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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Fangamer is bringing this out for Switch, PS4 and PS5
  2. He could throw it in the pool and have an ice cream float.........
  3. It's VIPERMAN and his trusty sidekick LIL' BUD.
  4. We have black ice in Colorado in the winter - this ain't it! https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2022/03/van-drives-into-wet-cement-in-kalamazoo.html
  5. Well no wonder - he should have ordered the neopolitan version. Or maybe the chocolate.
  6. I always liked the outfit the Golden Age Flash had (which was before my time). (He concealed his face by continually vibrating his head so no one could recognize him.)
  7. Mrs. Bear and I saw it when it came out and we both liked it a lot. (Plus it had a small role with Diane Lane who I have always liked since Streets of Fire.) Did you read any of the books? One of them focuses on the more experienced Jumper Griffin.
  8. DarkTone's thread gave me this idea. If you could have one super power only what would you want? I would go with this: The movie is about a somewhat dysfunctional young man who has the ability to teleport himself and anything he can hold anywhere as long as he as been there before. It wasn't rated very well by the critics but I thought it was an interesting concept. It was based on a pretty good book of the same title by Stephen Gould who did two more related books. Anyway that is the power I would want.
  9. Unfortunately his alter ego (Robert Einstein) passed away in 2019.
  10. The brother of Super Dave?
  11. Being in a foreign land and all his language skills are slipping..... ^____^
  12. If you haven't played it before Shadowrun is most excellent. (The SNES one is pretty good too.)
  13. I just got a copy of this in today: I don't have a PS3 PAL console and am meh on the plush. But I really wanted the English edition of the magic journal to go with my switch copy of the game. I already had a Japanese version of the journal - both are very handsomely bound and printed.
  14. I used to love ordering books at school through Scholastic (maybe twice a year) and looking forward to the books to arrive (which took several weeks). In hindsight the promo blurbs usually oversold what the book delivered.
  15. There is a candidate for the 5th Congressional District Republican primary who is trying to take advantage of vague phrasing in Colorado election laws. His name is Dave Williams and he wants to add "Let's Go Brandon" as a nickname to his listing on the primary ballot - so it would read as Dave 'Let's Go Brandon' Williams. The Secretary of State is Democrat and has rejected the ballot listing so Williams is suing in court since Colorado law allows nicknames to be on the ballot as long as they don't include the name of a party. Complicating the matter is that a Colorado school board candidate was recently allowed to list his name as "Blake 'No Mandates' Law". So we all be waiting with (insert sarcasm emoticon) baited breath for this silly non-issue (IMHO anyway) to work its way through the courts.
  16. I love maps for games - so I had to order the bundle for this: https://old.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/comments/u884f2/video_game_maps_nes_famicom/?sort=new
  17. I wonder if they would be so phlegmatic if it was their mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter, etc. that this happened to. Let's hope the hapless victim makes a full recovery.
  18. I have these two books by Fangamer which are very nicely done:
  19. Jesus H. F**king Christ. Over a frickin' hairstyle? https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/teen-girls-charged-with-beating-woman-downtown-crossing-over-hairstyle/TKGBDP7P4VBWFN4RLZSWWAH47Q/
  20. I haven't seen these in years - they came as prizes in the rice, wheat and corn chex cereals. (They also came in green variations.) This was a little before my time - but it is so odd I likely would have liked it: Here is a sold listing from ebay - certainly looks better in color! https://www.ebay.com/itm/334387949721?hash=item4ddb133099%3Ag%3A8HcAAOSwfKBgunKg&nma=true&si=EilL44ALeEhM0Ym34gqz4Bhfz5M%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  21. I have the SNES one and this most excellent book - I really like this one since it gives good coverage to the SRPG genre:
  22. I don't recall a specific topic about this - this is mostly for new books about video games - although if you have older books or guides you like please feel free to mention them. This game series/genre is not my cup of tea at all but others likely like it so they might be interested. I have a couple of other Bitmap books and they print most excellent stuff by the quality of what I have. https://www.bitmapbooks.com/collections/all/products/the-king-of-fighters-the-ultimate-history?mc_cid=830edd16a9&mc_eid=6bf7f46a20
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