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Ferris Bueller

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Everything posted by Ferris Bueller

  1. Seriously? My text is taking up too much space on someone's server? What the shit? I'm not on here enough for my inbox to be full.
  2. I used to hunt for this thing religiously. Ray Bot had it on his 3/5 screw list on NA, that's how long I'd been looking for it. When I was in Japan, I asked every store I went in to about it. Guy had one for sale a couple years ago and turned down what I consider an obscene offer, then came back and I'd cooled and we couldn't agree on a price after I bought something else. I'd moved on, thinking it'd never happen, but I'd pay $1000 for it right now. That's two public prices for you.
  3. Hyping up this year's show. Anime, Toys, Video Games, Table Top, Special Guests, and all the cool stuff you'd expect from Ferris. Working on a homebrew area. Do you have a game you'd like put out as a demo? Let me know! https://atgexpo.com
  4. https://booth.pm/en/items/1512095 Is this what you're talking about?
  5. I uploaded I thought all of them to the Internet Database like a year ago. And I think someone else already had them there, too. https://archive.org/details/NintendoAGEeZines/NA_eZine_Volume_1_Issue_01-2007/
  6. I'll be there. Portland was the first convention I ever went to. You can't go wrong. Find me working Tetris all weekend. Wow, ten years ago. RIP NA.
  7. Added Frog Feast for SNES. Thought I had a line on it, never happened. Back on the hunt. I need the original release, not the rerelease.
  8. Lol, I think I posted in this thread the Xmas signup thread and they deleted it and told me not to sully their exchange with my tradition.
  9. Man, almost done with this project. Just a few more packages to get sent out to people that were unresponsive and I had to track down. All the leftover items from Kickstarter are going on our website MothertoEarth.com. Putting all my weight behind the physical release. The Blu-ray and DVD give you the film and then six hours of extras. We turned the Blu-ray menus into a game with a reward if you can complete it. It's all the stuff I would've wanted to hear, but I couldn't jam in to the film. Y'all should dig it the most.
  10. Yep. I used to be able to login to my NA account, but the last time I went there I couldn't figure out how to get that page anymore, if it still exists.
  11. My guess is I asked before this was an actual rule. It was a while back.
  12. You can backdoor on VGS with no repercussions, I asked. NA was an instant ban IIRC.
  13. I like this, I don't like the beanboozled. If I wanted to add more to the jar, I'd have to take out all the flavors they doubled up on because you can't just get the gross ones by themselves and then they disguised them. And I'd never know if it was an even distribution. Right now I know there are five of every type in it.
  14. This is not what I remember at all, and I was a member of this transaction. Yes, the other potential buyer was going to buy both carts. Yes, he was going to vault them. But I thought he was a decent guy. He was upfront and honest about the fact that for him, this was an investment. I did not deal with them as much as others, like say the actual seller of the prototype, but we talked some and I appreciated how much he shared with me about his collection. Just my two cents.
  15. This person gets it. If I'm up to date on a thread, I can just look at replies in activity. Leaving a reaction there would be choice.
  16. We talked about it in the NintendoAGE eZine back in 2015. So not unrecorded. https://archive.org/details/NintendoAGEeZines/NA_eZine_Volume_8_Issue_01-2015/page/2/mode/2up
  17. Got my book this weekend. It's amazing. Told my old lady all about it. Congratulations!
  18. Didn't you for years say that my 3-screw Gumshoe didn't count?
  19. I talked about a lot of this stuff in my panel back in the day. I thought it was 2005/06. Do we know when for sure? Just curious.
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