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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. 1222. Metallica v queen was tough because that is definitely not a top Metallica song for me and a better Queen song probably would’ve beaten it. You‘ll be pleasantly surprised to see I didn’t shit on Ghost for once. I mean sure that’s a sucky song they’re going against but I really did find the Juggalos start a Steely Dan tribute band vibe quite amusing.
  2. It’s like a graveyard Yeah the pairing them with loose games plan is probably best or you could take my tact with the questionable crap I acquire and stick it in the to be figured out later bin never to be heard from again.
  3. I never click any links in my emails from the various entities I utilize. I always go to whatever known portal I use to normally interact with them to check for whatever thing is being suggested through the email in question.
  4. I forgot to count how many but it’s not a bunch. Somewhere in the teens maybe 20. How many of these can really be worth watching to someone not into movies?
  5. This tour they’re doing in corpse paint though.
  6. Oh man. Abbath is doing some US dates. Dude break.
  7. I’ve been saying for years that pink is BS. It’s just light red.
  8. Still looking for a non-comic sans font to use I assume
  9. Any tips for caring for people with dementia? Yeah, as soon as you notice the person begin to loose their faculties get them away from anything emitting 5G or 4G radiation. Get them away from any and all smart meters and everything else in contemporary society that is poisoning us all. lol wut?
  10. I’m remembering a lot of NA chatter about calling this place purple Gannon something or other. Pretty glad it’s not that.
  11. I find it hard to believe that nobody at least wants the 1000+ pages of expert werewolf play. For ya know, profit.
  12. Yeah, that’s fair enough but we’ve also watched a lot of bullshit get price pumped based on “print run”. Sure, theres an argument for wanting to own as close to the very first copy of SMB off the presses (like that time they found NES-001 on storage wars ) as you can get but it’s not like we are talking about something like GH copies that are not part of the original production. It’s also not the same as some comic book produced in the 30s where 16 copies were produced using horse hair and papyrus.
  13. Lol. The print run thing should be trashed along with the other pieces of the WATA scam.
  14. Oh no, I agree that I’d like to see the hammer hit the WATA guys. And I’m not saying that the fools necessarily should get “comeuppance” just that they were very obviously gambling in the same way Wall Street Bets guys are gambling and everyone should know that the most likely outcome of those endeavors is losing your money. They took a shot and lost and well that’s just too bad.
  15. These WATA dudes are total slimy scammers but I really struggle to find much sympathy for all the jag-offs who bought this crap knowing that they were gambling on a get rich quick scheme. A fool and his money…
  16. This is the most hilarious and entertaining way to end that whole nonsense era. That Pat video was worth the watch. I like that guy and I appreciate hearing his takes. I’d like to point out that the #1 name that comes to mind for relentlessly shitting on WATA from the word go is @OptOut. Atta boy.
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