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Everything posted by T-Pac

  1. I've never beaten a Pokemon game... but that's just the tip of the iceberg for 'easy' games that I can't beat. No shame here, though - I've never had a knack for playing video games no matter how much I like them. -CasualCart
  2. T-Pac

    Go To Game

    I only have a "go-to" game when I'm short on time but want to play something, and that's Star Soldier for the NES. The only problem is when I'm actually doing well, I might end up running late for something... -CasualCart
  3. @Gloves Yeah, Abadox is awesome. I hear people say it's just a ripoff of Life Force/ Salamander, but I enjoy it so much more for some reason (blasphemous, I know). -CasualCart
  4. Keep us updated on that ColecoVision collection - that console always seemed interesting, and I'd love to learn more about it. -CasualCart
  5. What are some general opinions of using turbo controllers like the NES Advantage or the Beeshu zipper? Or a modern equivalent? Is a playthrough legit if you use auto-fire? -CasualCart
  6. This reminds me of the first time I beat Abadox (my favorite NES game): I used save states so that I could tackle the game over several days, but I only suspended the game on the (unlimited) continue screens, so it was essentially the same as "leaving the NES on overnight". I also used a turbo-fire arcade stick, but that isn't any different than using a NES Advantage aside from some tactile differences with the buttons/joystick. Essentially, I used modern versions of "cheats" that were always available in an authentic NES playthrough. I always have a nagging feeling that beating a game like this isn't quite legit, though. It's logically sound, but lacks authenticity, I guess. -CasualCart
  7. True. I'm not a big fan of mini consoles, though, because you can't build your own legit library for them outside of what's pre-loaded. Plus, half the appeal of the Neo Geo is the massive original carts and arcade sticks. It's a lot like the Vectrex that way - the form-factor is one of the coolest features. -CasualCart
  8. Yeah - Xexyz does platforming/shooting right because it's consistent throughout the game. The final level is just a more challenging iteration of the formula from the rest of the game. Also, Xexyz gets an A++ in my book because one of the bosses is a giant robot dragon with laser guns and a jet pack.
  9. Sick - I guess I just need to expand my knowledge of the Neo Geo library. As of now I'm only familiar with the games I played on my Neo Geo X (which I really enjoyed until it stopped working altogether). -CasualCart
  10. I've always thought about collecting Neo Geo MVS games to play on a Consolized MVS, but I'm not interested in fighting games or the Metal Slug series, so it always seemed like too big of an investment just to play a couple spaceship shooters and Neo Turf Masters on proper hardware. I've also wanted to start an Atari 2600 cart collection for a long time, but those AtGames flashbacks keep scratching that itch for the time being. -CasualCart
  11. This reminds me of all those NES platformers that switch to a 'flying/shooting' section right at the final stage or final boss (Kirby's Adventure, Kid Icarus, Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu). It definitely adds something special to the end of a game, but it always felt counter-intuitive. You spend so much time mastering the mechanics of a game just to get to the end and find out those skills don't translate to the final boss. The game throws something completely new at you instead of testing what you learned along the way. Can anyone think of some other games that switch from platforming to flying right at the end? -CasualCart
  12. My favorite pokemon might be magnemite, although I'm not a fan of the evolutions. -CasualCart
  13. That's so cool! I used to get Transworld Skateboarding when I was younger, but Thrasher was always THE skate mag as far as I was concerned. What do you do for the magazine? -CasualCart
  14. T-Pac

    Game - Bot

    You've brought this upon yourselves. (Just use an HDTV as a shield and his zappers will have no effect.) -CasualCart
  15. A battery-powered, mechanical master of games!! If only he had a backlit screen to see in the dark... -CasualCart
  16. These are some great Godzilla collections! Showa-Era Godzilla films are the best (and the only ones worth watching as far as I'm concerned haha). -CasualCart
  17. I'm an animator (part-time right now but I'll be back working full time next year). I've worked on shows for Nickelodeon and Warner Bros. - it's a lot of fun. -CasualCart
  18. @MrMark0673 @RegularGuyGamer @coffeewithmrsaturn Huge props to teachers -you guys do so much without nearly enough appreciation. -CasualCart
  19. I'm partial to 8-bit and 16-bit systems, especially NES. There's something so appealing and timeless about it - the cartridge format, simple gameplay, experiencing the starting point of different genres, etc. I'm itching to start an Atari 2600 collection, but I want to finish off my "must-have" list for NES games first. -CasualCart
  20. This is so sick - I love the spinning graphic! What software do you use for pixel art? -CasualCart
  21. Although I've been reading NintendoAge threads for years, I never actually made an account, so I guess technically I "didn't come from NA" haha. This new forum seemed like a great opportunity to join the community - huge thanks to everyone responsible for setting this place up! -CasualCart
  22. Agreed. It's a shame that Bosconian never saw a NES port, but I guess the closest thing would be the overhead levels in Burai Fighter. -CasualCart
  23. Sick - maybe I should look into other Atlus games, then. You've gotta throw up some photos of that poster if you dig it out sometime. -CasualCart
  24. @ThePhleo No worries, man. I am pretty protective of my copyright, but I'm open to collaborating if you reach out to me first. That being said, your design was really slick - I love the black box style you had going, and I think you should still submit that as a template to go with whatever sort of mascot or icon gets chosen (and if you want to use my design as a placeholder for now, I'm cool with that). -CasualCart
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