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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I just had this thought come to mind watching the new trailer for Zelda TOTK. Could this game be the prequel to Breath of the Wild? It seems that Ganondorf is summoning an army to destroy the Kingdom in the trailer.. Maybe this is the lead up to the epic battle that happened 100 years prior to Breath of the Wild.
  2. The key to thrift books is you don’t buy anything more than $10, and always look for good or very good. And buy over $35 so you get free shipping. I’m not super picky about manuals. As long as it’s in decent shape and I don’t have to pay to much
  3. There’s a strider hiryu game on PS3. Don’t know how good it is though. But it got a Japanese physical release, which is region free.
  4. One in which the AI has total control The problem is AI doesn’t have the same respect for individual human life as (most) humans do. I think that AI would make statistical conclusions that view humans like cattle… not unlike corporations.. but in the end corporations are made of humans and they can be petitioned/ influenced. AI might not bend over to human appeals once the “best way forward” is calculated. Who knows… maybe AI might even conclude that humans are the problem
  5. I think it’s what they call “death by a thousand cuts.” Rather than do any one thing that is so offensive that it warrants a direct offensive response, they do a thousand little things, none of which are individually offensive enough to warrant a response, but when you add them all up, they are overwhelming to the point that we die of exhaustion
  6. Politics in itself is a popularity contest. And what’s popular isn’t what is best especially since “best” is subjective. If you want expertise you need to look to individual subject matter experts. Ive thought long and hard about governments. If there was an ideal system, someone would have done it by now. And if someone was doing it now everyone else would be emulating it. Every country is experimenting with governments trying to figure what works; adding processes/rules that seem to work best and removing processes that don’t seem to work well. For most of our lives, we’ve been told Western style democracy is the ideal system. And yet it seems to be getting stressed to its breaking point (at least from my perspective). Two polarized sides tearing so hard in their own directions, it seems we are headed for civil war and even if our institutions can even survive it, there will be a weakened state that would be vulnerable to foreign non-democratic forces. And what do our rulers do to unite us? Fix our internal affairs? Or blame all the problems on outsiders to hopefully unite us against them. Is it just that we’ve failed to implement Western democracy correctly, or is this what inevitably happens to democracy when you allow it to run it’s course? Personally, I think this is what happens after it runs its course. Western democracy may possibly go into the wastebin of history along with monarchy, dictatorship, and socialism. What will replace it? I do not know. But I think it may have to do with AI and the thought of it is scary
  7. I wasn’t really into newer systems either. But Switch is an exception because the games are still cartridges and the menu interface is so simple. Also there are so many legacy games that are getting re-released on Switch. There’s a lot of game collections, by the likes of Konami, Capcom, Sega, SNK, etc. Squaresoft has been re-releasing a ton of PS1 rpg’s. There’s a ton of shmup shooters. With all of the retro content available in its library, Switch is basically the ultimate system even if your not into current gen games for those who only want to get authentic physical released games
  8. What I hate is the new trend of putting decorative stickers on outside of the plastic seal. With those, it’s like you can’t even open the game otherwise you lose the sticker and the game is incomplete
  9. At this point, if I was just starting, I would only be buying physical switch games. For all the other systems, I would be getting flash carts.
  10. I used Mario as my main before they gave him the water hose. He used to be dangerous
  11. Old news now.. but I’m surprised I didn’t see a thread about this. China sent US a balloon. Beijing says don’t worry it’s just a civilian weather balloon that went off course. Trump said blow it up! So did Biden! Pentagon told him wait until it’s over the ocean so balloon pieces don’t fall on some farm. Well we shot it down the other day just off the coast of South Carolina. China is shaking their fist. Americans are speculating about what the balloon really was. Personally I don't buy the weather balloon story. The thing is supposed to have some level of positioning controls. So if it went off course, they should have brought it back on course. And if it could no longer be controlled then it was a hazard and should have been brought down. If this truly was a spy balloon then it’s a bold move to send it into US airspace.
  12. I don’t mind using emulation, but I would prefer something that seems more simple. The idea of plugging a 3DS into a windows pc that must be actively running a program to project the image onto a screen seems really clunky. But if it were just like an Android phone or a mini pc running something like retro arch, I could go for something like that. I think the hacked Wii U is probably preferable though. On Wii U, Nintendo already established a system for playing DS games. I guessing if you hack it, this system can be extended over to all titles
  13. I appreciate the effort you put into this reply. It was not deserved
  14. No offense taken. Rather, I am honored to be featured in one of your legendary graphics!
  15. What kind of shooter are we talking about? It sounds like you are limiting the discussion to shmups
  16. Yea I’ve been thinking maybe hack a Wii U since it has the second screen. I don’t like to do any mods on my original hardware so I’d probably buy a secondary used console for hacks
  17. Can you elaborate? Are these expensive?
  18. What’s the easiest way to play DS on tv? I already have some games that I purchased legitimately on the Wii U eshop.. unfortunately the game selection is very small. They don’t have the mainline Pokémon DS games up there and my kids want to play. I see there appears to be a mod that some Japanese folks can do to your 3DS to get it playing on tv… I am not interested in this as it also needs to be connected to Windows pc running a software program.. this seems goofy to me. More recently there seems to have been some newer DS hardware tv out mods that don’t use a pc. However, I don’t see how or where to buy parts (or even a completed system) Other options could be buying a clone handheld system that emulates DS with tv out functions. However, I wouldn’t know which system to buy.. there’s too many. I don’t want to spend a ton, don’t need to have all powerful consoles emulated including Dreamcast, Gamecube, etc. Just want to play some DS on tv Ant suggestions??
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