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Everything posted by Aguy

  1. Dried meals for emergency shelters advertise 25 year shelf life, so while you're probably right about arbitrary dates, it's probably more than 2 years.
  2. I spent that past 2 weeks playing LoZ: Breath of the Wild. I've owned it since the Wii U, but never got a chance to get very far into it without my son taking over my file. But since he's got Tears of the Kingdom now, I figured I'd finally have chance to beat it. I was expecting it to a lot longer to beat the story, but it I think it was only around 32 to get to the credits. I do have the DLC, so I'll probably go back and play that eventually.
  3. Not sure how old your kids are but we started when my youngest was 7. There are scary bits but she likes them and is always down to watch them with me.
  4. There are so many good one liners throughout the trilogy, it's hard for me to watch them and not talk through the whole thing. We watch the extended trilogy at least once a year, splitting each movie into 2 nights and taking a week to go through the whole thing. In high school, I read the first book, and got half way through the second but I just couldn't keep going. Not my favorite writing style, but love the movies.
  5. Coffee Talk 1 and 2 are visual novels where you are a barista and has interactive parts where you make coffee/tea drinks for patrons. I played the first one a couple weeks ago on Xbox game pass. It took about 5 hours and was enjoyable.
  6. Stories like that can work, but I feel like a majority of the time directors do that, it breaks up the flow too much and can kill momentum. Like @DoctorEncore said, the writers and Chris Pine's acting did a good job of trusting the viewer with the source material, resulting in a fun film. I don't want my fantasy interspersed with scenes of a noob player (stand in for the unfamiliar audience) being surprised by a new mechanic and having other players explain it, or where the DM goes on a power trip. I've never heard anyone say Fred Savage was the best part of Princess Bride. It stops the story we are actually invested in dead in it's tracks. I think it works best with low fantasy, like in the case of Jumanji, where there's less suspension of disbelief required. Switching back and forth from our reality to high fantasy is too jarring. But I'm open to opinions and movie recommendations where it works.
  7. Dragon Quest V is done, credited rolled just shy of 26 hours. But I think it's time to take a break since we're barely half way through the year and I've rolled credits on III, IV, V, VIII, and IX, since Jan. 1st.
  8. The new Dungeons and Dragons movie is out on Paramount+. I watched it with the family the other night and it was really good, with lots of imaginative action sequences. None of us have ever played DnD (although I've always wanted to) but I think they struck a good balance with the source material between pleasing fans and not being too dense for newcomers. And not a single 70/80's pop song to be heard, which has become a pet peeve of mine at this point.
  9. I beat Dragon Quest Iv: Chapters of the Chosen on DS last night. Not my favorite.
  10. Ghost or Babymetal? Limp Bizkit?
  11. Oh, I know. I was there for the whole thing, but I was wondering why this particular bikini women was chosen.
  12. Is there a story behind the cart art? That part I don't recognize.
  13. I wear button up short sleeve shirts to the school I work at so I press those real quick. My pants are jeans or something similar so I don't bother ironing them
  14. I think an Aliens-style movie would be a good start to introduce the franchise to the masses, then release an Alien-style prequel to expand the lore.
  15. The credits rolled on Dragon Quest III yesterday. That's the third DQ I've beaten this year and was considering starting another one, but instead started Return to Popolocrois on 3DS. It's a Story of Seasons spinoff, very cutesy.
  16. Same here, everytime there was a slow pan or still frame I was looking around the edges and in the background. But I think all the musical cues were the best like World 1-2 or MK8 Selection Screen. But unless I'm mistaken, I never heard the SMB Underwater Theme.
  17. I'm a pretty lax person to begin with, so the Souls-like games (Elden Ring and more recently Wo Long) are the only kind of games that stress me out as I'm not the best at them. Grinding in an RPG (DQ is my favorite) is the best way to de-stress for me. It's pretty mindless but still leads to overall progress. Vampire Survivor is another mindless but engaging enough game too.
  18. Was looking for some light reading and thought I'd read the Harry Potter series. It's been 20 since the first (and last) time I read through it so at this point I remember the movies more than the books. I forgot how much the first quarter of the book reads like a Roald Dahl story.
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