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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. I haven’t played any rad racer this week at all. I’ll put up a better score for this game tomorrow. haven’t been playing Rad racer because I know I can’t beat you. congratulations sports champ! It’s been a busy week for me. Between work and 3 “girlfriends” I haven’t had much time to play vidya games. I’ve got some shit to do tonight, but nothing to do tomorrow. next week I’m working all damn week because @Reed Rothchild is in town for the weekend. Had to pick up an extra shift to take a Saturday off.
  2. You will probably beat me. I can beat the game. But I definitely can’t crack that 68k you’re always talking aboot.
  3. Isn’t that the boss at the end of stage 3? Am I confused aboot the rules ?
  4. I can’t even get my ex that cheated to talk to me anymore. Let alone cheat on the new guy with me. I’d be all in though.
  5. That’s actually not a bad idea. One of the ladies is actually a grandmother, and she has a kid that’s my age.
  6. I’m not that smooth man. I do have to say that I’ve grown to really like women my age or older. That 46-56 age range is the sweet spot for me.
  7. All males man. Get your head out of the gutter.
  8. One of these ladies is only seeing me. The other two are most definitely seeing others. the one who’s only seeing me is definitely a person I’d like to be with forever. Been sleeping with her on and off for 25 years. For whatever reason we never were able to make it work due to life events. Next thing you know, I’m married, she’s married and we just never got the chance to make anything official.
  9. As was said in this thread earlier, I have a very self destructive attitude when I’m alone. But yes, It is easy for me to get into all kinds of trouble when I’m alone. Alcohol has always been my go to self destructive behavior. I guess I decided I’d like to die some other way
  10. I like to work. I work with a bunch of really attractive women too. I’ve been good there though, as I really do like that job.
  11. There have been some very real consequences for my actions over the last 2 years. I am not dead yet. So I guess I’ve dodged that bullet so far.
  12. Finding another hobby can’t be a bad idea. I already get out and do plenty by myself. I love seeing movies alone, I go al least 2 times a week. I also go to an arcade near me at least once a week, and I go out to eat alone. I do quiet like doing these things alone.
  13. Over the last year I had to slow my drinking down or I was gonna kill myself. I am completely done with it for now. When I started to drink less is when I got into trouble. My second favorite thing after drinking is ladies. I love to flirt, especially with attractive older women. Unfortunately they are usually married.
  14. I have. It was me not wanting to change for the better. My mental state regularly ruins good things. I get so deep in depression sometimes that I can’t change things for the better. She is a wonderful person and I still love her very much. But I know she deserved better than me. When she said she was leaving, I didn’t give up much of a fight to keep her.
  15. Added “bad person” to the poll. Sorry I didn’t think of that.
  16. Oddly enough. I look forward to what you have to say. Despite what others say aboot you, I respect the things you say. I will sat that I don’t mind if you call me a bad person or a dumbass though. I have come to terms with my actions. I know I am both of those things.
  17. I am in the best shape of my life. I run 7 minute miles and cycle 100’s of miles per week. So yeah, I’d say i am fit. I thought aboot tinder. But I like things to happen without the interwebs. I’ve know these chicks for many years. All of which I’ve wanted for many years. I struggle with mental illnesses and I make bad decisions. Especially when it comes to women. I will definitely try to cut this shit out. It’s just hard to do.
  18. Correct. I’m I am not looking forward to the confrontation that is inevitably going to happen. I am fit enough to protect myself in certain situations though. Not that it’s going to solve the problem if they go a certain route.
  19. As weird as this sounds, I’m not a very social person. I do go out to places alone. I invite people often and they can’t do it. Being old sucks man
  20. Yeah. I’m not a good person. Maybe I used to be. But all that went out the door a while back. I am beyond regretful for all of this.
  21. It is a lot of work. But I do enjoy these ladies. While I am over 40, I am also in pretty good shape and I love to get out. I run and or cycle everyday, I eat well and I stopped drinking. My problem is I don’t like being alone. it really sucks for me. I go into a deep depression and shut down.
  22. I have a lot of life experience as well. My problem is that when I’m single, I get myself into trouble. I have a very hard time being alone. Loneliness isn’t my favorite feeling.
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