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Everything posted by dogbowl

  1. I'd go with these guys. They do a good job with acrylic cases. https://cgagrading.com/nintendo-snes-n64-game-acrylic-display-case/
  2. I use a product called "Un-du Remover". Can't speak to what the liquid inside the bottle actually is but it does not leave streaks in any way. Give it time, go slow and it will dissolve the adhesive and then evaporate away. Clean up is simple with a cloth after that.
  3. I'm not sure how something like that could be homemade. To manufacture it, the seal would have been pressed down from the front into a mold (thats what I can best guess by looking at the back). From what I know, this came out of a video game store that was active during the 90's. Update : came out of this store! (Lower glass cabinet, bottom left) http://nwcomputers.com/store.htm
  4. I can't find anything like this listed anywhere and there are no identifiable markings anywhere. Has anybody seen one of these before? The frame is plastic. The Seal seems to be on some sort of embossed & laminated paperstock
  5. I couldn't say. It came to me in this box from (what I assume) to be the original owner. The cart doesn't have any Rev-A marking and neither does the box. No date code on the flap. Isn't 1987 the earliest date for a MT Punch Out? Do you have a 5 screw in your collection?
  6. I don't have a 5 screw cart. I'm not sure they exist
  7. For reference, this is the 8738 board MTPO from my collection Most five screw carts do not have a "rev-a" on the back. (Does anyone know the how and why on that?)
  8. These just came back from their relaxing spa retreat
  9. Well, here's the answer. As expected, it's folded down flat 90. Not a fan .
  10. Yes, as is the manual too (which also has a 20118 date code)
  11. For the record, the date code on my darker, circle seal box is 00405 and the date code on the lighter, oval seal box is 20118
  12. Posting some images of my M37XB neon sign as the ones from the virtual library seem to not be online any longer. Mine has a manufacture date of September 2002 -- so these must have been "in production" for some time
  13. I can't confirm the accuracy but here's what I have in mine: Date Code: 40125 Manual code: NES-G6-USA-1 Nintendo Power : GP-NES-USA-1 Poster/Catalog: GP-NES-USA-2 Other insert: NES-USA/CAN-2 precaution Sleeve: Shiny foil red
  14. I've have a MM1 that I've always assumed had some sun fading and recently picked up a 'good' copy without the fading. Watching auctions on Heritage the other night, I noticed something odd -- they had a circle seal and oval seal variants back to back and those also both had the same color differences. Did the later, oval seal prints have lighter colors or is this just an odd coincidence with 2 sun faded copies?
  15. My biggest concern is that I don't have confidence that the grading companies are able to fully spot repros...
  16. Maybe I've got the collecting bug ingrained in me but I can say that I've regretted everything I've sold. Think along the lines of "Surely DKJR Math is topping out at $200" and "If someone will pay me $100 for Zombie Nation, I'll take it. Its not opened so you can't even play it!?". So sell .. but be aware that prices will go up and you my not be able to acquire it again....
  17. Nice Tie Fighter. Here's his older brother:
  18. I think Code Monkey must have the answer - its a mistake
  19. The TM after the "Nintendo Entertainment System" is referred as the 3rd Code. (See column 'H')
  20. Its too new for Ebay to be able to authenticate. Its up to the graders really -- I sure hope WATA and the other look for and are able to reject fakes. Can anybody cofirm that they do?
  21. From their pattern, wouldn't that be a "Hangtab, NES-GP, Code, NES TM, Rev-A, Round SOQ, Title TM (No Code)" ? I'm confused why there is both a 'Code' and a (No Code) in the description for the box (the first bullet item)
  22. This box is described as "Hangtab, NES-GP, Code, NES TM, No Rev-A, Round SOQ, Title TM (No Code)" What does that final (No Code) refer to?
  23. This is excellent work. I've never heard of this game before and while I've tackled some basic arcade PCB repair -- never would I consider something on this scale. Keep us updated
  24. Is this Nintendo of Europe or possibly Canadian?
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