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Everything posted by Estil

  1. Oh boy did you miss out! And BTW, Ice was not a "one hit wonder", he was a TWO hit wonder! His moment of fame might not have lasted very long but he sure made sure he'd be forever immortalized just the same! And of course who could forget MC Hammer? Check out all the neat athlete cameos in his Too Legit to Quit...though Canseco and Clemens and McGwire weren't quite as legit as we thought...
  2. Wasn't so happy for all those poor retailer employees (such as Wal-Mart, surprise surprise) who were needlessly forced to work on "generic Thursday" I did get to have some pizza at my grandma's! She's long since retired from doing the whole traditional Thanksgiving dinner but we got to do that at least. And congrats on the engagement, Bearcat! Wow how were you able to do it all the way in Portugal? Is one of you originally from Portugal?
  3. I think for video games we've already settled on 1st gen, 2nd gen, and so on. Though I wonder if the comic book platinum/gold/silver/bronze/modern ages could work with baseball card history? Like platnium age could be pre-WW2, golden age could be 50s/60s, silver age could be 70s-mid 80s, bronze could be late 80s-90s, and modern age could be 2000-present.
  4. Top ten reasons why cats are man's REAL best friend. And the most important reason of all why cats are the very best of all of God's creatures... They just are.
  5. Oh my wife loves Stevie Wonder; she said he came to her school to perform back in the 70s. And a happy 30th anniversary of these guys first making it big! And YES in my area you CAN sometimes find some Ski!
  6. I didn't know about that one; I do know of this Burgers and Fries though!
  7. The only thing I'm sorry about was being forced to Google search and find out those are really naked mole-rats...Usually I love trivia and fun facts and such but that is one of the most UNfun facts ever and this one learning something new I seriously could've done without!! I don't know if you could even pay me to go anywhere near those hideous things *shudders* If somehow, God forbid, any of those ugly things showed up in my apartment I would be totally standing on a chair screaming just like on TV O_O Now, let's just forget all about that and get back to our regularly scheduled program: Wow they really are man's REAL best friend aren't they?
  8. What game is that from? On that note I love playing with the kitties in Twilight Princess
  9. This is from a couple of years ago but it's not gotten any better; in fact when playing cards with my grandma like I do every Sunday I saw an add for Wallie World that, sure enough, opens on 6PM on generic Thursday. It's not very often I agree with liberal sorts of places but for this issue and for this website's take on it I'm more than happy to make an exception: https://thinkprogress.org/war-on-thanksgiving-2017-16993c25f1bf/ Look if you guys wanna do the Black Friday thing, go nuts...when it's actually Black Friday. It just saddens me that way too many retail employees are needlessly forced to work on what I guess to these big box retailers is now just "generic Thursday". Heck even Scrooge of all people gave Bob Cratchet Christmas off with pay. Go figure!
  10. Oh c'mon, that is NOT a cat and you know it! Still, that's not to say that cats don't sometimes have very UNcute moments; observe...
  11. I don't even want to know what that is!! Please tell me that is not real!!!
  12. You know in terms of cuteness, these little guys might just give cats a run for their money! Well maybe they would if they were real...
  13. Yeah back in the 90s and especially 80s only the high end cars like Caddys or Lincolns or something had CD players. At least by default.
  14. You know, I was kinda guilty of misgendering myself here...I heard this on the radio (back in the olden days when you didn't have YouTube and such) many times and I only just recently found out this was sung by a chick! And quite a hot one I might add! When SHE sings it live though it's considerably less "male sounding" Oh yeah and who could forget MegaGirl from MegaMan 8, not to mention Dr. Fudd? Dr. Fudd: Now when you go to Dr. Wily's tw'er, you got to be berry berry quiet! Huh huh huh huh huh! (sorry I don't know how to word Elmer Fudd's laugh)
  15. Well it's just that crazy cat guy or crazy cat gent or whatever doesn't flow off the tongue quite right. And sadly my apartment building only allows one kitty
  16. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong... Can you tell which thing is not like the other, before I finish this song? This like has a few more pics for you to try to find Waldo, eh I mean kitty (BTW I doubt pic #4 is real; it doesn't even look possible) https://pulptastic.com/33-ninjas-disguised-cats/
  17. That's precisely what I miss most. That you had to be really creative to get the most out of the console; the first really notable example I can think of what when Atari 2600 had to figure out how to make a chess game for the console when they were threatened with a lawsuit for false advertising if they don't. That's just silly though, I mean the Atari 2600 is such a basic primitive system, where would someone looking at one on the shelf to purchase get such a crazy idea that it could play chess? And for the NES/SNES they even used several different kinds of "helper chips" in the cartridge to get far more than what was originally thought possible with just the console alone. BTW these chip helpers are not to be confused with Hamburger Helper obviously!
  18. Exactly how far you want me to go back? I mean I've been a 3rd-6th gen gamer my whole life so I'd like to think I'm a pretty fair judge of older systems; for the most part. Then again I have always played mostly the top blue chip games so yeah if you go further down to at least the middle of the pack of the line up, then YES I most definitely can see how you'd run into those "janky looking characters and environments and some of the fakest fire and explosion effects". I guess i expect that for a console's top blue chip games I expect for the game's developers to make the best use of the console they can given that point in time. Sure the characters in Final Fantasy 7 do look rather funny/blocky/pointed but back in 1997 could they have in fact made them better?
  19. Yeah but I'm reminded of this episode of Captain Planet showing how easily how this can go REALLY wrong.
  20. What I'm most disappointed about is how and why hard drive space on new computers hasn't gone up. I mean shouldn't we be up to at least 10-20-50 TB drives by now?
  21. Oh yes indeed, I did in fact at the time view the transition to HDTV in the early-mid 2000s as well as the transition from dial-up to cable internet as like the difference between black and white and color TV back in the day. Thing is though, even though 4K TV's have been quite affordable all things considered, there's still hardly any 4K programs! Unless I haven't been looking through my digital cable lineup closely enough or something. Now to put that in perspective, you guys remember the Wonder Years episode from 1988 (takes place in 1968) called "Christmas" where the family hopes Jack (the father) would splurge on a new color TV for Christmas (which he did two years later)? Well the reason for his hesitation and putting it off was classic sticker shock...$470 for what looks like about a 20"-ish screen. Adjusted for inflation, that would be around $3500!!! And by this point color TVs were around for a little over ten years already...as you can see here, thusly (a 1958 RCA Victor Color TV would've set you back about $800 or about $7000!!!! in today's money and before 1962 only NBC did color programming (hence the colorful peacock) and only once in awhile!)... So please think about all that for those of you hoping to score a nice new 4K TV this Black Friday or Cyber Monday or whatever.
  22. This is more the old fashioned kind of cheating but YES, if you use a cheating device or in game cheat codes or save states then NO it doesn't count as truly "winning the game". Just like how back in the day if you wanted to be featured in Nintendo Power for breaking game records or something you had to take a picture of BOTH your monitor and the game console in the same picture to prove you do NOT have a cheating device attached...or nooooooooo Power Stamps for you!!!
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