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Everything posted by Estil

  1. Ike was under that same kind of scrutiny for the 1956 because had heart issues. And at the time, he was the oldest ever President. So this is nothing new TBH. But I'll tell you why I would've protest voted for Stevenson (had this been known at the time)!! After all the rotten, nasty things Ike said about kitties!!! https://pictures-of-cats.org/dwight-eisenhower-hated-cats-this-is-my-reason-why.html
  2. And what his opponent's rallies would say in response...
  3. Lots of cute kawaii chicks of course!
  4. Yeah it's what, a full 15 months before Election Day? Trust me folks, a LOT can happen. For all we know the R nominee might end up someone so obscure he/she doesn't even currently have their own wikipedia page.
  5. Biden would be well advised to let Harris go in his place for 2024...I don't even know if he'll even be able to finish his current term.
  6. Getting the nomination and winning the real November election are two VERY different things.
  7. Within R primary voters, maaaaybe. But as far as the for-real general election goes, with what happened with Jan 6, not having Hilary (and Bill) to pick on, and ESPECIALLY no longer having the element of surprise like he did in 2015-16: (feel free to mark my words) The dude's time has passed. I most definitely DON'T see him pulling a Grover Cleveland.
  8. I bet it's because the show was most famous for this
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Reubens Yeah I just found out about this...but why did the OP say RIP Chairy? And what kind of cancer did he have? Without Pee-Wee who will mind the Playhouse?
  10. Oh yes I'll never forget the first time I saw my dearly departed Tweetie doing that and I said "I didn't know cats exercise!" So as you can see just like people, kitties too like to stay in shape so they exercise and work out!
  11. That is how cats typically work. You have to let them make the first move.
  12. NOT if kuro neko is sitting on that black stove and human doesn't see him and turns on the stove!!! >_<
  13. Oh yeah, anarchy will work out sooooo much better...
  14. Like I mentioned before if you have a solid black stove top like this one, then being a black kitty can indeed be bad luck!! >_<
  15. He's not a baby! He's a man! Mine just turned 11 (or 60 in cat years) last July 14!
  16. Heh heh heh, silver and gold. Well, what do you think of Pokemon players during the G2 era? Seems all they thought about was silver and gold...
  17. Oh yes, the game that kept Joe Lieberman awake at night. Didn't he wrongly say the game glorified committing violence against women when the idea was to SAVE the girls? And Jeff Rovin was absolutely right...our leaders need to focus on real issues that truly matter like the economy, crime, health care, the homeless, and so on.
  18. I don't suppose that was also her favorite cat food brand?
  19. This is my favorite celeb cat lover quote by far:
  20. I noticed that these seem to be going for some good coin and the money for them could really help me out. I got all five MegaMan Star Force 1+2...all five are in CIB (sorry they don't have the white health warning booklets...just the game manuals) and I'd prefer to sell all five in one package. Any takers? I think $350 for the group would be fair?
  21. I noticed that these seem to be going for some good coin and the money for them could really help me out. I got all five MegaMan Star Force 1+2...all five are in CIB (sorry they don't have the white health warning booklets...just the game manuals) and I'd prefer to sell all five in one package. Any takers?
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