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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. I got a spam call from my own number once. So of course I answered. They immediately hung up when I called em out.
  2. The NHL series for Canadiens is pretty much like Madden for Americans or FIFA for the rest of the world. Fairly big in the states too. I played my fair share of the NES hockey games, 90s Genesis NHL titles, and remember being particularly impressed with the PS2 NHL 2001. I pretty much stopped following hockey (and playing the games) after the 2004 season got canceled due to the lockout.
  3. Dig it! Got my collection back. Mom's been had it about 20 years. Here's a tease. OG Ice Ice Baby!
  4. E: After much introspection, a gun is not the answer here. I genuinely believe I gave bad advice. Please seek the advice of a professional.
  5. So good. Incredible tone and atmosphere. No other space/horror flick comes close, including favorites Event Horizon, Jason X, Freddy in Space, Pandorum, etc. Aliens is another 10 of course, but loses the horror edge to a degree much like T2 as @ZeldaFreak mentioned. And similar to Terminator, I prefer Alien over the sequel by a slim margin for the horror aspect and sense of impending dread. And not to mention, peak Sigourney Weaver.
  6. 10/6 Love The Who and Pinball Wizard is an easy 10. I'd also say it can stand on its own but the Tommy rock opera would be nowhere without Pinball Wizard. Still some great tunes and concept but Pete Townshend pretty much shoehorned it into the album to impress a music critic who liked pinball. Also dig the Elton John version from the movie and the Tina Turner Acid Queen is a cut above the original too.
  7. I pronounce it the same way that I pronounce Ninja Gaiden. The right way.
  8. I'm bout a 6/7 on the Clash in general. Dig that crazy Casbah sound though. Pew peeeewwwwwwww!
  9. I remember it being cool but I guess it's a 5 since I haven't gone out of my way to play it since it was current.
  10. Got any more of them TurboGrafx games?
  11. Bacon egg and cheese McMuffin courtesy of my McMuffin robot.
  12. Ehh. I don't really like phone games.
  13. I don't think any of my controllers hook up to my TV.
  14. 8 and 10. BTH didn't click with me back in that day but I've grown to appreciate. And Skinny's right about the Warren G. Funked out with a gangsta twist.
  15. Both great gateway drugs artists. Like, expand your mind, man.
  16. 1222 Living Colour was the first band I ever saw live.
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