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Must play famicom games


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Been dipping into some famicom games lately, but there is a lot shovelware to wade through.  How many pachinko, horse racing, and dragon warrior clones did this system need?

Tell me what games I should keep an eye out for

Edited by fox
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Well I think paging @fcgamer and @OptOut would be a wise move, so I did.

Over the years I've had my hands on a lot of famicom games, mostly emulation to be fair, or tv and flash kit, but I've owned dozens as well, hundreds being technical with the lovely world of sketchy multicarts from supervision!  That said I resolved slowly but surely to skim back a lot of what I have to essentials and 99% just focus on one format (Gameboy family) in more recent months(last year.)  So as it is I have very few physical FC games left, but I want to list those for you because I felt they were damn well great enough to keep, but in fairness some have NES versions, they're just well, crappier.

I've got 9 legit and then 2 multicarts, one from the era(90s) recently acquired with this demonic red eyes for power lights looking penguin shamed FC game loading console, and then a modern board super games cart with a FC handheld I have which is strangely accurate and good(weird.)  So really I've got hundreds still so not going to list those.

The two multicarts have lists easily found online, search these names: Super Games 500-in-1(modern), and 111-in-1(vintage)

Then there's the real:

- Akumajyou Densetsu
- Crisis Force (CI)
- Gradius II
- Parodius Da!
- Salamander
- Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffiti
- TwinBee 3: Poko Poko Dai Maou
- Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Paseri Jou

- Yume Penguin Monogatari

The first is Castlevania III, 5th is Life Force, and in both cases far superior visuals, audio, no censorship, and Salamander has more stuff on screen (and more ship options too.)  Crisis Force seems like it shouldn't even work on FC, another Konami shooter (see a pattern yet?)  Same with, Gradius II, Parodius and Twinbee 3.  Konami also did Wai Wai World 2 and the penguin game, both excellent platformers.  WWW2 is awesome using many key mascots to play with, the other well it's cute and don't get fat or even if you win, you lose. 😉  And then Splatterhouse is a cute version of the gory original yet it's fantastic as much if not more than the original.  Almost all those games use special high memory/added audio chips the US twits wouldn't allow with their MMC chip high horse.

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Joy Mech Fight is like one of the few fighting games on Famicom hardware worth a damn.

The Famicom Kickle Cubicle, Meikyūjima, allows you to play the levels in any order, rather than the set path of the NES version.

The Famicom Super Dodgeball allows for a four player beanball mode if you have the adapter*. The order of the teams in the story mode is also different.

*note, this will not work with the NES Fourscore, but will work with a Famicom or a RetroUSB AVS. I presume the Analogue Nt Mini may also have the capability.


Astro Fang is a fun Rad Racer clone with weapons. The music and visuals are gorgeous.

Wit's is a fun Tron Lightcycle surround type game.

I like the first Goonies game as a simpler version of the Goonies II we got.

The Famicom Millipede's presentation is a lot better than the puke green background and the sucky font on the NES version.

Family Tennis might be the best tennis game on the hardware.


I'm actually not a big fan of the Famicom Parodius Da! The slowdown on that is even worse than the NES/Famicom port of Gradius. Nice graphics, though.

Edited by Tulpa
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Man, waaaaaay too many good games to list!  Some personal favourites:

-Holy Diver
-Hi no Tori
-Spartan X 2
-Mini Putt
-Destiny of an Emperor 2
-Nuts & Milk
-Sweet Home
-New Ghostbusters II
-Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa!
-Zombie Hunter
-Moon Crystal
-Flying Hero
-Crisis Force
-Adventure Island IV
-Rod Land
-Bio Senshi Dan

That should keep you going for a while...


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-Holy Diver
-Hi no Tori
-Spartan X 2
-Sweet Home
-Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa!
-Moon Crystal
-Crisis Force
-Adventure Island IV
-Rod Land

I'll keep the above, add these:

-Super Mario Bros 2 (lost levels)

-Time Diver

-Lin Banned the Opium


-Thunderbolt II

-Final Fight 3

Having a brain fart, it's soon time for bed, but there's tons of good stuff on the Famicom, I even managed to convert my brother over, and he hates change but now prefers fc to NES.

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Famicom is the best. Even with all the shovelware you get the NES library plus all the exclusives.

A few not mentioned yet that I like:

Devil World (was released in PAL regions)

Getsu Fuma Den

Kid Dracula



Robocco Wars (haven’t played yet but I hear it is great and it’s on my backlog challenge)

Wagan Land 1-3

Wai Wai World 1 & 2




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Although a few games with western releases have already been dropped in the thread, I'm assuming OP is asking for games that weren't released as "NES" games?

I'd second most of the titles already mentioned, and I'd especially highlight SMB2j, Kid Dracula, Moon Crystal, Splatterhouse, Cocoron, Holy Diver, Yume Penguin Monogatari, and Getsu Fuuma Den. Those games are all in my NES top 100.

Here are some other really good ones from my top list that I don't think were mentioned:

  • Mitsume Ga Tooru
  • Don Doko Don 2
  • Nazo No Murasamejou
  • Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)
  • Ai Senshi Nicol
  • Meikyuu Jiin Dababa
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1 hour ago, Sumez said:

Here are some other really good ones from my top list that I don't think were mentioned:

  • Mitsume Ga Tooru
  • Don Doko Don 2
  • Nazo No Murasamejou
  • Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)
  • Ai Senshi Nicol
  • Meikyuu Jiin Dababa

I don't know if the op is emulating or using real hardware, but if you're going to inter-mingle FDS games into your suggestions, you should maybe flag them as such, because playing those on real hardware is not exactly something that someone dipping their toe into the Famicom world is going to be doing right off the bat...

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The most "must play" games are the most obvious ones I think. Gimmick, Sweet Home, Splatterhouse, Crisis Force, etc. You could play Kick Challenger Air Foot, but then you'll only ever be able to talk about it with other Famicom weirdos.

Unrelated note, play Kick Challenger Air Foot. It's weird AF.

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It's funny all these games I'm seeing recommended, when I used to have dozens of Famicom carts, a large many of them I had so that's nice to see the stuff being backed up. 😄

That list of the doctors with fcgamer sharing it and adding a little, much of those I had at some point and wow they were good.  I just started to make cuts and prioritize things is all.  I never did get around to owning, but emulated Holy Diver a lot.  But Spartan X2, Goonies 1 (which not being confusing I liked more than #2 the US got), Sweet Home translated, Gimmick, Recca, Kid Dracula, Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa(cart), Moon Crystal, Adventure Island 4, Mitsume Ga Tooru, Don Doko Don, Samurai Pizza Cats, Wing of Madoola, and Insector X, bootleg on cart of SMB2j were some others I had.

Emulated I took a wider run of things especially pre-everdrive when it came to nice FDS stuff like Almana, Ai Senshi Nicol and some others.


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3 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

Unrelated note, play Kick Challenger Air Foot. It's weird AF.

You want weird AF, play Miracle Ropit's Adventure in 2100; I love the game, but it's bizarre and not really "good" in the universal sense of the word.  It's kinda like playing any other Micronics game on the NES... and the "Ropit" is probably a really bad translation that should have been the word "Robot," so you get some great Engrish right in the title.

Also, I forgot to mention it in my original list, but Tetris 2 + Bombliss has the best 2-player version of Tetris on the NES - way better than what Tengen gave us in North America...

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14 hours ago, ifightdragons said:

I have to admit, I don't get your taste in games. It seems you like a lot of awful games. 😅

But I still appreciate the obscurity.

Well I'd reckon most of the games on the above list wouldn't be considered awful or even bad by most people 😉

Lin would definitely be the most controversial one of the batch, and before playing it, I thought the same as you, despite my friends (the guys who made that video) telling me how amazing it was.

If you can look beyond any design flaws (I mean I'd argue even the NES-era role-playing games had major flaws, though no one ever mentions them as being awful), then what you'll find is an amazing game that I'd recommend anyone to play.

This game is historical in nature, and features a loose bit of exploration. You have to find secret passages to other buildings, evesdrop on enemies, etc, all as the story unfolds.

Then there are the fighting / brawler elements sprinkled in, and the battle at the end helps mix up the gameplay as well.

Some things could be improved, but overall it's a great experience.

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Here is a few that I really like, and you don't need to know Japanese to play any of them.  Most of them are fairly simple strait forward games.




choujin sentai jetman

crisis force

don doko don


formation z





sky destroyer

space shadow (awesome lightgun game)

volguard II

wing of madoola


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5 hours ago, fcgamer said:

Weren't the last two Kid Niki games exclusive? Part iii is especially fun.

Yeah they were, and they look and play little like the one we got.  3 wasn't too bad, 2 is nothing to care about.  I used to be ok with them, but once I discovered a true sequel to the FC/NES game on Gameboy I was done caring about either.  Ganso! Yanchamaru is awesome.  All thanks to the lousy GB Boy Color knockoff with the embedded multicart board soldered inside, it was on there.  Liked it so much I bought the game.


Ooooh how did I forget about those.  Armadillo is awesome, it's like this weird western, mario 3, sonic 3 bastard child roll up that's a whole lot of fun.  And Sky Destroyer while probably on every famicom multicart is a really fun little 3rd person WW2 combat shooter that handles alright.

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