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Everything posted by G-type

  1. the indexed-color video compression artifacts are a bit of a give-away that its a FMV game, which makes it a pretty short list of possible titles.
  2. no, but I can see why you would guess those.
  3. lets be honest, the only ones that are really in the conversation are Fight Club, Seven, and The Social Network... although I think The Game and Zodiac are both praiseworthy. And Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is good too, but it feels kind of weird to be covering the same material that had already been very well done by the Swedish films just a couple years earlier.
  4. I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but I'm in one of their movies.
  5. I've only played it briefly, but not enough to rate it but it is obviously a well made game.
  6. There's all kinds of temptations out in the world. I believe responsibility falls ultimately on the person who chose to do the thing.
  7. I think it is the obligation of the person IN the relationship to respect the relationship and set the boundaries... I don't buy into blaming the outsider. At the same time, not everyone sees it that way and this could very easily end badly for you. It's probably not worth it.
  8. I rewatched this recently. It's a classic for a reason. Lots of great and iconic moments in it: "Ain't got time to bleed", "Dylan you son of bitch!" (Carl Weather's is one of the only guys who could try to have a bicep-off with Arnold), when Mac grabs Blain's minigun and is joined by the rest of the squad as they mow down the jungle... "if it bleeds, we can kill it!" The minigun looked so cool that James Cameron was inspired to add it to T2. Alan Silvestri's soundtrack kicks butt. Stan Winston's creature design is one of the all time great "man in a suit" monster costumes plus the awesome looking semi-invisible mode. its not without its flaws too... the raid on the guerrilla camp at the beginning feels tonally out of place from the rest of the movie. Cheesy one-liners like "stick around" for the guy with a knife to the chest, seemed more fitting to Commando than Predator. Bringing the woman along seemed tacked on... feels like some Studio exec was like "There's too many dudes in this movie... we need a woman!" and then she is unceremoniously dropped from the movie before the final showdown because they didn't need her anymore. "Get to the choppa!" and she's never seen again.
  9. Codenames is awesome.. are there any other games like that? (party games that can be played from a web browser?)
  10. love this movie and watched it a million times as a kid
  11. I loved Season 1... don't know what's going to happen with Season 2.. there's the writers strike and also I heard the showrunners hate each other now.
  12. hearing about the new Street Fighter movie reminded me that I'd never seen the Van Damme version. I'd heard so much negative buzz about it over the years that it always kept me away, but sometimes if I'm in the right mood, I don't mind a bad movie. It honestly wasn't as terrible as it had been built up to be. I read up a little about the production and can sympathize with the impossible challenges the first time director was faced with: After writing Commando, 48 Hours, Die Hard 1 and 2, it makes sense they'd give Desouza a shot as a writer/director Capcom demanding nearly every character at the time be included, meant they'd all be competing with each for screen time combined with Van Dame missing call times from being out partying and coked out of his mind, meant they had to shoot around his absences which explains why the featured star of the movie is barely in it. He was one of the biggest martial arts action stars at the time, who'd just come off a string of hits (Universal Soldier, Double Impact, Hard Target) so he makes sense as their choice for a marquee actor, even if it didn't work out. Raul Julia does a very memorable performance, yet his casting forced them rearrange the schedule to do all the action scenes up front, so he could recover some of the weight he'd lost since his stomach surgery. Consequently they had no time to do fight training with their actors, which explains why this movie about a fighting game barely has any fights in it, and what little they have is not very impressive. I actually liked a lot of the casting choices. Zangief looks great and was hilarious. Sagat and Vega also look great. Kylie Minogue as Cammy! Come'on! That's perfect... too bad they didn't put her in a game accurate costume. I guess they needed to keep it family friendly. At least they corrected this missed opportunity for the movie: the game version. Chun Li was great how she played it so straight... really helped make the "it was Tuesday" line pop. E Honda, Balrog, and Dee Jay were obviously just shoehorned in to get some more characters. Ken and Ryu were kind of meh... The only ones that were flat out misses were Blanka and Dhalsim. The storyline was serviceable. (I kind of respect them for going for a more James Bond-ish story) than for the obvious martial arts tournament angle. The Thailand location looked great. I also really enjoyed how they created a Thai-style font for the english signs.
  13. I just rewatched that last week. I've watched it many times in my teens and 20s and really loved it. I still think its good, but it doesn't hold up quite as well for me now.
  14. If that’s the intention, I have no problem either. But if the bar was set thinking “this should be no problem for everyone” well then you overestimate my abilities.
  15. The directors of the current A24 indie horror Talk to Me are signed on to make a Street Fighter adaptation. I think that’s actually kind of a brilliant move, since these guys are obviously big fans and were making fan films of it on their YouTube before they hit the big time
  16. Tiny toons is a very well made game but nothing particularly exciting. I tried it quite a few times this week and never made it to 3-1 at all, let alone in 1 life.
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