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Everything posted by Boosted52405

  1. Shameless plug as I saw this thread in the feed lol...I have ~76 snug fit SNES/N64 box protectors new for sale in my FS listing. They have been in storage forever and are the ones people bought in grips over on NA, but have no idea the source. They are good ones IMO if anyone is interested hmu.
  2. As a massive Packers fan, I knew Rodgers days in Green Bay were limited. How and why did they treat him like shit these last few years, they've wasted one of the best talents of all time when they could have went all in last year and built around him? What is going on behind the scenes with this organization? Furthermore, why did this news break just hours before the draft...would they actually trade him tonight?!? Holding my breath peeps. Regardless, the Packers will SUCK without Rodgers as he has been so amazing he's done a damn fine job hiding the massive gaps this team has. Goodbye Rodgers, you're my favorite of all time and it's clear you put up with a lot of bullshit for over a decade now. /endrant
  3. Maybe I'm naive with this post, but did your friend get with your girl? I'm really trying to see what the situation is, and after reading the OP twice, I still am unsure - but got more of the vibe that he talked with her outside your back (per her request), about your relationship? If that latter is the case, I can actually relate completely with your friend (with a wife of one of my friends), and I guess I really don't see the harm - especially if he was advocating for you. Now if he was trying to wreck your relationship and take your girl, yeah friendship over fo sho. EDIT: After reading the OP a 3rd time, I realize he's been talking with your girl for what seems to be a period of time, and intentionally did not relay that info to you when he could/should have. This is bad business, but he might have had good intentions in trying to support you, but didn't want to cause the additional layer of drama by running to you afterwards. Sucks man...regardless sorry to hear your relationship has ended, the long ones always take a while to get over and the friend factor doesn't help either. Lots of other fish in the sea...
  4. Please tell me more, not only have I never heard of that but cannot even imagine such a heavenly menu item
  5. Yup Cyberpunk was the first to come to mind when I hopped in here, it was so bad they offered refunds haha!
  6. Well there's certainly a sizeable number of adults that play Nintendo I'm confident, but compared to PC/Xbox/Playstation, it's just not even comparable. I wouldn't even say that's an assumption - do you have a lot of gaming friends? If so, I'd be highly interested in what systems they primarily play on...if you'd answer honestly ;). I'm not dogging Nintendo it's just their bread and butter to kick out gimmicky family/kid style consoles and games - they flat out don't even try to compete with the big dogs and really haven't since N64/Gamecube eras. They have their own corner of the market and are killing it with the Switch. I personally love Nintendo, but they basically rinse/repeat the same crap over and over, and/or drop ports from the Wii/Wii U left and right. I do feel their first party quality is unrivaled though, with both their games and consoles. They will always have a place in my heart, but I struggle to even boot up my Switch anymore...at least until BOTW2 drops.
  7. You really want a source for that statement? Lol I don't think that's needed, the bulk majority of adult gamers play PC, PS4, or Xbox - Nintendo has been 99.9999999% geared at families and kids pretty much since existence. Thank god the Switch finally helped them build back up their 3rd party support (which is still limited due to their soft yet reliable hardware). I'm sure there are some statistics out there to support that, but just silly to question IMO.
  8. Lmao at anyone who complains that a mario game is too easy. It's a friggin Mario game, it's aimed at kids/family style play, nothing even remotely serious. Remember most adults don't actually play Nintendo games... I enjoy the atmosphere/quality of Nintendo games, and the casual pick-up/put-down play style - but mostly I enjoy the 100% challenge to collect everything or beat a certain timer etc. If you don't feel challenged enough, pick up Dark Souls and circle back!
  9. I assume she wasn't the owner/manager? That's the only reason I could see even a hint of bothersome behavior on your end, but not if there were plenty of open tables. Like if the place was packed and a table was needed... If it was a random customer starting drama, I probably would have talked to the manager and asked if it was a problem, then let them deal with it. People act incredibly entitled, it drives me crazy.
  10. When police arrived to the horrific scene, the suspect was sitting on the floor hands covered in blood, and appeared to be lost in another dimension. As they approached him guns drawn, he kept muttering "change..." repeatedly, further puzzling the heroic policeman as they hauled him away.
  11. My fav is a rather basic but flavorful Steak, Chorizo, and Cheese Burrito from my local joint. Secondly, c'mon no mentions of breakfast burritos? My single most favorite thing from our local farmers market, all of this though unfortunately pre-COVID. 9 days till Vax...
  12. Nope, Iowa here - we are free to drive all over these crappy roads. They are really crappy tho, especially after a rough winter with potholes literally everywhere. That got me to wondering what the Illinois Tollways were for, and it's kind of a sketchy back story. Living a toll-free life, I cannot even fathom regularly paying a fee to use a road or a bridge - it's nuts. Don't you guys already pay state tax on everything too? https://abc7chicago.com/archive/8327185/
  13. Yeah Illinois is crazy. I just recently met up with a fellow VGS'er in Chicago and it just blows my mind that they have pay tolls to use a freaking road. Furthermore, they don't even take cash anymore (or currently) and just ask for you to sign up for an account online and to pay digitally (was a pain in the ass). Not to mention the "normal" lunatic driving everywhere. I saw a few guys racing and toying with cops straight up in downtown Chicago (and the cops didn't seem to care). The trip there also required stop and go traffic on an interstate for like 20 minutes (5 lanes deep). All of it was pretty anxiety inducing in an attempt to transport a fragile Sharp NES TV. Thank god it went smooth lol.
  14. If your change is that out of control and your only money, then go to a bank and exchange it. I've never had to pay a penny to exchange coins for bills at a bank. If the coinstar ones charge 9%, that's news to me but I guess I wouldn't be surprised. If you don't have a bank, and only have a bucket of coins to pay for a pack of smokes, then I guess you got bigger things to worry about. Maybe strive for some consideration and ask for the total and then stand to the side and count out your change? It's rude to customers and a business to hold up traffic is my point. We've all probably been behind those people and can relate. But of course, douches only care about themselves so whatevs I suppose.
  15. What a funny topic. I am also surprised at anyone who feels paying with a card is slow, it's equal or faster than paying with cash unless you have exact cash or something - even when a pin is required. It's also more sanitary, money is filthy. Pay for gas a few times with cash and you'll start kicking your own ass. For pennies/loose change, yea we have countless coin machines all over the place, even walmart here locally. Just save em until you have a fuckton and cash em in, I have a coin bottle going for 15+ years lol. Just DONT be that guy paying with all change completely unsorted, and hold up everybody behind you. The people waiting and the employee will all hate you, 100%. If using cash in 2021, at least be prepared and heavy coinage should be as close to exact change as possible. Cash should be reserved for banks, garage sales, girl scout cookies, and illegal goods haha
  16. Have you played Mario Sunshine? Now that is a poor Mario game haha, I loved 3D World for the Wii U.
  17. Very sorry about your loss. Glad to hear that it was a peaceful passing, and also that you're handling it so well. Wow, 39 years is forever and a half. No doubt at all that both of you made each other's lives better
  18. Wow if the May 31st date is not some artificial media-defined date, that's really encouraging. I think it was CNN, whom not sure if I should trust much, mention that based on current timelines, the US could reach a level of herd immunity during Summer 2021. I take a lot of precautions myself for me and my 3yo, however I cannot say the same for his Mother, causing a year-long marathon of anxiety as a 50/50 co-parent. This whole situation is just awful for everyone no matter their beliefs of the VID, my foggy memory of pre-covid days feels like a dream...
  19. Looks like a few women and a lil duder that appears to be hungry just waiting for the store to open. So confused by this entire thread lol.
  20. Good for you OP! In those ethical dilemmas with nothing to gain I like to ask myself, "what if I were in this situation?" and then react from there. If I had lost a phone I would be ecstatic a stranger helped me get it back.
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