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Everything posted by Fleck586

  1. Mine is SW-0767-8372-5796 I sent all of you a request, btw. Happy Switching!
  2. I actually never played 1, but I loved 2. This will give me the opportunity to play 1 without having to go back to the Wii. Now, if Nintendo could just remaster Skyward Sword...
  3. Heck yeah! Pm me and we can figure out a time for the trade? Thanks!!
  4. I'm enjoying it too! Have the Museum, Nooks Cranny, my first bridge, two new neighbors and should have a third tomorrow for a total of 5 inhabitants besides me, and I'm paying off my third house expansion now. I have a little hidden beach too! I haven't caught anything exotic yet. Several Red Snappers, but nothing crazy. I have yet to catch that damn tarantula either. Having a lot of fun. I started with pears, and have sonce added apples and coconuts. This is my first AC game ever. Don't know why I never tried one before but glad I got this one.
  5. Anyone here playing Pokemon Shield? Ive got 4 or 5 left to finish my pokedex and looking for a link trade. All I have left are a few Shield exclusives, but not Zamazenta. I just need Sableye, Drampa, and Goomy or someone in that lineage that I can breed and/or evolve. Anyone?
  6. I would take an AC one if they have it. I was going to upgrade my Day 1 model but kept missing out.
  7. I don't know why you quoted me here. My post was not hateful in any way.
  8. This virus is not contracted in this way. Packages are fine. @Mae247 NOT in support of this.
  9. They sent out an email stating that it was limited to 1000 copies
  10. There's a CE at NISA store that is limited to 1000 copies as well.
  11. I'm in the same boat. I skipped it because I thought it was coming to BB. Oops! Oh well, I will find it later at some point. I stopped blindly buying LRG, but I wanted that one.
  12. 4 days left. How can we push this thing over the edge and get it funded?
  13. I personally input probably half of the Switch titles and almost all of the Amiibo. Its not hard. However, the tracking and backend stuff sounds tougher than I thought so I get it. It just sucks.
  14. I don't understand dropping the Switch. It is one of the most collectable and, frankly, collectED consoles in recent memory and they aren't going to track it? I have never seen the backside, so I would be speaking out of turn, but it is not hard to input. I don't get what they are doing.
  15. Awesome! My 9 year old is really into these right now. Would you say it is appropriate for her?
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