoyed my time with it, but even still this would be the last one I would ever want to revisit, if at all.
  10. This is an outstanding game. Excellent graphics, badass music, great gameplay that is very challenging while staying quite fair. I don't think it's quite up there with the elites, but just a step below. 9/10
  11. Finished Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel last week. I really enjoyed the anime when I watched it (probably like a decade ago now), and thought this game might be interesting. It was not. I've seen this referred to as an action-RPG, but I definitely wouldn't call it that at all. It's strictly a beat-em-up and the only RPG elements are an unnecessary experience/level-up system and consumable items. Not that that's a bad thing, though. The real problem is that the combat is not that exciting and the game is very long and very repetitive. Imagine the most meh beat-em-up you can think of... and then imagine that it lasts 12 hours. There is a somewhat interesting mechanic, where you can transmute objects in the environment into weapons. Unfortunately, it turns out that many of them are pretty useless. It does have some nice animated cutscenes created specifically for this game with the original voice actors, but these are too few and far between. The story is fine (it feels like it would actually make for a decent episode of the show), but I wouldn't say it's worth slogging through the actual game to get to it. Wasted opportunity, I'd say. Not horrible, but not really very good, either.
  12. I just happened to recently come across this Ninja Gaiden III review from EGM back in the day: "What has to be the best of the Gaiden series, The Ancient Ship of Doom makes up for both the lack of difficulty and awkward controls that kept previous Gaiden games from being full tens!"
  13. Toy Story on the 16-bit consoles. Looks great with tons of cool effects, but the gameplay is frustratingly bad.
  14. Beat Street Smart. Missed getting a pic, but oh well. Yikes what a lame ass fighting game. I breezed through the game in about 15 minutes pretty much just mashing the B-button and jumping away from attacks every now and then. There's a gambling gimmick which I didn't pay much attention to, but I guess how much money you make effects the ending scene. Even though I beat all 10 fighters, I still ended up a broke ass loser, but the game gave me a "Congratulations!" anyway and showed the credits. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
  15. Won the Stanley Cup in NHL Hockey. I still remember how blown away I was by this game when it came out. Even though the sequels would obviously get better, the original will always be special to me. Normally I play as my San Jose Sharks (which I now realize is like playing on Ultra Hard Mode), but this time I picked the Penguins and breezed through the playoffs. Interesting note: Just a minute into the final game, a fight broke out between Mario Lemiuex and Wayne Gretzky, which is some crazy alternate-universe-type hockey stuff.
  16. Wow pretty harsh on Vectorman here. I gave it a 7/10. I agree that it's not "great" on the same level as Contra or something like that, but I always thought it was a good game and I enjoyed it. The visuals are nice, the sound is good, controls work well, it's got a decent variety of environments and gameplay styles throughout the levels. Always thought the powerups that transform you into different things was interesting.
  17. Yeah, there's tons of examples from the film industry. The script for Die Hard 2 was based on a standalone novel called "58 Minutes". One of the earlier Die Hard 2 scripts was rejected and turned into Speed 2 instead.
  18. I mean, if you're going to go down that rabbit hole, you'll find that there's a ton of games that aren't really the games you think they are. I don't think there's really a point in keeping track of all the changes made during actual development of the game. All that matters is what the final product is.
  19. Uhhhhh, obviously you have to click play to start the video, and also click pause every time you need a peepee break. Just call it "Super Mega Ultra Easy Mode." The kids will be demanding modes like this once they find out how brutally difficult Super Mario RPG's "Breezy Mode" is.
  20. Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I just don't get it. If you're not interested in the game, but you want the story, just watch a YouTube video. It's free and as low effort as you can get. I just don't understand buying and playing a game if you're not interested in the game.
  21. Also in that game, you can die right at the beginning by simply flushing the toilet in the bar you start at.
  22. Finished Phantasy Star III with Aron's ending. This was the only mainline entry that I hadn't finished up until now. It's often regarded as the weakest one and, after finally playing through it, I must say I agree with that assessment. The dungeons are much smaller than in the previous game (which is good), but they are probably some of the most annoying mazes I've ever experienced in an RPG. Combine that with the painfully slow walk speed and the high random battle encounters and you've got a pretty awful experience. I resorted to finding maps for the dungeons to keep myself from going crazy. On the other hand, battles are ridiculously easy, especially compared to PSII. I did spend a little time grinding here and there, mostly to get enough money to buy weapons/armor, but not any more than I normally would in an RPG. Still, the game was a cakewalk, and I got through the entire thing essentially mashing the C-button on every battle. I never even used offensive one time. Never had to implement any kind of strategy, all the way to the final boss. Kinda boring, really. The generations gimmick is at least interesting, but there's no way I'm playing through this again to see any of the other endings, so kind of a waste. Sadly, I feel like there is a pretty compelling story buried in this game that just doesn't come through in the interactions with the characters. Oh well. Took me just under 15 hours to complete. Of course, using maps to avoid all the ridiculous dead-end paths helped, but even still it's pretty short. Not sure if that was intentional so you'd play to see the different endings, but no thanks to that.
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