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Everything posted by Nintegageo

  1. Managed to locate a 'decent' priced Crossed Swords 2 conversion to an MVS cartridge. Waiting on shelves to arrive so can show you guys (and gals) the games.
  2. I honestly cannot remember whether it is the PBC or just the Genesis controllers, but I remember maybe 5-10 games that do not work with them - just not sure which it is, controller or the base.
  3. Hey guys, I would not ask you to do so, but reasonably do you think it is do-able without missing on any must-play style games. Been debating removing a shelving unit and buying a second arcade cabinet, but I do not want to be a guy who has his collection in boxes. No actual plans to do so, just wondering. Cheers
  4. I was actually thinking Samson as an 8 as well. The game is always available to buy. Glad to see Sword Master at 9, that game was a bitch to locate as even online they tend to just be PAL cartridges.
  5. Sparkster has a great soundtrack. Hyperstone Heist is pretty sweet.
  6. Would game reviews interest you guys? Been considering playing a game 1h then writing a review on my impression. Some I have obviously put time into but others I have barely touched so would be a cool way to experience the games.
  7. I am at work so no pictures but I would say based on timeline(ish).. 1. SMB/DH. I was super young but I remember everyone at the house gathering around the tv to watch and play. 2. A Link to the Past - I would play this at my older sister's and just got so absorbed into it 3. Link's Awakening - this may be the 1st game I bought with my own money, not sure whether it was that or my birthday but it's just so good. 4. FF VI - I actually played this and decided no thanks originally, but then my buddy told me the Magitech armor part is just in the intro and not the entire game. This is my #1 game. 5. Mario 64 - I actually wasn't that into the game when it was new because my hype was Star Wars Shadows o the Empire (Hoth was sooo good), however Mario is my #1 N64 game. 6. Super Mario Kart - the original. This game invented the genre and is sooo good. 7. Secret of Mana - loved this game when I was younger. I actually created my eBay account back in 2002 to buy this game. Used a money order because I was so young and didn't have a credit card haha. 8. Super Metroid - this was possibly the 1st proper Metroidvania game that I played, and the genre is simply incredible. 9. Ikaruga. This is the best shooter ever and really got me into the genre. 10. Zelda BotW - not my #1 game but I think the best game ever created to this point. Honourable mentions: Super C - man, my buddy and I used to play this probably every time we drank and hung at his place. We could beat it using zero continues God of War (PS4) - best game on the console. Gorgeous and awesome. Symphony of the Night - you know why it deserves a spot. Twinkle Star Sprites - am sure other games should outrank this one but it's probably my #1 Neo Geo game, so just wanted to mention it. Nothing else really to compare it to but certainly recommend you play it. Tomba! - holy crap this is a great game. I only ever played through it the once, but it is one I really wish they would put on a virtual console. I wouldn't say that each one mentioned is THE game as there are many others that came to mind, but these are the ones I decided to mention. My answer tomorrow might have some other choices, but you get an idea :).
  8. Probably, but nothing really in my mind atm. The problem was we got shitty Western art on so many games and the original was simply better than them.
  9. That's 4, isn't it? I am pretty sure Relm says it to either Shadow or Strago (I think Strago). Edit: oh just saw the pictures now haha, shitty work computer. Cheers.
  10. CS2 has been on my radar - there are just don't seem to be any priced decently atm on the Bay or with people.
  11. Either sounds amazing. I just hope they do something to make the NG version its own, even though am assuming it is 'just' gonna be a port which is pretty awesome in its own right.
  12. Yes sir ordered an MVS. Just wish the Canadian dollar wasn't such crap haha. But hey, wanted to support NG games and this is such an arcade style game.
  13. I don't atm, but may look into them at some point. Am probably going to see about conversion carts prior - games that were not MVS but were NG. Ironclad is a great example - NG CD game that people 'ported' to an MVS cart. Edit: oh Ghostlop would be another great example. An undistributed game by Data East that got dumped and thus put into cartridge boards.
  14. I think there can be some debate on certain Sega consoles. The SMS has never stopped being made/sold in Brazil. Yep, they even make them today which is pretty amazing. The Game Gear could also be mentioned. It didn't sell Game Boy #s but it lived 1990-1997 which is pretty impressive. I should plug my 32x in and see whether it deserves a mention.
  15. This is the only Mini that really caught my eye. Genesis did a bit, but I own all the non-mini exclusives so didn't purchase it.
  16. Haha alrighty, I can. Apparently they do not all have a place on the shelves though so guess this is the push to haul my ass to Ikea. Pray I do not punch anyone.
  17. I bought it and was super stoked but I think what others have written is pretty accurate. It's certainly about the experience/story, rather than the gameplay. I have played it enough to decide I am going to pause playing it and go to something more enjoyable to play but I could play this one when am in the right mood and plan to dedicate the time to the game. Edit: nevermind. The story drew me back into the game.
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