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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. Can we get @BlackVega here ? I thought for sure this thread was aboot me flexing
  2. You fucking guys over here eating skyline chili and watching speedruns of Yo Noid!, glad I didn’t take the fucking bait this week Doug!
  3. You also like chili that has fucking cinnamon or cardamom or some crazy shit like that! Eff you Cincinnati chili! Yet another example of us white folk fucking something up!
  4. RE series sucked dog balls for quarters. TM is pretty fun.
  5. I know a few fat vegetarians and one vegan. I need the protein to help keep me full on just 3 meals a day. Me being full stops me from snacking. Therefore keeping me not fat. The protein also helps with my running and cycling.
  6. So I don’t bodybuild. I’m kind of scrawny actually. I need the protein to help keep me that way. High protein=not fat. At least in my case.
  7. I eat meat in one meal a day. It’s usually breakfast of dinner. As I feel that is the best source of protein. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I need 120 grams of protein per day to sustain my lifestyle.
  8. The hipsters here call it a “walking taco”. It’s all the rage. I just see a bunch of people wandering around the 16th street mall with bags of Doritos stuffed with white people taco toppings. Like why the fuck can’t they just get a real taco and walk around with it ? Why do we white peoples have to fuck everything up? There is also a thing called “walking tamales”. This all frustrates me to no end. Why can’t you walk with a real taco or tamale ? Hell. I walk around with a bowl of fucking ramen pretty regularly. It’s not that hard.
  9. Wait….. you have friends outside of VAGS?
  10. @JamesRobot and myself used to order Domino’s like 3 or 4 times a week. It was a pizza called the Doublemelt. It’s hard to describe it, but it was fucking amazing. I won’t order from there until they bring it back. #bringbackthedoublemelt
  11. Maybe get a few hours in after work tomorrow.
  12. Shit. I stopped playing when I was you keep on playing. Definitely not playing after your last post
  13. One opened up across the street from me about 2 years ago. Wish it would have been a little Caesar’s.
  14. I’d call that strategy not abuse of power.
  15. May as well lock her up so nobody beats your score
  16. Had things not taken a turn in my day. I think I would have.
  17. Damn! I wish things didn’t turn out the way they did today. I could have done so much better
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