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Everything posted by Estil

  1. Well it would be two games if they ever give us any new news about Dragon Quest 12...I mean if it's anything like DQ11...
  2. Sounds like you're getting your money's worth, as you should with a good JRPG. But still, almost $600 (PS5+FF16+sales tax), just for that one game...it doesn't seem right
  3. Aww, I can't believe I forgot all about this one! It's like the music fits with each of these kind of cats so perfectly!
  4. So they had no idea what was coming? No "OH SHIT!!!" sort of moment?
  5. You mean still no cute chicks in your party...as a matter of fact you don't even get a party/team at all! Just this revolving door of characters sort of thing. Yeah, not worth at all getting a PS5 just for this one game Now when will we hear anything new about Dragon Quest 12...
  6. Yeah, were they required by law or something to say so-and-so cereal is part of of this good/balance/complete/whatever breakfast? Now this right here is how we do breakfast in the Commonwealth of Kentucky! You know how we're famous for Kentucky Fried Chicken? Well we got Kentucky sausage too! Simpsonville, KY to be exact!
  7. My favorite childhood cereal was forever immortalized here! And back in the day I honestly thought this song was about Fruit Loops!! (and back then there were only three flavors!) (I'm using this version because I like it and especially the video better)
  8. That is so sad...and it looks like they made about the same mistakes that blew up the Challenger. That sub implosion would have to have been beyond scary.
  9. Two words, HOT PURSUIT! Kee-kew!! I'm lovin' it!!
  10. Why not a Zelda RPG? You know where Link, Zelda, and other characters fight as a team in turn based/leveling up RPGing like how Mario did it in 1996?
  11. You can check it on your profile/trophy card you silly goose!
  12. They took the achievements and made them better! Now instead of just a Gamerscore, you additionally get G/S/B/P trophies and you "Level Up" just like in an RPG!! Now if only Nintendo ever got around to doing something like that, maybe I'd give my Switch a little more love...
  13. For being on PS5 it better look way past just "good"!
  14. It's always been all about the exclusives. For example only with PS3/PS4/PS5 can you earn trophies! Say how is that FF16 anyway? I'm really looking forward to Dragon Quest 12 but there's been hardly a peep about it since the initial announcement
  15. Choosy moms, and Waldos, choose Jfk!
  16. Forget "climate change", maybe it's "gravitational pull change" we better worry about!
  17. Yeah about those...you know how many fellow students I seen at the time with those on their backpacks and notebooks and such? Yeah, all that does is make it more appealing!
  18. Indeed it was not that long ago that it was the radical Bible thumpers who did most of the cancel culturing and the left/ACLU types who were the most jealously guarding of free speech... Then again it was liberal Democrats Joe Lieberman and Tipper Gore who lead the charge of video game censorship...
  19. Yay! I finally finished the main story mode for nine out of ten of the games! I don't usually do BN3-White unless I just feel like giving BN3 another go without having to sacrifice all the hard work put into completing the star rainbow in BN3-Blue. Unlike BN4-BN6 there's not hardly much difference in the BN3 versions. Five different non-Navi Giga Chips, Mistman/Bowlman, and Ground/Ninja Style Changes/NaviCust parts. And that's pretty much it.
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