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Everything posted by Quest4Nes

  1. Can we just stop and let the Wii U have a few pieces in the collection that stay that way. No we dont need devil's third on switch. No we dont need pikmin 3 on switch. It was a 20 dollar greatest hits. They even gave it away for free at one point. Another port 50 dollar release is a slap in the face yet again. Just release a pikmin 4 on switch. Its been ready according to nintendo for what 5 years? Still hilarious everyone bitched about the wii u , yet now everyone wants all its games while all of us who had it were saying it for years. GTF outta here lol.
  2. I need a custom nes label made. Someone that could do design and print one for me. Id give detailed instuctions and an example of what I want on it from previous years. Is bounce on this site yet? Dra6oon printed them for me the last couple of years but I dont think hes come over.
  3. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/feb/17/facebook-posts/image-shared-facebook-claims-ku-klux-klan-endorsed/ seems like that rumor is false. Looks like that statement grew from this fake sattire news facebook post. David Duke endorsed trump. And he disavowed david duke even though no one cares about loser david duke. If trump is responsible for anyone that endorses him Im pretty sure Bernie has a winner or two supporting him. Im pretty sure Obama had a few winners. All relevant candidates do.
  4. to pretty much everyone. That charlottsville protest had around 100 white nationalists that came to it. They came from all over the country. It took across the country to muster up 100 neo nazis for that event. No one cares about neo nazis or the KKK. They are irrelevant and barely exist in the scope of the country.
  5. How many KKK members do you think there are? Ive never once seen one and im in the south. I know there probably are a few, but do you think they are just roaming around on horses scaring the populous. This is the dumbest thing ever. I know they exist, Im not saying they dont exist, but seriously why is that even concerning? No one cares about the KKK.
  6. could be. thought it was one of those fancy punch ballots from florida
  7. Im pretty sure they probably dont want you to have a camera in the booth
  8. Again. The kids in cages photos were from 2014. So yea it was happening then too before trump. He said kids in cages. So yes im replying directly to that.
  9. ?? What are you ranting and raving about. It was about where the policy started and where the pictures came from. He specifically said kids in cages.
  10. So he would just be a useless ideologue then? There are still several things he could actually do with the growing executive branch. I dont even want a chance of any economical proposal. So why vote for radical "change" if it cant even be done? Just because hed have a tough time passing something, he is ok now? Anyone but Bernie please
  11. Well what federal lottery are they going to tax? Free Tuition for the nation, and debt forgiveness is the same as a Georgia program? Scale dude...scale. Its a little different. Pay for this then where does it stop? Whats next? The car payment crisis? the mortgage crisis? Those "industries" add to up to more than college. Doesnt everyone have the right to those? College is a voluntary transaction just like buying cars and houses. I have some school debt. Im paying it off. I fully expect to pay it off. Id personally rather just see the government not giving out student loans in general. Started the crisis in the first place.
  12. we are talking about promising Free childcare Medicare for all free college etc etc etc. That has nothing to do with campaigning or contributions, but its what he stands for. That has everything to do with promising other peoples money in the future to buy them stuff. I love how he didnt answer Anderson Coopers Question about whether hed take bloombergs money if he was the nominee and bloomberg wanted to support him. Just stood there for 5 seconds in silence waiting for the next question. Bernie Sanders is a fraud. Bernie Sanders, the man who has suckled the govt. teet for 60 years and never produced anything. I mean he isnt going to win, but I really would prefer if he just wouldnt be in the final 2. Even a 1 percent chance is terrifying.
  13. LOL Im out. you are ridiculous. Have a nice night
  14. well you can buy what you want because thats what it meant. Why would I even say that if thats not what i meant. cmon man
  15. ? lol wut re read the statement one more time. Or Im not sure what point you are trying to prove
  16. ummmm team is a dig at people who seem just to be on a team. cmon tulpa
  17. Atleast as much as I despise bloomberg, he is spending his own money spending like a maniac. Bernie Sanders is promising everyone under the sun. Hes basically trying to buy the oval office with tax payer money.
  18. 1/10 0 redeeming qualitites. I dont give these votes lightly
  19. kids in cages photo circulation were 2014 detention center photos which were then portrayed as new photos. So yeah....That wasnt a trump policy, and pretty much the definition of what some may call "fake news" We have already hashed that discussion in this thread. Even californication said he got that one partially wrong. Ill take even the slightest contrition from that dude as a positive.
  20. How do you prove someone else is not a racist? Dont you think the onus is on proving he is rather than proving hes not? Has he said some things that are insensitive? Sure? Ive said hes an asshole(its why i kinda like him. He opens his mouth and says too much constantly.)(hes real, hes a person with faults, not a calculated political buttigieg robot) But racist is a strong word. Doesnt really hold the weight it used to like i said because your team throws it out after every single thing said. Just because your team repeats it every 10 seconds doesnt make it more true. I know you want it to be true so everything you see or hear is through that lens. Instead of holding an actual debate about an issue, it is much easier just to say racist and move on. I understand. The things being labeled as racist have been twisted meanings/out of context/ very disengenuous takes on statements/ projecting pre conceived ideas of him and applying that with intent on his proposed legislation. You hear what you want to hear i guess.
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