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1 hour ago, Estil said:

No sir, the "most -unamerican way possible" are the thoughtless thugs who are tearing down/vandalism the statues of our Founding Fathers (the previous post was the most unconscionable yet) and not realizing or caring that Floyd most definitely would not want anything like this happening in his name.  I'm certain of it.

No. Joking about serving more than two terms is far more unamerican. 

So is selling out your country to try to win election. 

I figured using the military on protestors so you can hold up a picture of a bible (separation of church and state?) is something george washington would have frowned on. 


What is your strange fascination with BLM rioters and looters? Has there even been any riots anywhere in the last ten days? Looting and rioting is done by opportunistic thugs, not the majority of BLM peaceful protestors. 

This is why people think you just regurgitate fox news. Are they still showing burning cars in the street?

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1 hour ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

Isn't that.. uhh.. his kid? Not groping strange children on the Senate floor. 


Not to say he didn't grope kids but the video of Biden is exponentially more disgusting. Like 10^8

Yes, his daughter who is hot enough for him to date etc. 

And neither am I to say Biden’s not trash and a groper. Nor that either of them are not pedophiles (Trump is not restricted to his daughter either, but the incest does make it more fun, don’t you think? 😛 )

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40 minutes ago, Estil said:

I wonder if you'd feel the same way if it was your town's/city's/etc local statues/monuments/landmarks. 

They're just symbols. I don't need them to show love for my country, or to remember history.

I'm far more concerned with how this administration has treated the people of this country. If you think for a hot second Trump cares about you and your loved ones, you better take a second look at who the man actually is.


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1 hour ago, Estil said:


The mainstream BLMs really need to step up to the plate and denounce and condemn these vandals/rioters on a regular basis.  Honestly I'm scared that if given the chance, one of the memorials in DC will be vandalized.

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

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14 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

Black Lives Matter

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21 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

They already are getting guilt by association by the general public; even among those who otherwise would agree with BLM's overall message.  Which is all the more reason the responsible peaceful BLMers (who I hope is most of them) need to step up to the plate and make very clear that those who go around hurting people/property do not belong in the BLM movement.

And I have in fact gone out of my way (and to answer @MrWunderful 's about my so-called "fascination") to make a big difference between the regular responsible law abiding demonstrators who just want to make their message heard and NOT hurt anyone/anything and those who are in fact going out of their way to hurt people/property/monuments and claiming BLM and even Floyd's name.

And yes indeed black lives DO matter...as do anyone else but especially the ones who suffer just as much if/not more discrimination/bigotry (though of very different kinds of course) but don't get the luxury of being any sort of media/celeb darling and in fact don't get hardly any attention/awareness at all.  For example, male victims of domestic violence up until very recently and people who are disabled but don't "look" it and are ASS-U-MEd to not being disabled or "faking it".  Or throughout history (such as one of the Kennedys) who was mentally ill/disabled/whatever and was just put in a mental institution or just "locked up in the attic" and forgotten about?  Or how about until fairly recently the terms "retard" and "ride the short bus to school" weren't really seen as all that big a deal?  What people of color have gone through in our history is plenty bad enough but what about all the discriminated/ostracized people/groups who even today must pretty much suffer without hardly anyone sticking up for them?

Edited by Estil
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33 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

They're just symbols. I don't need them to show love for my country, or to remember history.

I'm far more concerned with how this administration has treated the people of this country. If you think for a hot second Trump cares about you and your loved ones, you better take a second look at who the man actually is.


To be honest I don’t think any politicians really cares about any of us. 

Edited by Psychobear85
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2 minutes ago, Psychobear85 said:

To be honest I don’t think any political really cares about any of us. 

No, but I don't see the supporters of the others rising them to the level of "the dude who will solve all our problems." Not even Obama, except for a few, got that level of blind support.

I mean, Trump's supporters say, "He gave up being a billionaire to help the American people." Dude didn't give up shit, and charges the American people an arm and a leg for visits to Mar-a-Lago.

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26 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

Black Lives Matter

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1 minute ago, Tulpa said:

No, but I don't see the supporters of the others rising them to the level of "the dude who will solve all our problems." Not even Obama, except for a few, got that level of blind support.

I mean, Trump's supporters say, "He gave up being a billionaire to help the American people." Dude didn't give up shit, and charges the American people an arm and a leg for visits to Mar-a-Lago.

Very true, but then again look at the people who are hard core Trump fans, not the brightest. 

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59 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

Black Lives Matter.

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27 minutes ago, Estil said:

They already are getting guilt by association by the general public; even among those who otherwise would agree with BLM's overall message.  Which is all the more reason the responsible peaceful BLMers (who I hope is most of them) need to step up to the plate and make very clear that those who go around hurting people/property do not belong in the BLM movement.

And I have in fact gone out of my way (and to answer @MrWunderful 's about my so-called "fascination") to make a big difference between the regular responsible law abiding demonstrators who just want to make their message heard and NOT hurt anyone/anything and those who are in fact going out of their way to hurt people/property/monuments and claiming BLM and even Floyd's name.

And yes indeed black lives DO matter...as do anyone else but especially the ones who suffer just as much if/not more discrimination/bigotry (though of very different kinds of course) but don't get the luxury of being any sort of media/celeb darling and in fact don't get hardly any attention/awareness at all.  For example, male victims of domestic violence up until very recently and people who are disabled but don't "look" it and are ASS-U-MEd to not being disabled or "faking it".  Or throughout history (such as one of the Kennedys) who was mentally ill/disabled/whatever and was just put in a mental institution or just "locked up in the attic" and forgotten about?  Or how about until fairly recently the terms "retard" and "ride the short bus to school" weren't really seen as all that big a deal?  What people of color have gone through in our history is plenty bad enough but what about all the discriminated/ostracized people/groups who even today must pretty much suffer without hardly anyone sticking up for them?

There's a lot of anger in the black community over the murder of George Floyd. Just like there was for the murder of  Freddie Gray and the murder of Walter Scott. It's raw emotion, the riots are. It was wrong to riot and lash out. And it was ineffective to incite real change. But it happened. And goons/opportunists made it worse with their destruction, vandalism, pillaging. And I understand why people look at the events with pure disgust. 

Beyond that, it is incredibly disrespectful to the movement of Black Lives Matter to respond with "Black Lives Matter, but..." and simply marginalize the ideal by diluting the concept of other marginalized groups. You may as well say "All Lives Matter." I challenge you, @Estil to simply make a reply that says "Black Lives Matter." Not "black lives matter, but..."

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2 hours ago, Estil said:

I wonder if you'd feel the same way if it was your town's/city's/etc local statues/monuments/landmarks.  And people have gotten hurt tearing stuff down too.

I do feel that way about my city's local monuments.

They're just statues.  People that deify them need to get over it and realize they are arbitrary man-made monuments.

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1 hour ago, Tulpa said:

No, but I don't see the supporters of the others rising them to the level of "the dude who will solve all our problems." Not even Obama, except for a few, got that level of blind support.

I mean, Trump's supporters say, "He gave up being a billionaire to help the American people." Dude didn't give up shit, and charges the American people an arm and a leg for visits to Mar-a-Lago.

Trump's supporters also think him being a billionaire is some great testament to his business prowess and intelligence.

Really, it is almost purely a testament to how difficult it is to lose a substantial fortune that he inherited from his dad.

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4 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Trump's supporters also think him being a billionaire is some great testament to his business prowess and intelligence.

Really, it is almost purely a testament to how difficult it is to lose a substantial fortune that he inherited from his dad.

How do you make a casino lose money?

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1 hour ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

Black Lives Matter.

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1 hour ago, Estil said:

And yes indeed black lives DO matter...as do anyone else but especially the ones who suffer just as much if/not more discrimination/bigotry (though of very different kinds of course) but don't get the luxury of being any sort of media/celeb darling and in fact don't get hardly any attention/awareness at all.  For example, male victims of domestic violence up until very recently and people who are disabled but don't "look" it and are ASS-U-MEd to not being disabled or "faking it".  Or throughout history (such as one of the Kennedys) who was mentally ill/disabled/whatever and was just put in a mental institution or just "locked up in the attic" and forgotten about?  Or how about until fairly recently the terms "retard" and "ride the short bus to school" weren't really seen as all that big a deal?  What people of color have gone through in our history is plenty bad enough but what about all the discriminated/ostracized people/groups who even today must pretty much suffer without hardly anyone sticking up for them?

You are really aggressive in how much you are missing the point. 

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Events Team · Posted
2 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

What is disappointing is that if that ever were to happen, BLM would be blamed. Whether in part or in whole

And this needs to be reiterated because it is constantly glossed over; Black Lives Matter is not an organization. It is an ideal. A standard. A movement. 

All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. And that's just the way it is. 

I challenge everyone reading this right now to quote me and simply reply with "Black Lives Matter."

Black lives matter 

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1 hour ago, Kguillemette said:

There's a lot of anger in the black community over the murder of George Floyd. Just like there was for the murder of  Freddie Gray and the murder of Walter Scott. It's raw emotion, the riots are. It was wrong to riot and lash out. And it was ineffective to incite real change. But it happened. And goons/opportunists made it worse with their destruction, vandalism, pillaging. And I understand why people look at the events with pure disgust. 

Beyond that, it is incredibly disrespectful to the movement of Black Lives Matter to respond with "Black Lives Matter, but..." and simply marginalize the ideal by diluting the concept of other marginalized groups. You may as well say "All Lives Matter." I challenge you, @Estil to simply make a reply that says "Black Lives Matter." Not "black lives matter, but..."

BLM doesn't have monopoly on black lives mattering and they have an agenda that comes along with the statement so it's only reasonable not to suscribe to it. The fact that you manipulate the situation with a false dichotomy of either subscribing to BLM or being evil is exactly at the core of the problem with this movement and it's corrosive influence.


Grant Napear was fired by his radio station and resigned as the play-by-play announcer for NBA franchise the Sacramento Kings after his tweet that said “All Lives Matter” was met with backlash amid the George Floyd protests.

Napear tweeted “All Lives Matter … Every Single One!” after former Kings star DeMarcus Cousins asked the 60-year-old for his view on the Black Lives Matter movement


So BLM has pretty much become a religion already. 32 years employment career just gone in seconds. Notice how he got shut down for a statement that wasn't even outright dismissive - imagine if he had given a directly negative response as in "no i don't like BLM" yet that too should've been in his full right to do.

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