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Everything posted by Makar

  1. If you want a good game that doesn't disappoint, check out Wargroove. Excellent spiritual successor to advance wars.
  2. Lol oh but they are. I saw tons of similarly priced games over the lifespan of jj games. Shoot if anyone wants to pay me $300 for a GameCube or $125 for paper Mario, I've got some. What a deal!!! Buy now!!
  3. That's exactly how I felt about it. The spell casting via stylus could've been a lot better. Not a must play game by any means
  4. Lost magic on the DS. Still haven't met anyone who's played that game. I remember only getting it because it had WiFi connectivity and playing online back then was magical to me. Wait, actually, if you count the jirachi bonus disk on the gamecube as a "game" then that's definitely more obscure.
  5. If this paper Mario doesn't go back to how ttyd was, I'm not getting it. Everything post ttyd has been trash (super paper Mario being slightly less trash) which is really impressive because ttyd is one of my top 10 games of all time. I tolerated super paper Mario, but they took out the battles which was half the fun of the game. Sticker star was where I lost all hope. Man was that a bad game. Really hoping they finally get back on track to the golden age.
  6. I know I know, you hate Fortnite. Fortnite is for kids. It's not a real game. Idc lol. Haters gonna hate. But for those who do like the game, I figured we should have a thread to discuss the game, share gamer tags, play online together, etc. I really enjoyed it over the holidays. They had lightsabers in the game because star wars. They were super op and they're gone now but they were fun while they lasted. My brother and I would light up teams in squads with one of us charging with the lightsaber while the other shot from behind them. Lightsaber shield ftw! I've gotten pretty decent lately even without lightsabers. The most kills I've gotten in a game was 13 in a squads match. How about you guys? My strategy is different from a lot of players. I actually avoid building as much as possible because it gives your position away when you do it. Get some mini potions, a sniper, medkits, an AR, and then one other gun and you're good to go. If anyone wants to play squads or duos or whatever, send me a pm and I'll let you know when I'm free.
  7. I never once found a game there below the current going rate. It was rare to find any even at the current going rate. Looks like their games NOW with the sale are mostly at the current going rate. Still not enough to entice me. A sale should be below the current going rate, otherwise I have no incentive to buy it.
  8. It's probably because they charged double the going rate for all their games. Pokemon FireRed loose, that'll be $70 please. Smb3 loose, that'll be $40 please. Never did understand why people paid their prices when you could always go on eBay and find it for significantly cheaper. Having said that, I hate to see any gaming business go out of business. Best of luck to the owner and their new endeavors.
  9. Hey everyone, I just got a Venusaur GBA SP as a gift. Only problem is when it was shipped, the SP got jacked up on the front. So I'm looking to trade mine plus some cash or games for a minty copy. I only need the SP, the box is fine.
  10. I will say I prefer windwaker over twilight princess. The dark specs on the screen in twilight princess drove me nuts after a while even though it was a good game. Windwaker is one of my top 5 Zelda games of all time.
  11. I updated the main post since their promotion has changed. You can still get 2 free stocks, but now you need to deposit $100 to get the two free stocks instead of just being able to deposit any amount to get the free stocks.
  12. Welp I guess the days of getting cheap DS games is coming to an end. Hate GameStop all you want; their pre-owned prices for a lot of games were cheaper than eBay and Amazon.
  13. The dsi xl is the biggest DS system, however, it doesn't have a GBA slot. If you want the best ergonomics, play gb, gbc, and GBA games on the GameCube's game boy player. Sorry about your dad's thumbs. That blows.
  14. Definitely Cubivore. Fun quirky little GameCube game.
  15. Your only real alternative is a DS or DS lite then for GBA games. I have never had any problems with the SP. The worst D pad was the original gba. One of those buttons would always stop working after a few years.
  16. Youre talking about the big fat brick right? So many problems with it. The AGS 101 GBA SP is by far the best system to play Gameboy and GBA games on.
  17. Luigi's Mansion 3, owl boy (freaking finally!), and hollow knight, and I got myself Wargroove. Ohhhh and the NES joy cons!! That was a neat little surprise!
  18. Ju Yea it's a good clone of advance wars while still being it's own thing. I haven't gotten to the sea units part yet but I'm excited for that part. That always adds another tactical element. I'm on act 5 and have gotten 3 stars on every level except for 2 of them which I'll have to go back and do sometime. Still loving the game. It's really good. Just picked up the physical copy too! It comes with a map, stickers and a guide booklet. All of which are great bonuses! Oh I need to make my own maps too. Apparently that's a thing you can do and then share with others.
  19. Finish Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Pokemon sword, and Wargroove. All games I started in 2019 but didn't finish. I also need to start and finish Luigi's Mansion 3, Owl Boy, Yu-Gi-Oh (the switch one), mega man 11, and probably some others I'm forgetting lol
  20. That's why I only put $100 in to start. You can't lose money if you only put in $1 or no money either. I'll feel it out and see how it is and if it's good, I'll add more later. I agree though, don't dump like $10k in right off the bat unless you wouldn't miss that money anyways.
  21. Hey man youre welcome! Best of luck getting those gains lol! It doesn't hurt to have some free stock as a cushion. I'm not throwing much into this one either, at least initially. I just put in $100. I'll mess around with it, see how it goes and report back. So far so good, no complaints.
  22. No hammer bros?? Also boycotting
  23. What good switch games are coming out in 2020? I feel like they all came out this year
  24. So what was everyone's gripe with 9? I thought it was great. It certainly made up for 7 and 8, and was the best ending we were going to get.
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