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Everything posted by Estil

  1. That's okay, it doesn't take that long to get through the main story (14-15 hours-ish maybe? That's of course if you're taking your time and getting and crossing off all the BMDs/PMDs, HP Memories and such as you get them). Now the real object of the game (Gotta Catch 'Em All!), THAT of course is a whole 'nother ball of wax. Capcom, pleeeez, in the name of all that is holy, patch/update Legacy Collection so we can swap/trade chips between the two versions of BN3-BN6 like you originally could (well if you had a spare GBA of course). Even better still (and yes I wondered why they didn't originally think of this) is if you could transfer some zenny and especially bugfrags from one version to another.
  2. Am I overlooking something, because I can't figure out how I'm supposed to swap chips between the two versions of BN3-BN6. Like if I want to exchange chips between my game's Red Sun version and Blue Version, how do I do that? Please don't tell me they forgot to include this feature! As Charlie Brown would say, AUGH!!!!
  3. Wow! I can't wait to bust some Dodongos! I better make me some dinner first though...I'm so hungry I could eat an Octorok!
  4. Just don't have that tiger by the tail!! I mean having a pig by the tail is bad enough!!
  5. Yeah wasn't Warren Burger on the Supreme Court as Chief Justice during some of Reagan's Presidency?
  6. And did your dad help make you a Bad enough Dude to rescue the President? In the arcade you really do rescue President Reagan and he asks you out for a burger; that sounds like something Trump would offer...wouldn't Reagan offer you jelly beans?
  7. Oh that's nothing compared to the HEROIC AWESOMENESS of Heroes of the Lance! No really several years back that game/forum over at GameFAQs had a really weird cult following for some reason... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/587335-advanced-dungeons-and-dragons-heroes-of-the-lance
  8. If only it let you do level/stage select on each file like the SNES version does.
  9. Interestingly, the US releases came out annually; starting with the second game, in June of each year! So naturally I sometimes liked to say "this year's" or "last year's". So I've now completed the main story (yellow star) of the first three games (I only am doing Blue for the third game) and now I'm gonna start the fourth one (both versions). Can you believe that not only must you make the C-Slider and Nebula-CD (opens skull doors) on EACH Level/playthrough but each one has only FOUR BMDs/PMDs behind them?? Considering how much trouble you must go through to get these at least SIX times you'd expect a little better! I was kinda hoping there'd be a quality of life improvement where once you make the C-Slider and Nebula-CD it would carry over into subsequent levels but no such luck.
  10. If you bet on the horse that does his business right before the race starts, you might be a redneck!
  11. Use the Protoman chips for the regular enemies you face before the Navi and then BodyGuard (no not the 80s song) PA (AntiDmg M + AntiNavi M +Muramasa M) for the Navi proper.
  12. As Sonic would say, never give up! Keep trying and you will win! If you mean those time trials usually N1-Folder C as well as having FstGauge in your Navi Customizer (and Custom 1 or 2 parts if you got 'em) usually will do the trick. Just need a lot of patience, persistence, perseverance and a lot of ATTITUDE!! Are you a bad enough dude to catch all the battle chips and title screen stars/badges?
  13. So will this be a good year for the run for the roses?
  14. I can't believe I didn't include this one; oh geez, they actually age-restricted this one so you can't see the preview. Anyway it's a "duet simulation" of Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash & Hank Williams III
  15. NGL, if I had been just a few years older at the time (I was seven when her most famous song came out) I'm sure I would've had a major crush on Tiffany!
  16. While we're on the subject of BN3, I did in fact just finish the first three as far as the main story mode goes (yellow star) but as all you Pokemanics know all too well, in order to really complete the game, you Gotta Catch 'Em All! Battle chips and stars/badges on your title screens in this case. Oh and just as a PSA, in BN3 there is a BBS Side Quest named "Legendary Tomes" where you find three Tomes (Sea/Land/Sky)...once you do though DON'T DON'T DON'T!!! turn them in to the Grim Reaper guy at Hades just yet!! There is a super secret bonus surprise if you check the little statue thingie at AC/DC Elementary's Teachers Lounge with all three of the Tomes in hand (and this is your one and only chance at claiming it) that the BradyGames guide doesn't even mention!
  17. Did any cartridge games have save batteries before Zelda?
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