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Everything posted by RH

  1. Eh, we all have our soap boxes and gripes that cross the line for us personally. @Code Monkey just had more and differing standards than most of us. I still haven't bought a new Sony product from retail since I bought The Foo Fighters In Your Honor album the day it came out and as soon as I popped it into my work PC, it bricked it due to Sony's intentional, driver malware. I'm sure some people I need to give it a rest by now but... I won't.
  2. I'm not a fan of Blink-182, but I think that Siamese Youth did a fantastic job with this cover of All the Small Things. It's on regular rotation on one of my work motivation playlists.
  3. My wife picked up Wonka for the kids from the library and we watched it last night. I really wanted to like that one. We all did. But it's not good and borderline terrible. It's just not an engaging story and it feels like it just goes through the motions. The music feels sooooo flat, almost to a remarkable point, and in the end you end up feeling like you wish there was something a bit more too the whole package because you want to enjoy the story but instead the whole thing feels lame and phoned in, at best. I didn't like the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka film and in the end, I actually found myself liking that one more than this one. The only redeemable aspect to Wonka is that throughout the story, the keen eye might notice very small touchstones to the original Gene Wilder film. The story feels like it's suppose to be a prequel to that specific film because of that. But other than that, the film is the most bland experience you could imagine for such an imaginative story. I don't recommend it and give it a 2.5 of 10.
  4. Here’s a score for Epic Pinball on the Enigma table. 36,330,000
  5. There's also a pinball thread on here. I don't think I've seen it bumped in a while, either.
  6. I've seen this thread pop up from time to time, and I just don't have an answer. There are too many games I'd like so even though I'd probably put a little thought into it, I'd probably get 5 games that are high in desirability but it'd still be on a whim. Well, 4 of them. After further thought, there is one game that's eluded me for years-- Blue Thunder for the Action Max. I have all of the other games, sealed. I just need this one game in sealed condition but since I started looking years ago, I've not seen a single copy, even used. I think it's a pipe dream at this point, but I keep looking.
  7. Jokes aside, these remakes probably are part of what keeps physical media thriving. The people wanting physical media are often those of us who are old enough to want to play games that we’ve seen delisted from eShops and know the “perils” of DLC that comes and disappears at the whim of corporate boards. We’re the people that would potentially buy a +10 year old game, so you’re kind of right, depending on what part of the gaming industry you’re considering.
  8. Dude, can we get you in on the next game of Werewolf?
  9. Man I want this but I just can't at the moment. A user on Reddit is offering a sealed Taco Bell Eclipse Xbox One X for $350. https://old.reddit.com/r/GameSale/comments/1c77zst/usanm_h_xbox_one_x_taco_bell_eclipse_limited/
  10. This is what I'm talking a bout. What?! Especially, Metroid. I'm not sure if that's one that would hold up well, unless you can put yourself in a 1990-and-early mental-mode. The complaints are real like "It needs a map", but if you consider the limitations of the time, and understand that all series have to start somewhere, it's not really an issue. Punch-Out is one of those games I personally can't get into. That said, I have played. And in general, I can understand if many of us game one or two games a try in a popular series and never tried subsequent games. I know I've played both Mega Man and Mega Man 2 for a few minutes and they seemed cool enough, but as a middle-aged gamer, they were never cool enough for me to deeply get into, in spite of there being a latent desire to do so. That said, I've barely touched any of the Mega Man games after those two, even though I own 3, 4 and 6, as well as all of the GB games!
  11. Well, Super Mario Bros 1, 3 and Super Mario World are three good starting points for an idea. There's also games like Mega Man 2, Legend of Zelda, Pac-Man, Wolfenstein, Doom, Sonic 2... etc. You know, the iconic stuff everyone's heard of and if you were to say you'd never played that game, not even for 5 minutes, they're likely to pull your gamer card.
  12. After seeing a response by @T-Pac from @wongojack regarding WJ never playing Super Mario World--this led me to ask this question--are there any games for you guys that are often on the "Everyone Should Play These Games" list, but you yourself have never played? Feel free to interpret that as you will but generally speaking, I'm looking for the titles that you've never so much as put in a console and turned it on to the title screen, or even fired up on an emulator. It's an interesting question. We all have games we probably should play just because of their historical importance, or whatever, but we don't. What games are like that for you?
  13. This gives me an idea for a new thread... stay tuned for 5 minutes.
  14. Wow, this turned to the Hornets. Nice! As one who was living in Charlotte when the transition happened several years ago, it was a really, really BIG deal when the Bobcats left and the Hornets were back. The Hornets were alright back in the 90s, but what they had was a perfect brand for the era, and that's what I'm hearing. Anyway, transitioning back to the Hornets was a smart move--though the team still sucked, people around here actually started liking them again and paying to go to games. It's interesting how a simple name and brand change, which has no bearing on performance, can change a lot. And back to the topic... I have no clue what the answer is. I want it to be my wedding day because even near-19 years later, I'm still deeply in love with my wife and we're best friends. But... our wedding day was tough. We had a wedding in a medal building in the middle of summer in Georgia. The venue wasn't use to having events, and a "nice" volunteer came in the night and cut on the AC early and CRANKED it. Bad move... yes, the intent was nice but the AC ended up freezing over and cut off around 9:00 AM, which meant the entire time my bride was getting ready, though the entire service AND the reception at the same place, the temperature inside was pushing 100 degrees! We had one of the fastest weddings you've ever seen. My wife really regrets this, but considering we didn't plan to be needing to pass out water bottles by the gallons, we didn't have a choice. We had a typical service and after that the reception was literally, get everything done as fast as you could. We had little time to meet with everyone and it was rough. All weddings have their issues. It just so happened that ours caused us to have have an entire service + reception in about 2.5 hours. After the wedding, though, we went and stayed the night in Atlanta to fly out bright and early to Disney World for our honeymoon. Yes, we were that couple and I have zero-regrets. It was loads of fun being an adult there and the whole trip is a happier memory, though I can't pin one specific day. We were there for 3 Nights/4 Days and then flew out to Denver to drive up in the mountains to a town called Crested Butte in the middle of the Rockies. That too was an amazing experience.
  15. RH

    Visions of Mana

    Top comment-- "Did they just emotionally blackmail us into buying this game?" Well, yeah. Probably. I also find it amusing that the main character was probably born around 81-84 and yet in the 2024 segment, he looks like he's still in his mid-20s. Dude, where are those greys at?! I need to see realistic grey hair, cause that's where we should be!
  16. I've never heard of this, but that's amazing to see! It's sad to see the original are on the side is only half-present. What's the other side look like? EDIT I see now that was the full side art, so that's cool. So is the overall condition good, then?
  17. Lest year was, tax-wise, an odd transition period. I had pretty decent full time job with a company and team I loved, but sales were way down more than they expected. As the last hire on the team, they let me go and they even told my manager in a separate meeting, as his boss was telling me that I was being laid off. It was a bummer, but I ended up connecting with another company I'd worked for and in October I started working as a 1099. Anyway, I went from being Full Time to Self Employed, which for the unaware means I had to start paying estimated taxes. I should have looked up the rules to refresh myself, but I didn't and just ended up sending the government and EXTRA payment. So, I ended up getting a serious refund. We're that household that tries to guess our income as best we can and pay taxes as close to the expected amount we should owe so that we always get a small refund or have to pay just a little. But this year, due to a "tax error" in our favor, we got back basically a quarter of our actual taxes.
  18. RH

    T-Pac Arcade

    I don’t even know any more. Personally, on YouTube I’m like “dude, if your video isn’t at least 15 minutes, what are you even doing here?” but that’s the ole-fart in me. People today who love information handed to them in 5 seconds or less probably prefer videos no more than 5 minutes. And to be clear, I’m not asking you to make them longer, nor do I think you should. It fits the tone of what you’re doing and there really is nothing wrong with “bite sized” reviews. I’m just old and appreciate 30-minute long content like the days of old television.
  19. Well, I think these are good points but another facet is, in my opinion, emulating these stinks, especially the 3DS with the different aspect ratios. If you want to play these games, you need to do it on an original device. 3DSes play DS titles so if you want to get into either library, getting a 3DS is a no brainer. It doesn’t really surprise me that they are so expensive but the spike is a bit quicker than I would have thought. There’s just no better way to play the library, which isn’t true for other systems, especially portable ones.
  20. Hmm, you might be right. I know that on the 8th, the shutdown online communication services, but maybe that's not the eStore but just game/server connectivity. MVG was my source:
  21. I'm not surprised this game is rating well, but man, all of these 10s are nuts. I mean, it's good but it's not THAT good. And for the record, I played this one to completion/near completion in late High School when a buddy of mine let me borrow his SNES and his pile of games. This and Zelda were the only two games I played much of.
  22. Or for something same but different, there's Portal, which I just finished for the first time last week.
  23. You know, I'll admit I was always conflicted about this when I learned why the game was split up. But with that said, I always felt it was sooo much easier to accept since they invented the totally rad "Lock-On Technology"! More specifically, if this were just two standard cartridges, that'd feel sucky. But the fact that you can link S3 to S&K OR S2, then that kind of made it a bit acceptable. It's like the dev team convinced management that if they absolutely had to split the game in two, at least throw the buyers a bone by allowing them to patch-in Knuckles into Sonic 2. I think that's pretty cool.
  24. RH

    Eclipse 2024

    I forgot that too, it was really cool. We notice the temperature changes in the evening, but it's so much slower. It's crazy how, when you immediately take away the suns light, the temperature drops fast.
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