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  1. I got it down to quite the science, making most ordinarily tough parts of the game fairly doable on a consistent basis. . Anyone who might want to tackle it in future years may want to check out my winning run! @mbd39 Thank you so much!
  2. Sky Kid and Slalom are done! Took me a good while to get the hang of Slalom, but after beating one hill I was able to come back the next day and beat the other two fairly easily. It's actually a really fun game!
  3. Appreciate you wondering what games I might be playing! No need to worry too much about me right now, and just tackle whatever you enjoy! I can come in later with clean-up if there's anything that looks like it's stuck on the list.
  4. I beat Rally Bike at the end of October and just realized that it's still on this list! It's a really fun game, but the last couple of stages during the second loop are quite vicious. Even almost a month later, I still have all of the stages completely memorized. That's really a requirement if you're going to pull of the near-perfect runs the game wants from you in the end. Aside from a couple of Famicom games, I have not beat any NES games during November. I've decided to dedicate the month to something else, but will be back in full force on NES games in December!
  5. Nicely done! There must be something weird about Koei games because I'm not sure that I own a single one that has a working save battery in it. I found that out the hard way as well when I played my first Koei game, Bandit Kings of Ancient China. It looks like it's saving just fine, but then nope, nothing. Be sure to check that right away if you plan to tackle any others!
  6. I was never the biggest fan of tennis, but then I played through Racket Attack and my whole world view changed. Tennis is intense, especially when you play the Jaleco version with incredibly questionable controls!
  7. I spent nearly the last month beating Q*Bert, as well as the 4 games on both Quattro Adventure and Quattro Arcade. Unfortunately, Q*Bert was already claimed, and I don't see the Quattro games under the Bonus section, so I haven't had much to report! In November 2021 I started out on an adventure to beat every single North American NES game, including the unlicensed ones. It started as a personal project, something I was just doing for fun because I love the NES and have always wanted to beat more of the games that I own for it, but in 2022 I started sharing some of my adventures on places like YouTube. In November of 2022 I uploaded this video that gives the gist of what's going on, and I'll probably make a similar update video of sorts later this year! But yes, I'm beating them all in alphabetical order! Even if they don't end up in this thread or on my YouTube channel. I appreciate your interest!
  8. Race America is done. Overall I quite enjoyed it! It has pretty good controls for a racing game. Perhaps too good, as you don't even need to slow down to take turns. I like that even when facing the toughest opponent you always have a chance to make a comeback as long as you don't screw up too badly. In some other NES racing games I've played, once you fall behind you're pretty much toast.
  9. It sounds like you had the enemy bug in your inventory, which when held causes the enemy to always know your location and set off alarms immediately when entering a new screen. You can get rid of it by selecting it on the inventory screen. Nicely done though! I did a blind live playthrough earlier this year and it took me around 6 hours to beat without a guide. The map is rather convoluted so there was a lot of pointless running around but otherwise it was a pretty good game. I also used to pause trick to get around those gaps, especially at that one part where it's like 5 rooms of nothing but them, so I have no idea if it's actually possible without. I'm looking forward to playing Snake's Revenge soon.
  10. I beat Q*Bert for the NES without any cheat codes. Never did I imagine this would be one of the most difficult games on the console, but wow, what a journey it was.
  11. Very nicely done! My two biggest gripes with this game: 1. The extremely tight time limits that aren't displayed anywhere on screen. The levels force you to explore and try different paths, but then all of a sudden out of no where you'll be given the indication that time's almost up. At least let the player know how much leeway they have to look around! 2. The eye bleedingly bad color palettes. The walls, the blocks, the background, the spikes. More often than not they will all be exactly the same color. You will strain your eyes and brain trying to discern what the heck it is that you're even looking at half the time. Enjoy constantly running into 8x8 pixel spikes that you didn't even see because they look nearly the same as everything else. Even once a year would be too often for me when it comes to the NES version, haha. Once was enough. However, I've since had the chance to try the arcade version (The NewZealand Story) and actually enjoyed it WAY more. Definitely give it a shot if you get the chance!
  12. I beat Pool of Radiance a couple of weeks ago as well! It was the first time for me. I loved The Bard's Tale, and this game definitely had a similar vibe, albeit a different battle system. Overall I loved this one too! My party consisted of F,F,C,M,T. This worked pretty well for me, having the two fighters in front with the cleric positioned to heal them when necessary. Then the Cleric and Magic User in behind firing projectiles. Unlike The Bard's Tale and some other first person RPGs, this game is really nice when it comes to providing you with maps of where you are. The pencil and graph paper were really only required for a portion near the end. And I'm not much of a tactical RPG person, but the battle system was simple enough that I didn't have any trouble. Here are a few victories that I have to add to the list: Peter Pan & the Pirates This one is really rough. Definitely one of the worst games the NES has to offer. It wasn't very hard, but I got to the end a couple of times and died. The magic meter refill items that you need to fly over large gaps in the final levels don't respawn, so one death is really all that's required to have to start the whole game over again. Thankfully it's less than a half an hour romp once you know what you're doing. Power Punch II If you've beat Mike Tyson's Punch-Out this game will be laughably easy for you. Go for the KO, or just knock your opponent down a few times and then dodge for the rest for the match and the victory will usually go to you. The only kind of challenging part is the final battle which works a bit differently than the rest of the game, but it's no where near as tough as Tyson is. The final password that you get also takes you immediately back to the final battle, so practicing and figuring things out is easy. Unlike in Punch-Out where you have to refight Super Macho Man every time before you can fight Tyson again.
  13. Nobunaga's Ambition both I and II are now complete. I spent the past couple of weeks playing them. On difficulty Level 1 neither is too tough, it's just a matter of going through the paces and building up your armies, moving them around, carrying out the battles. Everything really adds up time-wise. It's interesting to see how Koei uped their game as time went on. Bandit Kings of Ancient China feels like a more refined version of Nobunaga II, and it or Gemfire would probably still be my go-to NES strategy game if I had to pick one. I think in terms of Koei games left to play I still have Romance I and II, and Uncharted Waters. I'm honestly amazed they localized so many of them.
  14. Ya! The first thing I did was bump my level up to Pro. I had a lot of experience from other games like black box Golf so golfing rounds at Par to get up there wasn't difficult. The problem was that when doing the paid tournaments the top CPUs were ending with like -11 or -12 so even my attempts which had me at -6 or -7 weren't paying out big because the CPUs were just so far ahead. One time I finished at -3 and somehow that won me the tournament which paid out $60,000, but that only happened once so I have no idea what was going on. Overall I found the level that the game requires you to golf at in order to win any serious money to be pretty high. Winning the Farthest Drive challenge could pay out up to $10,000, and winning the Closest to the Pin challenge could pay out up to $20,000, so winning those along with the occasional Hole-In-One which could pay out around $80,000 became my primary ways to earn money.
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