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Everything posted by Quest4Nes

  1. scare tactic myths. Old studies trying to link it to shit have been dispelled I kind of use it as a snack. Cuts out all the snacking on foods. Makes that way easier where Im pretty much only eating meals. Ill drink my aspertame and sucralose. Seeing that Ive probably lost atleast 75 pounds since june, Id say it works fine for me.
  2. I dont eat carbs anymore . You get used to it. Diet soda is still a crutch for me though. Better than consuming the real sugar Id say. Real sugar would probably kill me a little faster.
  3. Dont you have to usually elect to decrease your own percentage you get to get the death benefits? maybe he didnt elect to do that.
  4. Yes once something is nationalized, its near impossible to go back to the way things were when it fails. Which it will because the government sucks at running anything. You call it taking away or cutting food stamps. Some may call it more accountability through work requirements etc. You can spin and frame stuff the worst way possible. You aren't going to convince me with cutting social programs as some huge loss. Sounds great. I wouldn't set policy from a place of emotion(the progressive way). Expanding programs does nothing but perpetuate the problems. Tighten them up. There are plenty of private charities that can do far better for the truly poor than the government. But we are going to differ since you love bernie and I think he is one of the most dangerous men in america.
  5. Still not working for me at all. I was able to see a login page yesterday . But when I try to login it just forever never loads.
  6. Trump just gets defensive. Bernie gets angry. Please dont tell me your in the bernie camp arch. Please let me still respect your opinions. If trumps policies fail, its a setback If bernies policies fail , there is no going back. You cant put that socialist toothpaste back in the tube
  7. There is a reason the DNC is trying to sabatoge bernie at all costs. They know he wont win, and hes a communist Bernie in an election would finally have to answer questions from opposition. He rarely ever actually answers concerned good questions. He turns into denial angry bernie and exposes himself everytime he faces a legitimate honest question and just rambles about the 1%. I.E. Ted Cruz debate , the town hall he had on a couple years ago. Man it was rough.
  8. He won a caucus of democrats with low turnout. He wasnt running against trump. lmao Ill go ahead and take my graceful exit before arguments start. The last few posts have me rolling my eyes with single payer healthcare. Ill just put it like this. Go ahead and make bernie the nominee. Id be shocked if he won more than 10 states.
  9. That makes seriously no sense. For all issues that really matter, those are polar opposite ideologies economically. So much in fact I find it near impossible to give a crap about any of the social issues I might agree with because of his economic philosophy. If its bernie he is going to get slaughtered. Union voters wont vote for bernie with their negotiated healthcare plans at stake. That in itself will sink him in all the midwest states.
  10. People wait to see what region theyll need or group theyll need to bolster and ususlly gear their pick for that.
  11. I was super nervous mailing it lol. Im glad its all safe and sound.
  12. Them telling us they are working on something just reminds of NA "updates" they promised 4 months ago
  13. lol wonderful 101. YAY ANOTHER PORT The amount of effort to make this wii u game port over they probably could have just made wonderful 102
  14. Why does happening on the weekend mean it couldnt get looked at till monday? Those dudes really suck. This is still not promising at all. I dont trust them. Im going to find somewhere else to track . Thanks for the update though
  15. If this is a reply to the most recent posts, we were talking about GVN Collection Tracker Not PC
  16. Ive logged into the tracker quite a few times the last couple months. Its always been fine for me. I was using it just last week. I might have gotten lucky each time being the right time. This really sucks. Thousands of things entered all gone. I hate GoCollect so much right now. Scumbags.
  17. what game value now collection tracker is gone? I just lost my whole collection data? Seriously GoCollect is the hugest pile of shit Ive ever seen. Did I miss some big warning. Ive logged into GVN like 5-6 times the last month and I didnt see any notifications on the page.
  18. Yes, and I was talking about how the crap all got started. The fact he continued facilities and methods used from the previous administration, and the media using all those images to try and stir shit up like Trump started it.
  19. https://apnews.com/a98f26f7c9424b44b7fa927ea1acd4d4/AP-FACT-CHECK:-2014-photo-wrongly-used-to-hit-Trump-policies Im talking about this shit. Photos circulating kids in cages used in attacks vs trump. These detention facilities were doing this stuff long before trump And most of what you just said sounds pretty wrong actually. But I dont have time to talk about it. I got to go to bed. Plus I dont want to even get into it with you since youve never been wrong ever. And anyone who disagrees with you doesnt care about the country. Words straight from your keyboard on NA.
  20. well by border concentration camps, those kids in cages pictured circulating used for propoganda were from 2014. Long before trump. Everyone started paying attention when trump took office because of his hard stance on border crossings. If im not mistaken, pretty much didnt he just enforce the laws already on the books? He ended family separations with an executive order since everyone had a hissy fit about things that were long happening before. Then the 9th circuit overturned it back to what it was. Border crossing and enforcement is one area Im not libertarian on at all so I really dont have a problem with enforcing laws on the books. Disencentivize crossing the border illegally and the problem shouldnt be as bad. If you dont lay down the law, theyll just keep flooding the system.
  21. Yeah because all Ive seen from you is that critical thinking. Not a talking point cliche at all. Dude , you take this stuff way too personal/seriously. Just enjoy the ride. This presidency has been a trip. Way more fun when you just sit back and laugh instead of getting all mad about stuff. I was very skeptical at first, but man dude is a stand up comedian. His press conferences generally have me laughing pretty good. Nothing is that bad. Its ok to disagree with policy, but everything isnt the end of the world or so hyperbole extreme like you make it out to be.
  22. could you be anymore tribalistic? You missed your calling. You need to be on CNN
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