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Everything posted by Quest4Nes

  1. Hmmm why june 10th such an arbitrary day. Ohhhhh republican primary june 9th? Northam. What a piece of trash.
  2. Lowest i remember is 84 cents a gallon in high school . Filled a small truck up with 15 dollars. Gas here now is about 1.60
  3. Our county here in east texas just issued a stay at home order. starting tonight when the 10 pm curfew hits. Well my friend is running around for his job reporting back to me what he saw, and What did it do? caused the whole town to go in a panic. People lined up at banks, people packing the grocery stores. People are the worst. Making everything worse.
  4. Around here they have said coming early has been better. During the day Ive driven around. Every store is packed the entire day. Its insane. There is no dead time since they close the stores My town just issued a curfew from 10pm-6am. SO MORE PEOPLE OUT AND ABOUT now between those times. Just great. Biggest do nothing policy Ive ever heard. Its just going to upset people and cause more problems. This town didnt have a night life in the first place. They had to pretend they were doing something since they actually can do nothing and want to inject themselves into the situation. They said its to "stop the spread" wtf?!? by limiting people to certain windows that helps contain a spread? It forces more people out during peak times and will just make it worse.
  5. Around here its hit or miss. All the restaurants are takeout only. The place you see mass gatherings though is the grocery store. Still terrible. I dont really need anything, but Id like to get a couple things. I might have to make an asserted effort to get there at the opening door to avoid 100 people at a checkout, oh and and there are alot of people traffic at gas stations. At our school they have been sanitizing the place, but I still report once a week for printing off work, and submitting grades/plans. They are doing it by department. Our math department was monday. Got it over with during the week. Now just answering student/parent emails and questions during the week. Im really starting to wonder if they are going to open up the schools again. If they wait too long there will be no point. Kids wont show, and wont be focused. I feel the worst for the good geometry students I had that wanted to learn. They are missing so much. Most of the kids at my low socioeconomic district dont have nice calculators at home like I had when I was in school, so teaching new concepts is really tough. I cant do like Area of regular polygons for example because Id need trig functions and that would require a calculator. There are calculators online, but Id say 40 percent of my 133 student population dont have home internet. I have to send home hard copies. Right now I am having to do just review on everything we have covered. If we go back, Im going to have to try to cram alot into a 2-3 weeks
  6. Animal crossing is the opposite of fun to me. So boring and imo not really a game. Endless facebook game simulator. Its just not made for me.
  7. well physical will probably out last that. so you probably are worse off overall in the long run
  8. we all know the one person that needs to quarantine is andy. He will get rekt by this shit I fully expect his next thread is. " Hi guys I got the corona virus"
  9. Those survey stats they use are bullshit on those lists. The quality of care in the US is number 1. Other countries all get to benefit off the US producing the breakthrough pharmaceuticals and treatments.
  10. Im kinda done talking about it. I know millions feel the same as me. Just not on this site
  11. exactly what Ive been saying. They are always going to overreact. The media being 100 percent lockstep against the president want it all to burn so they can point fingers.
  12. and still contract it in the end? ok , quarantine the vulnerable and lets move on. Close the public sector.
  13. we are way bigger than italy, and I hate to say it but our quality of healthcare is way higher than theirs. This country is way more spread out than italy. Completely different logistics. Alot of factors.
  14. Looks like I took the contrarian stance on this one guys. My only point is this. Its not as easy as shut down business. There are huge ramifications. Some of these businesses wont open back up. You are actually thousands of small businesses. This is like walmarts dream scenario right now.
  15. the fact you even deem it as a necessary measure is pretty terrifying actually.
  16. I said some people act like they want it. As in how ridiculous. Then you state it might be necessary. LOLOL me bringing the word up doesnt mean I said we need it. YOU Said we might need it. I said people are being ridiculous.
  17. I dont think he has many choices. Whatever he does is wrong and ridiculed. Its alot easier to take ridicule of overreaction than underreaction. I dont agree with him if thats what he thinks.
  18. Im not talking about an anecdotal situation. Im talking about being open in the first place. And all business . Not just gamestop. You went to gamestop knowing the situation. Just because there were 3 people? you didnt know that before you got there. You still went there for a game. Apparently that was more important than peoples lives according to some in here. Got link up there talking about might needing martial law? wtf people. cmon. Its a complicated measure. If its all about health and safety then why dont we just stay home forever. This shit isnt going away. We are going to get sick. This country is much larger and spread out. What works in another country might not work here. You cant just shut the world down. There is going to start to be unrest and people want to go back to their lives. And you will have tanked the economy for nothing.
  19. pertaining to Y2k. I was talking about how people are acting. Not the event itself.
  20. just wanted to comment at this. Why did you go if its such a big deal capn? Having the audacity to go and then tell other people they cant and they should be closed? Cmon man.
  21. This arbitrary future date thats in limbo and changes on a whim of when life might resume. People cant just stay in their homes. There is going to start to be unrest. And then you will have tanked the economy for nothing. Weve had pandemics. We havent shut things down. This is media driven hysteria. This reminds me so much of y2k its not even funny. Tons of people are asymptimatic. Most are barely sick, and the more actual tests that get administered the lower the death rate. Its already extremely low. If you are in a risk group you should isolate while the rest of us develop herd immunity.
  22. Doesnt apply to gamestop per say but you might be ending peoples financial livelyhood. Local businesses have bills to pay to operate. If they have a way to reach customers and make money they should be allowed to. When its not you ots pretty easy ti say killing thousands of businesses is the way to go.
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