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Everything posted by Sumez

  1. Why are poll responses anonymous now? I need to be able to call people out! The Witness, like Braid before it, made me think in completely new ways I've never done before to solve the problems presented in the game. The game looks really basic - but like I said recently in my comparison to Talos Principle, the way the entire game is meticulously hand crafted for one singular purpose (whatever it may be) is just something that can subtly elevate a game above anything else of its kind. 8/10 Baba is You is the newest 10/10 on my "list". When I first completed it, I rated it a 9, but the more I think about it, the more I realise how much the game just manages to showcase pure excellent puzzle design at the absolute best it can. If a game of this sorts makes you think about the puzzles you left behind while in bed and trying to sleep, and if you actually start solving them while you aren't even playing, that says a lot about the effect it has on you. 10/10 Obra Dinn is a game that I appreciate a lot more than my objective rating communicates. The puzzle design has its flaws, and it rewards brute forcing. The story, as you uncover it, really loses its steam after the initial shocking reveals early on. But man, the game should be forever cherished for being basically the only existing game of a type that should be much more prevalent. And its look and style is fantastic, really elevates it to something special. 7/10 Tunic is basically Fez 2. The puzzle aspect of it, in the context of this debate, is really good, but hard to even discuss without spoiling things. My biggest gripes with the game is that it's trying to do too many different things and never really maintains focus. 8/10
  2. I'm probably going to need a list of "everyone should play these games" games.
  3. Dragon Quest and Zelda both did that quite succesfully recently... I feel like Seiken Densetsu doesn't manage to pull quite the same emotional significance It's a wildly inconsistent series unfortunately.
  4. No, but for this particular scene there is a relation to pirates
  5. I don't understand why anyone would prefer an NES controller to the SNES one which is much easier on the hands, and does diagonals better, but is otherwise just as tight and responsive. But personal preference is what it is - I'm still fond of the NES controller as well, so it's a fair stance. However, SMB3 on SNES controls *exactly* like the NES version. If I remember correctly, the gameplay code is basically unchanged thanks to the SNES CPU's backwards compatibility.
  6. Did you do that hidden cave with the Grieg music playing? Won't spoil anything if you didn't, but to me it's kind of where the whole game really comes together. But it's pretty obscure to find, so I'll drop a hint if you haven't.
  7. Sumez


    I enjoy cycling but I'd never do it just for fun. For me, it's just generally the most practical way to get around
  8. Thanks, I completely forgot! I'll whip something up tonight when the kid is asleep
  9. Does anyone seriously prefer Sonic 2 to Sonic and Knuckles?
  10. because you're playing at like half a frame per sec
  11. I'm not entirely convinced. Do you think it's possible to make the video a bit wider?
  12. Also.. The Witness, Baba is You, Obra Dinn, and Tunic? Damn, now there's a strongggggggg lineup!!
  13. Not familiar with the GG version, but the Master System game is a completely different game from the MegaDrive one.
  14. Yeah, most of the time it's not strictly necessary, and you can even get away with kinda mashing the parry button, since it doesn't leave you open, you just do a block instead. But you'd definitely enjoy the game a lot more if you adapted to it.
  15. That BJ scene just bothers me so much because it's a massive step down from the rest of the movie, it's extremely cringey and embarassing. It's interesting to learn that it's a part of a longer segment that got excised, because that probably explains why they didn't just excise that scene. People talk a lot about Ghostbusters being a "perfect" movie, but it has quite a few low points like that, and that's a specific example of a scene where if you just remove it entirely, the rest would still feel intact and be a better movie for it.
  16. Parasol Stars? Ninja Spirit? Splatterhouse? Legendary Axe? Bomberman? Devil's Crush? Bonk? Tonma? Neutopia? Sonson 2? Jackie Chan? Nexzr, Soldier Blade, Sapphire, and Super Star Soldier? Best ports of Gradius 2 and Salamander? That's just scratching the surface. It's no NES or SNES, sure, but if you can find enjoyment in the Saturn library, the PCE should be ripe for you.
  17. May... bea. The timing and parrying stuff never clicked with me even after playing the entire game through. It's a good game no doubt about that. Its just not made for me.
  18. ...yeah it just plays completely differently
  19. Do you enjoy all of the six first Might & Magic games?
  20. Do you enjoy all of the six first Might & Magic games?
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