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Everything posted by Estil

  1. To drink from the Stanley Cup it takes YEARS of practice! There is NO frickin' way Canada will allow these to be sold branded as "Stanley Cups". I've no doubt to sell these in Canada they'll have to call them something different...after all the REAL Stanley Cup (there's actually three) has been their Holy Grail for over 100 years!
  2. Once upon a time, for over a hundred years, the Stanley Cup was not something you can buy with money. You had to EARN it with many, manyYEARS of practice and teamwork! I guess not anymore...
  3. No sir, kid's games can and should be given just as much care and effort into quality like any of the other gaming genres. So absoultley NOT a valid excuse.
  4. Fun fact: By marriage Frida (from ABBA) became a Countess! No foolin'! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anni-Frid_Lyngstad
  5. Who is this Loserville Bobcat you speak of? Sounds like some sort of minor league pickleball team or something...
  6. And do you know why this blue guy is called the mailman? Come to think of it I think there was a basketball player called the Mailman...
  7. No, I'm saying that to @The Count You do know why they call him The Count right?
  8. I'd rather have a Harmony cartridge and an AV modded Light Sixer. If I ever get around to getting them.
  9. Estil

    VGS Pets

    I wonder if there's any reason why cats, man's REAL best friend, are so popular among gamers? Even AVGN has at least one!
  10. I meant they can't possibly be as trash as Zack Morris.
  11. Games on the DS and Wii are not trash. Zack Morris is trash. NO FEAR.
  12. Oh this reminds me of something funny I heard on the radio! The DJ had just played Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" and he said "I'm Mike Jones, mercifully not name Sue!! Mike Jones bad enough!"
  13. You know how Rocky said in the sixth movie it's not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward? Well Glass Joe lost 99 out of 100 and here he is still moving forward and coming back! I mean can you imagine any real boxer would actually continue fighting after 99 losses out of 100 and getting about the worst nickname possible for a boxer?
  14. I do full sets (and sometimes master sets!) of baseball cards; for example I got a sequence of Topps baseball sets from 1974-2013 and Topps football sets from 1980-2000, Donruss from 1981-98, Fleer from 1981-95 among many many others...does that count? @The CountSo I take it you'd want to count all my sets or even better, all 100K+ of my cards? I don't think Sesame Street (at least classic/20th century/pre-Elmo era) very seldom if ever went past 40 (and they never had numbers "brought to you today..." over 20)...I guess they thought teaching very young kids up to 100 was asking too much or something?
  15. Oh no...dude that Kirby game is a fake (the label is horribly printed and looks nothing like the real one)! I'm sure your SS didn't do it on purpose of course but in any event your SS had better get his money back!! Here's an example of what a real one looks like:
  16. Unfortunately I'm gonna be tapped out for quite some time (I sadly don't get to splurge very much on account of only getting SSDI ) so obviously you all know what they say about slow and steady and all that right? Well several months back I got into stamp collecting (don't laugh) and so far I got all the US ones from the 70s/80s so I'm hoping to add as many years into the 90s (and 60s/50s/40s are surprisingly affordable) as I can. I also would love to get the last few American silver eagles I need to finish my set (1986, 1995-98) so yeah right now my focus is on my stamp collection rather than video games (sorry). Yeah go ahead and let me have it...
  17. Well surely most have at least heard of baseball cards and rookie cards? I guess the (early 90s) really are over! PS: @Tulpa If I am indeed the only/resident baseball card collector (I have over 100,000 in my collection as complete sets; no fooling) feel free to be like Tim here and nickname me "Honus"
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