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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. You're right, red may not be my favorite color, but I'll absolutely take it over yellow Good luck though!
  2. Wow, that was great! I'm now even more hyped, and by extension even more nervous! ...I will say I'm slightly disappointed I didn't end up in the green-wearing tribe, but I'll still do my best wearing red!
  3. I would definitely say a few weeks, maybe even a month personally, so people like me who participated in the last Werewolf game can have some time to decompress, but that's just what I think.
  4. ...The more I hear about how this game works the more worried I become about how well I'm going to do
  5. I frankly don't think I'll do too well at the challenges, but I'm sure the rest of the game will still be fun for me.
  6. Hm... y'know what, I trust your judgement Gloves, I'll take your word for it. I'm in. I was going to take a break from games like this due to the stress, but since it won't get started for a few weeks, that'll be just fine.
  7. Will there be another one of these once this initial one is over? If so, I think I'll do the same thing I did with Werewolf, in that I'll spectate this first game so I have a general understanding of how it works, and whether or not I'd be interested in participating, since I've never seen Survivor and don't have a damn clue how this works!
  8. Yeah, I don't know much about... well, anything really, so I didn't feel it was in my place to comment on this whole ordeal, but that is one thing I've been saying for awhile now. I hope this'll be the start of us taking pandemics like this more seriously, so that if when another outbreak like this happens, whenever that may be, we'll actually start taking it seriously and self-quarantining if we get sick and all that, instead of just continuing on with life like nothing's wrong. That is one genuine benefit that I'm hoping will come from this situation.
  9. Yeah, definitely consider playing them at some point, at least A Link Between Worlds if nothing else. If you love A Link to the Past, I can't see a world in which you wouldn't love that game as well
  10. Ah, that sucks that your parents' house was broken in to, I'm really sorry that happened. The Wii one is definitely my least favorite of the Zelda games, but it's still amazing personally. A lot of people have problems with the control scheme and the motion controls in that one, but, uh... between you and me I think a lot of that is user error, just saying But yeah, if you haven't played any of the other handheld ones, A Link Between Worlds is a must-play, Minish Cap is a borderline must-play, and Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are also borderline must-plays if you like Link's Awakening. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks I would personally also recommend, but a lot of people aren't big fans of those two for whatever reason, so those would be a bit riskier.
  11. Totally! And it's no problem, I know not everyone is quite as big into Zelda as I am You should play some more Zelda games though, they're all great! For 2D games, I'd recommend giving A Link Between Worlds a try if you haven't played it, and I'd also highly recommend Minish Cap, that one's incredibly good but very underrated. Link's Awakening is also a safe bet, and Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons would also be great afterwards if you like that one. For 3D, depending on the ones you have played, there's obviously the classics like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Also Breath of the Wild of course, I'd recommend that game to anyone.
  12. Personally, my favorite game of all time is Breath of the Wild, and it is by extension my favorite Zelda game of all time. Honestly, I'm too tired and a tad stressed out to type out 80 massive paragraphs about why BoTW is a genre-defining experience like I normally would, but for now I'll just say that it combined all of my favorite aspects of other non-Zelda games I've played, I played it during a very dark period of my life and it actually helped me crawl out of that dark time, the visuals are outstanding and I love the art-style, the music is super unnapreciated and absolutely amazing, and... I don't know, it's like Elder Scrolls meets Zelda, which is something I've always dreamed of (and thought it was a pipedream) for as long as I can remember, and it actually happened. I still remember the exact moment I realized it was my favorite game of all time, right when the attack on my first Divine Beast, Vah Ruta, happens and that super epic music kicks in... Man. It was everything I could've possibly dreamed of it being and more, and I can say with confidence and complete sincerity that it actually made my life a bit better. There's a reason the Z from the BoTW logo is my profile pic on most websites and programs
  13. Really glad to see some love for ALBW too. This may be a somewhat unpopular opinion, but as someone who's childhood contained a massive amount of ALTTP, I think ALBW surpassed ALTTP for me personally. I love that game so much, and it's easily my favorite 2D Zelda game for sure. I really need to play it, I haven't played it in... gosh, probably 4 years now. Time really flies.
  14. Heeeey, some love for Phantom Hourglass and Minish Cap! Both of those games, along with Spirit Tracks, are some of the most criminally underrated Zelda games IMO, especially Minish Cap. They're all so good, but nobody seems to pay them any mind. I would absolutely love a remake of Minish Cap in a similar style to the remake of Link's Awakening they did. Minish Cap, much like most of the other Zelda games, was a huge part of my childhood, and I would absolutely forgive Nintendo for any past sins if they announced an HD remake of Minish Cap.
  15. 5/10 for me. I personally vastly preferred TFA and TLJ, I really think they could've handled this one way better. Definitely a bittersweet... second ending? I guess? To the series, leaning more towards bitter than sweet. There are plenty of things I liked about it, but it really was just a mess top to bottom. And, without any spoilers, the very last scene of the movie just left me confused and disappointed, which is not how you'd want to close any franchise out, much less one this huge. Overall, I was hugely disappointed by it. I still stand by what I said when both movies came out that TFA and TLJ are both genuinely very good, but unfortunately out of the three movies in the trilogy, the very last one was the one they just couldn't stick the landing to. I still did enjoy watching it, and like I said there are for sure things it got right, so for that reason it just barely crawls to 5/10 for me. For me personally, it wasn't... bad per se, it was just very disappointing. This is all saying a lot coming from me too, I'm usually very very easy to please when it comes to movies and games. It's rare that I think a movie is bad or even disappointing, but here we are.
  16. Solid 8/10 for me, I personally really enjoyed it, but I totally understand why some people weren't satisfied with it. IMO I was OK with playing it safe since it really was a terrific setup for a trilogy, so as long as the next movie brought it home, I was fine with this one playing it a bit safe. And... well, while I am one of the heathens who did actually like The Last Jedi, the direction it went in wasn't my favorite, and as far as Rise Of Skywalker goes... yeah, things could've turned out better. But, still, TFA was a good setup for the rest I think, and while the way the trilogy went wasn't great, judging this movie completely on it's own seperate from the other two, I think it's really good.
  17. I enjoyed myself last time, and it'll be interesting to see how a slightly bigger game plays out. I have a gut feeling this one probably won't go nearly as well for me as the previous one did, but I'm in regardless
  18. All I know about these guys is I see them every time I try to look up the Michael Jackson song of the same name, which is one of my favorites by him. I once thought "OK, what the hell is up with these guys" and listened to about 5 seconds of one of their songs. Easy 1/10 from me
  19. Stuff like this is so cool to me. I'm really glad we're at the point where we can upscale and enhance old footage like this. Also, it's always kind of weird to think that every single person in this video has likely been dead for quite some time. Really crazy to think about.
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