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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. ZeldaFreak


    Oh, I didn't even know it had backwards compatibility. That's good at least.
  2. ZeldaFreak


    I'll deny it, personally. Any one of the current gen consoles looks a million times better than that thing IMO.
  3. Yup, I agree with pretty much all of that. Everyone's lists have been really fantastic so far, I haven't found a single song I've outright disliked. Glad to see you enjoyed Nocturne Of Ice. If you like music like that, you should definitely check out the rest of the Stardew Valley OST, it's filled to the brim with nice, relaxing songs like that. And shit, thank you for mentioning ookii_risu's Day 7 song, I didn't even realize he put in a Ritual of the Night song, I must've overlooked it. I was definitely heavily considering putting in a Ritual of the Night song on my list, the soundtrack to that game is an absolute masterpiece for sure, up there with all the other Metroidvania Castlevania games, and Gears of Fortune is definitely one of the highlights of that OST.
  4. Perhaps, but it's still pretty damn hard to top that I think.
  5. That one's definitely not an unpopular opinion at all. As someone who loves the Sonic games, I still like Sonic 1 for what it is, but it is easily the worst 2D game in the franchise, and I think just about everyone would agree with that. It can be very frustrating at times.
  6. That pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. I'm not one to be overly critical of games, movies, pretty much any form of entertainment. Movies and games that others thought were mediocre I thought were pretty good, and games people thought were great I thought were absolutely incredible, so I also don't really have any unpopular opinions as far as games go. I'm pretty easy to please I guess. I'm also with you on not being a big fan of fighting games as a whole, but that's really about it. I do enjoy me a good game of Smash Bros Ultimate though, that is one exception. Oh yeah, I also don't enjoy MMOs a whole lot, I guess that might be somewhat unpopular. Just not the genre for me, I've always been a much bigger fan of single-player games, and I do like the more story-driven games like The Last Of Us (Which I still need to get around to playing)
  7. Yeah, that's why I'll be the one to create the poll. So I can rig it in my favor
  8. Uh... maybe we can have a poll to determine which version people like better...?
  9. Easy fix: Force everyone to use dark mode!
  10. Oh wow. I've never heard of this game nor it's soundtrack before, but yeah, those songs are both really solid.
  11. I didn't even realize dark mode had been implemented until just now, so thank you for informing me Well right off the bat, while I don't know if there's any way to fix this, that white bar at the top that appears when you make a post is a bit grating on the eyes. Would be nice if that was darkened to match the rest of the theme, maybe to either a dark grey or just an outright black color, if possible. Also, I feel like the white text is a bit too... sharp? I dunno how else to describe it, but it's kind of hard to look at. I use Dark Reader, which is an extension that automatically darkens web pages (So essentially you can use dark mode even on websites that don't actually have a dark mode) and whenever I use that, it changes the text to more of a light grey, which I feel is much more pleasant to look at than the really sharp white. Here's a comparison of the native Dark Mode and the Dark Reader text so you can see what I'm talking about: Personally, like I said, I much prefer the softer grey text of Dark Reader. So you could perhaps see if you could change it to look more like that, so it's a bit more pleasant to look at. That could just be me though, I'm just a single person with a single opinion, I could be in the minority on this. The background is also a different color, but that's not really an issue, it's mostly just the text I'm not a big fan of. In addition, I do feel like the details below a person's profile are a bit bright. (Once again, VGS Dark Mode vs Dark Reader for comparison so you can see what I'm talking about) VGS Dark Mode: Dark Reader: I also only just now noticed whilst doing these comparisons that it seems like the actual color on certain parts of the page disappear while using dark mode (The green on your reputation just turns to a bright white, the clickable blue links also just turn into a super bright white) which I really don't like at all, I think the color of stuff like that should definitely be preserved. Especially on the links, since you may not even realize certain things are clickable if they're just white, the blue color usually tips off to the user that what they're looking at is a link they can click on. VGS Dark Mode: Dark Reader: Other than that... yeah, I can't really see any other major complaints I have, that's about it. It's mostly just the super bright white text I don't like, and also the links not being that blue color in dark mode, which is actually probably a more major concern since that could actually present a potential usability issue for someone who's new to the site if they immediately switch to dark mode. But then again, these are just my first impressions, so I may find some more stuff to whine about later on. I'll continue to use the VGS Dark Mode so I can point out issues if and when I see them I'd be interested to see if everyone else agrees with my issues with the VGS dark mode thus far, or if this is all just me being picky.
  12. That one's definitely really good too. The only reason I don't prefer it is because we have differing opinions on remixes and remasters. I personally prefer it when they stick closer to the original, whereas you like it when they try to do their own thing. So for that reason I prefer the Remastered version, although they are both really good for sure.
  13. Oh wow, I didn't realize it had voice acting and everything. I'll have to check it out.
  14. Oh yeah, I've tuned in to her stream a couple times, she's super talented.
  15. I was kind of expecting that to be an unpopular opinion given how much love there is for 8-bit stuff 'round these parts, but I'm glad you agree with me. I never even played Ducktales, but I also had a pretty emotional reaction when I first heard the remastered version a few years back. It's such an iconic song that I've been hearing it pretty much all my life despite the fact I never actually played the game.
  16. I would've assumed the same, except in the original image it says "First or third person," so even though I don't usually refer to them as shooters, I just figured "Oh OK, that's what he meant by shooters" which is good for me, since I haven't played any shmups since I was a kid so I don't know any of the soundtracks to them
  17. I like the sound of that actually, that sounds like it'd be a good time. And I wouldn't mind being a part of that team of streamers either, depending on the level of consistency that'd be required to qualify for it. I personally like the idea of this.
  18. Yeah, that's totally fair. I personally prefer the more triumphant sound of the overworld themes like ALBW, but to each their own. I like both styles. And Spirit Tracks actually has a really great soundtrack man, I'd highly recommend giving some of it a listen. Maybe listen to some of ZREO's remasters of the Spirit Tracks soundtrack, that gives you a taste of some of the songs without the DS compression. The Tower of Spirits theme is one of my personal favorites. I really like Spirit Tracks a lot as a game, honestly. I think it's severely underrated and underappreciated.
  19. Hey, I wasn't calling you out in particular, I was just calling out all the people who probably thought I was gonna choose an overworld theme from Zelda And besides, that's a good pick anyway. Personally, if I went with one of the Zelda overworld themes, I probably would've gone with the Link Between Worlds Overworld Theme And also an honorable mention to the Spirit Tracks Overworld Theme, but I'm saving the music from that game for a later day.
  20. Don't worry, I'll have some more unorthodox stuff later on
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