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Posts posted by acidjaguar

  1. Hey @maxlords !  I'm glad you posted, and thanks for the tag @The Count!


    There are a few of us here that are deep in the strategy guide game.  I'd love to see what you've got in your collection and just chat in general when you have some time, feel free to shoot me a PM!  I've been collecting them since the early 2000s.  Have gotten to just about everything I'm after minus a few stragglers.  I have posted a few lists here with guide lists for different console systems, but still working on others given time is in short supply these days.  



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  2. On 7/9/2020 at 9:04 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

    What's the rough value?  I should still have the issues from that timeframe and I never removed inserts

    I believe I sold my last extra at $50.  Typically they float under the radar from people not knowing and sell at the normal Windwaker CIB rate..... let me know if you find yours. 

  3. On 6/24/2020 at 11:21 AM, noiseredux said:

    ah, gotcha. I guess in my mind, the baseball one is the poster, and the Zelda side is just a fold-out map/part of the Zelda article.

    I'm wondering if other posters listed on here actually are double sided posters and not noted?


    On 6/24/2020 at 11:37 AM, doner24 said:

    Yeah, nearly all of them are. I’m not sure why only one side is listed, maybe @acidjaguar knows why? 


    This is certainly just an oversight on when the list was created.  I will change it to be the craptastic Baseball poster as technically it should be.  Zedla map is way cooler though IMO 😉

    @noiseredux - most all the posters listed here are the actual poster as you had shown in your original pic.  On the backside of most all the magazine's foldout was some sort of overworld map, walkthrough for platformer levels, maybe a promotional trifold advertisement, etc.... so everything listed on here would and should be what the actual tri-fold poster depicted and not the informational back side.

  4. 4 minutes ago, samsamsamsmasmasma said:

    Would it be fair to say that the initial releases of Ducktales 2, Animaniacs, and Turn and Burn are the only three games that are significantly more difficult to find than the variants on this list?

    I was also thinking that it might be helpful to specify somewhere that the player's choice version of Dr. Mario with the 'E' rating and the player's choice version of Space Invaders don't actually have the player's choice logo on the cart as is specified with one of the tetris variants. 

    Another thing I just realized is there is no U.S non player's choice version of The Smurfs and Mickey Mouse Magic Wands.

    You all probably know all this they were just a few things that were initially confusing me that I thought were relevant to this thread.

    I would disagree that the DT2, Animaniacs, and Turn and Burn are significantly harder to find than other variants.  I believe the late revisions of the Super Marios, Donkey Kong Land, and Dr Mario are the hardest to find.  With Super Mario maybe being on top.


    Smurfs and Magic Wands do not exist as non-player's choice carts.  That is correct.


    The Dr. Mario and Space Invaders comment is correct and maybe Richard can get that incorporated into his spreadsheet. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, LaytToTheParty said:

    Thank you. Do you know if @acidjaguar has scans?

    I have about 11 catalogs scanned in and will have the rest in the near future.  Once I've got them completed I will release them out for the world to have.  Will likely need to find a host for them.  

    @Gloves - are these scans something that could be hosted at VGS or should I find another avenue?

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  6. 17 minutes ago, LaytToTheParty said:

    Where can I find them? And yes, there are 25 total. Between you and the other guy, do you have a complete set, I have about 5, so I may have one that you are missing.

    They aren't available to the public yet.  We want to get them all done before letting them loose.  I think we are missing the Spring 1999 issue if you (or anyone) has one available.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bubbapauls said:

    I’ve been looking for scans of those supply catalogs for so long. I have maybe three of them. Do you have a full set?

    I have about 8 scanned in, still a ways to go but working on them as I have time.  Think there are about 25 total.... another guy is helping out but we both got a little busy. So hopefully we can get them published this year!  I just have accumulated a pile of em at this point ... IDK what happened 



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  8. 32 minutes ago, LaytToTheParty said:

    I would like to add issue numbers for every cards and any artwork variation that we are missing. Love your pfp btw, A-Team is an excellent show.

    There is no direct correlation between issue numbers and card numbers unfortunately.  They were just put in randomly to the back of issues.  I would make a guess that there may be certain issue ranges that may contain higher number cards, but never dove into that theory.  


  9. @LaytToTheParty - Here's (part of) his post in the old thread.   The guy was calling out spaces / 0.5 spaces / differences in indentations which I wouldn't count as a variant personally.  But here's part of his more thorough post, I linked the old thread above if you want to go take a look and see everything.  The issue with it is that he had pictures showing variations in printing on the back, but they got eaten up by the transition to GCs new site so some of them we won't know.  Regardless, I've put together the listed ones he had in the thread, so use as you will! I'm assuming there is a variant on the card listed with "both" and I put the (?) in there as I don't know what is referenced, but something is going on. 

    1 - Non indented
    1 – indented
    5 - challenges indented under o
    5 - Under R
    6 - adven-
    9 - non "seg-" version
    9 - Seg-
    11 - B indented
    12 - 4 password version
    15 - Players Missing
    18 - Monsters one word
    20 - Both (?)
    21 - Both (?)
    22 - Kidnapped one word
    24 - Both (?)
    26 - Challenge under S
    26 - challenge under U
    27 - Both (?)
    28 - Box-
    28 - boxers one word
    30 - No dash
    31 - Both (?)
    32 - Both (?)
    34 - Original one word
    36 - adven-
    36 - Adventure one word
    38 - lev-, with-
    38 - Non Hyphen
    44 - Long Copy right
    44 - Short Copy Right
    60 - 1st line end "following"
    60 - Bosses first line
    71 - Both (?)
    72 - Higher
    75 - "happiness" second line
    75 - Will
    83 Wordtris - the difficulty of the challenges is backwards (expert with novice, novice with pro)
    95 - short copyright
    96 - Non indented
    97  King of the Ring - The card is red, but the system listed is Game Boy.  This game was released on both NES and Game Boy so its hard to say what the correct card would have read/been.
    112 - score
    119 - Score
    120 - Non error
    125 - "San Marino" same line
    125 - San on top line
    127 - "that" second line
    127 - to levels is donkey try monkey
    127 - to levels is donkey you monkey
    127 - to levels the donkey try monkey
    134 - to levels is donkey try monkey & to levels the donkey try monkey
    134 - to levels is donkey you monkey
    153 - Super NES not indented


    I can't promise getting pics of the backs of cards as many of my priorities right now are on other things.  Maybe someone else can step up to the plate, but hopefully this helps get you started! 

  10. 38 minutes ago, Bubbapauls said:

    I’ve only heard of 6 variants and that was tough to find information on. Is there any way to get that information off of the gocollect mess?


    I think he starts in on page 2 (coldpyro311).  There was the gold Collector's Edition set that was made up of 50 cards (not sequential), and then all of the things he stated.  The pics seem to not be there as I remember he had posted them, but do as you will with it.  Some information can be mined from the old thread.

  11. Here are my pics from the thread I had made about these on NintendoAge:  

    First 90.jpg91 to 170.jpg

    Does anyone remember that guy that posted in the old thread about the back variants?  He was picking apart spaces on text / lines of text / ALL of the THINGS.  It was pretty nutty so watch out for that rabbit hole if you go down that way @Bubbapauls!


    I'm not sure how blurry the photo will be, but you can find the originals here @LaytToTheParty:



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  12. On 4/3/2020 at 10:04 AM, fusoyaff2 said:

    If you really want to open a can of worms, Stadium Events is also in this book and has a mini review page just like all the other games. I haven't followed the trackers closely, but I believe that game had both 3 and 5 screw variants. Strangely they call Athletic World as just Family Fun Fitness in the book.

    There are documented 3 and 5 screw variants of Stadium Events

  13. 2 minutes ago, Bighab said:

    Battletech on the Genesis is the same game as Mechwarrior 3050 for the Snes so it is a useful guide.

    Good to know!  When we were building this lists, the caveat was that the guide had to say the console system it pertained to on the cover or back.  Maybe an exception here and there 😛 *cough*cough* Immortal Cluebook *cough*cough*



  14. 1 hour ago, Bighab said:

    I have this Battletech guide that covers the Genesis and Snes game. I've never seen it for sale. How rare is it?

    The Battletech guide is fairly uncommon, they come up every once and a while.  I believe the Amazon and eBay ones are overpriced given they are flying solo currently.  But I don't consider it part of the SNES set as it only covers the Genesis version and there never was a Battletech for Super Nintendo.  

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