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Everything posted by FireHazard51

  1. I like how this man doesn't even have the Wii bauble for his collection....this is just nuts.
  2. Put me in Coach.....surely I can't lose ALL the Risk games I play.
  3. In the states the is a lot of plastic bags that are "recyclable" but there is no recycling plant that can handle them so in the end its fucks up the recycling plant that doesn't handle them. Like....REALLY hampers it's productivity and that just makes recycling less cost friendly and overall hampers the recycling movement. PBS Frontline did a good documentary on "recyclables" that just aren't recyclable like the public thinks. AKA, plastic bags are rarely recyclable in America. I REALLY hope they are where you live. I've started the video where you only need to watch 3 minutes to get what I'm talking about.
  4. What is really needed is a Half Priced Books search feature for games.
  5. So goes GameStop actually have good prices for old cart games?
  6. Shadowgate...that game was so awesome as a kid. Frustrating when I couldn't figure out how to get further in the game. Great gift for sure.
  7. This is the best way by far. You can do a few searches. Hell you could probably write a script to open a web page for each search with the specific key word search. This seems like a fun project. I'll keep this in mind when I pick up learning Python again.
  8. Sounds like the captain of the ship SUCKS. Have you formally complained to the local Post Master? I'm serious, as a government employee sometimes not complaining allows for bad behavior go uncheck by upper management who actually gives a damn about good public service. What you are asking for is not the least bit unreasonable and if is deemed so then they should have the curtesy to explain why not. Maybe there is a legit reason that isn't obvious to you. But I'm with you, sounds like a shit worker who just assumes no packages of a size can be delivered.
  9. Man, I REALLY need to get back into collecting so I can participate in events like this and not feel bad about lack of good stuff to give. Also, I've always pasted on "crap" games but now I understand that some people really want that for their complete collection. Garage/Yard sales typical have some unique finds that the collecting community would want. Any who just wanted to say I love seeing the photos of stuff taken. Give a nice picture of what to give in the future.
  10. Fixed it for you..... I didn't know how the polls worked with multiple questions.
  11. Fix it for you. Can't forget your accent
  12. I've only seen large bags of milk in the military/college/hotels where it's a big ass dispenser.
  13. https://www.google.com/search?q=milk+containers&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjck4L97PPtAhUQba0KHcgWAvkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=milk+containers&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1AAWABgr4ASaABwAHgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=j3nrX5yQKZDatQXIrYjIDw&bih=783&biw=1536&rlz=1C1ASUC_enUS707US707
  14. Want to know more about people's exposer to bag milk.....for reasons.
  15. the "Full" List of Baubles and Charms needs to be updated. I'm only pointing this out as I need to know what I can/could get so I can work towards it.
  16. I love uniformity. Quantity doesn't need to be massive. I value quality games over sheer volume. But the pick of jelly is when it's pick any game and within the pick button or two pressed you can play the game on a big TV. Though on day I will make my self and arcade machine. I freaking love those things. I honestly think my first project will be a bar top arcade machine that I'll donate to my local American Legion that I'm a member of. As a kid growing up they had pho arcade machines that there actually video poker/slot machines. I'm SURE they won't mind unlicensed usage of games. At least the Cops won't mind unlike the slot machines. But I'm big on cleanliness, organization, quality of games, and ease to play them. Think nice home theater but with video games instead of movies.
  17. You've spurred me to do a small donation. Now that I've done it I'll do it again I know. Possibly I'll do it as a "tip" for hosting game nights
  18. We aren't mimicking ASPC....we need a very generous donor to do matching donations so then you can say....for a limited time your one time donation will be double by a matching donation from a generous anonymous donor. So your $20 donation turns into $40. A $50 dollar donation turns into $100 donation. That is the PBS/NPR
  19. By all means lets do our part to lessen the data storage. But I really do like the idea of a "fun drive" event for VGS's birthday. Hell, is there even a "tip jar" to do random one time donations of any amount on VGS because I also like that idea too.
  20. Sounds like someone else listens to PBS. If you want to do it right yo got to do "sustainers" and give out a cheap prize for joining. I do love my PBS socks. But would agree, subscriptions my be not ideal for a lot of people but one time donations could drum up some cash. I would think VGS's birthday would be a great event to do such a thing. Could give out a bubble that will expire one year later if you are worried about them accumulating. Also a nice little nudge for people to keep their bubble.
  21. Welcome! This is a very welcoming community. I'm sure you'll find help with whatever kind of collecting you choose.
  22. Your little slips made it all the more fun to kill you. But honestly it's just bad luck. I'm a psycho and just looking to kill as soon as possible.
  23. Arch Rivals..SCORE! Use to laugh my ass off playing the NES copy. Didn't know they made it for GameGear.
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