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Everything posted by Estil

  1. In the eyes of the Ranger...the unsuspecting stranger...had better know the truth of wrong from right.
  2. I guess the only real piece of advice I could give (and what I often think to myself about different things) is what is it that you could do that you don't see hardly anyone else doing? That can be quite tricky though seeing as how YouTube's been around for almost 20 years...has it really been that long ago?
  3. I knew all along the odds were very very much against us but geez, couldn't we at least had put up a better fight?
  4. Not a one...I did have a dormmate in my college days (early 2000s) who said he was gay but I wasn't sure if he was serious or just kidding around. And I did have a gay co-worker when I worked as a grocery cashier in the mid-late 2000s but we didn't really speak much. But seriously, wouldn't you think gay men would want like bare chested dudes with a "sleek swimmer's body all muscled up and toned' (as Eric Cartman once sang as Faith+1)? Why would they care or want cute chicks? I'd think they'd want cute dudes if anything...
  5. He better not be smoking crack no more! Doesn't he know what does to ya?
  6. See, we've always been the SEC's Evil Empire in basketball (especially during the Rupp era; 1931-72) but we are very much the SEC's Chicago Cubs (pre-2016) in football. Go Cats Go! Go Cats Go! Hey Kentucky, what'd'ya say? The Cats are gonna win today! So c'mon down to Commonwealth! (I absolutely will NOT call it by its corporate name...it's called Commonwealth Stadium because it represents the flagship university of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
  7. My Cats have Georgia on their mind next week! Can you imagine how'd be if we (5-0) could actually beat the #1 team in the country on their turf?
  8. Not in 1967, 1980, 1983, 2002! But I suppose we all know the cliche...
  9. Something as magical as The Wizard (which showed SMB3 for the first time in the US) would only be possible in the pre-Internet era.
  10. I've refused to watch the Academy Awards ever since The Wizard was snubbed for Best Picture...and didn't even get one nomination besides! PS: Originally in that iconic line I thought she said "He touched my brother!"
  11. I remember a late 90s Nintendo commercial where these guys compared thumb blisters and how many hours it took to get them!
  12. Here ya go; I know my asking price isn't exactly a bargain but I don't want to just "give these away" either.
  13. You must not have seen the later movies. The one where the rank and file finally had enough and threw down their badges (even after the first one was asked if losing his pension was worth it) and teamed up with the townsfolk in defending their town that OCP and the Splatterpunks were trying to take away from them. Don't you remember when the underground refugee group took Robocop and his assistant in and they joined up with them? Then again I'm among the minority(?) who actually liked the third movie...as well as the fourth Karate Kid movie...
  14. I mean the for real just law...like backed up by the Constitution and such. Oh my, ED-209's fallen, and it doesn't have one of those things!
  15. Mmmmmmm!!! Don't let your mother catch you talking that way!
  16. No sir, he is not serving capitalist overlords. He is SERVING THE PUBLIC TRUST. As well as PROTECT THE INNOCENT and UPHOLD THE LAW.
  17. It reads that I'm not supposed to vote based on historical significance...but that's at the top of my list of what I'd go by in things like this!
  19. Same with my collections (yes, that's plural as I have several collecting hobbies like baseball cards, coins, reference books, UK media guides/Cats Pauses, and most recently stamps) and I hope that's not true for me, the part about getting less enjoyment out of the hunt as I get older. And I suppose the fact that I had to build my collections they way I did with only disability or before that, very modest jobs over time makes it all the more rewarding and yeah, we wouldn't want it to be too easy ("buy everything quickly" either, right? Still seeing these collections does make me quite jelly I'm NGL...
  20. They sure had some weird numbers! Oh wait, they're not "numbers"...
  21. Wow dude you must be rich! I'd LOVE to have the "problem" of running out of shelf space for the PS1 games (I hope you were able to get most of the retro games while they were still mostly cheap and affordable)! I wish...I wish...I wish that I was rich...cuz rich people can build better collections than poor people...
  22. This is an all time classic from my college days!
  23. Indeed, those are most definitely NOT for beginners of JRPGs (as I was at the time)! Though I gotta say that chick in FF2 in the PS1 version especially looks like she's just wearing a bra from the waist up!
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